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Allow Companions to wear Class-Specific armor?


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I'm actually not sure if this is a good idea or not — so I'm just putting it here and looking for feedback, both positive and negative.



Basically it's frustrating to find some really cool piece of armor that you can equip, but then be unable to use it to complete your companions' outfits, especially since Companions already inherit stuff like:

  • Your Social level
  • Your Rep levels
  • Your Alignment level
  • etc.


The suggestion here is just that if your character can wear it, so can your companions — including if you're playing, eg, IA and find a piece that says "Imperial Agent, Sith Warrior".



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I'm actually not sure if this is a good idea or not — so I'm just putting it here and looking for feedback, both positive and negative.



Basically it's frustrating to find some really cool piece of armor that you can equip, but then be unable to use it to complete your companions' outfits, especially since Companions already inherit stuff like:

  • Your Social level
  • Your Rep levels
  • Your Alignment level
  • etc.


The suggestion here is just that if your character can wear it, so can your companions — including if you're playing, eg, IA and find a piece that says "Imperial Agent, Sith Warrior".




Unless someone can provide an example of class-specific gear being substantially more overpowered than what is normally available to companions, I don't have a problem with it - but I think the problem is technical in this aspect. From what I've been able to tell, the companions are actually classes in and of themselves. (Meaning: Mako's class is "Mako", Gault's is "Gault", etc.)


I don't think an OR switch can be baked into the gear either (Ex: an item that requires either Smuggler OR Corso), which means it's entirely possible this is another good idea made extremely difficult to implement due to the way the game is structured (much like SGR, being able to learn different weapon classes, lack of "unarmed" weapons, etc.).

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Maybe only having specific companions wear the armor of specific classes other than one's own - so all of Havoc Squad are troopers and should be able to wear trooper armor, but Vette is certainly not a Sith Warrior. But maybe she should be able to wear, say, Op or Smuggler gear.
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I don't think an OR switch can be baked into the gear either (Ex: an item that requires either Smuggler OR Corso), which means it's entirely possible this is another good idea made extremely difficult to implement due to the way the game is structured


Except this is exactly how a lot of the armour already works. Sith Warrior OR Bounty Hunter, etc.


Seriously, I don't understand why class restrictions exist PERIOD, let alone for companions. Who cares if someone's smuggler dresses up like an inquisitor? We can do this just fine with the adaptive stuff now anyway.

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Except this is exactly how a lot of the armour already works. Sith Warrior OR Bounty Hunter, etc.


True, but Torian Cadera and Akaavi Spaar are not considered "bounty hunters" with regard to class restrictions on gear. One could make the argument that Vette and Gault are Smugglers too, and Iresso and Rusk are Troopers, but what is Pierce supposed to be then? And Vector? There are enough companions that don't fit neatly into the class paradigm to make this impossible.


Seriously, I don't understand why class restrictions exist PERIOD, let alone for companions. Who cares if someone's smuggler dresses up like an inquisitor? We can do this just fine with the adaptive stuff now anyway.


Originally, it was to prevent Bounty Hunters from dressing like Juggernauts, or Troopers from dressing like Guardians and vice-versa. Since the advent of the Cartel Market, that ship has sailed, hit an iceberg, and sunk with all hands. So yes I agree. It's time to remove the class restrictions on all the pre-1.7 shells.

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True, but Torian Cadera and Akaavi Spaar are not considered "bounty hunters" with regard to class restrictions on gear. One could make the argument that Vette and Gault are Smugglers too, and Iresso and Rusk are Troopers, but what is Pierce supposed to be then? And Vector? There are enough companions that don't fit neatly into the class paradigm to make this impossible.


The point is not to give them player classes (and shackle them to the already broken armour restriction system along with us.) But they do already HAVE classes. Torian is not a Bounty Hunter, Torian is a "Torian Cadera." Just change the tags from, for example, "Agent and Warrior" to "Agent and Warrior and Vector and Kaliyo and...."


EDIT: But yes, I agree, just removing the class restrictions is a FAR better idea.

Edited by CaliOrion
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