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Will the end of the year expansion have a new warzone map?


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Do you guys think there is a possibility we may get more than one new warzone map in a calendar year? (Assuming this expansion still comes out this year considering the delay of Galactic Barbie Doll Dress Up House Stronghold.)


I love the new Huttball. But with this question we are talking about six months from now, not right now. So please none of the, "You just got something, you're never satisfied comments," please...let's have some foresight.


I'm just curious about this because we are coming up on 3 years at the close of this year and at this point we've only have 3 new warzones released in that whole period, and as of the end of the year, we've only had 1 warzone released in a two year period. I mean I realize BW seems to care about PvP just ever so slightly above their lack of cares for crafting in this game. But even that is redonkulous in comparison to the amount of PvE content released in the last 3 years.


I'm hoping the warzone ideas thread was the start of putting something in motion to come with the expansion. Do you guys think we get a new map with the expansion, or do we get the shaft again while we watch our PvE cousins running around a new operation?

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I don't think we will get another new WZ this year, but next year I think we will. The Devs have been focusing more lately on pvp, so this is a good sign.


They have? Eric just gave us a huge post in March referred to as a "road map" that was completely a list of things they don't plan to do rather than a list of anything they do plan to do. Not buying that they're focused on pvp at all. They are focused on doll houses that will burn your cash into cartel market gold.

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I'd like to see them maybe tweak some of the current maps, like they used to before they just gave up.


Civil War is probably one of the biggest problems with people who leave so I think having something like in Novare coast where holding two nodes deal damage, giving the losing team a chance of a recap and gaining back some ground on the score.


I also like the Temple map in Wildstar, they couldn't certainly do something like that with an Outlaws Den theme and make it 10v10.


Or offering Arenas at a variety of sizes, using the same maps, just larger/smaller 2v2 through to 10v10. It wouldn't require too much work, but as mentioned, since there's zero cartel value in pvp, its put on the back burner.

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They have? Eric just gave us a huge post in March referred to as a "road map" that was completely a list of things they don't plan to do rather than a list of anything they do plan to do. Not buying that they're focused on pvp at all. They are focused on doll houses that will burn your cash into cartel market gold.


They have been focusing on pvp. You must not be playing the game if you don't realize this.

So let me spell it out for you:


-2.7 gave us almost a lot more balance in classes

-just in the last patch we got dailies and weekly missions for ranked

-we concluded the first season 1 of ranked

-we just got a new warzone in Huttball

-in the next few months there will be a period of time when warzone coms/credit rewards for ground and space pvp will be doubled

-ranked season 2 just started and is shortened so as to garner more interest.

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They have been focusing on pvp. You must not be playing the game if you don't realize this.

So let me spell it out for you:


-2.7 gave us almost a lot more balance in classes

-just in the last patch we got dailies and weekly missions for ranked

-we concluded the first season 1 of ranked

-we just got a new warzone in Huttball

-in the next few months there will be a period of time when warzone coms/credit rewards for ground and space pvp will be doubled

-ranked season 2 just started and is shortened so as to garner more interest.


And can you please out line the time periods between season 1 starting and ending, and the arrival of a new 8v8 Warzone map?

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They have been focusing on pvp. You must not be playing the game if you don't realize this.

So let me spell it out for you:


-2.7 gave us almost a lot more balance in classes Was as much PVE as it was PVP iirc

-just in the last patch we got dailies and weekly missions for ranked This isn't new content, it's to put more bads in RWZ so it seems like there's more participation

-we concluded the first season 1 of ranked

-ranked season 2 just started and is shortened so as to garner more interest.Season 1 ending and season 2 starting are the same thing. Not new content either.

-we just got a new warzone in Huttball This was good, though map is full of glitches and bugs to abuse which ofcourse they don't adress.

-in the next few months there will be a period of time when warzone coms/credit rewards for ground and space pvp will be doubledAgain, no content. They just want more participation because of their lacking implementation for pvp.



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I would have used yellow. Had a hard time reading the red, but it was all on point and saved me a reply to confront SOP as "content". How someone sees them starting a season and then 5 months later ending is as content is beyond me.

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They have been focusing on pvp. You must not be playing the game if you don't realize this.

So let me spell it out for you:


-2.7 gave us almost a lot more balance in classes

-just in the last patch we got dailies and weekly missions for ranked

-we concluded the first season 1 of ranked

-we just got a new warzone in Huttball

-in the next few months there will be a period of time when warzone coms/credit rewards for ground and space pvp will be doubled

-ranked season 2 just started and is shortened so as to garner more interest.


-Balance is something that always happens and has as much to do with PvE as it does PvP.

-Ranked dailies/weeklies should have been introduced in 1.2

-Something that is to be expected with all things ranked

-Which took how long to get pushed out?

-Not content, just a nice added bonus which is also not PvP exclusive

-Not sure if this is to garnish more interest but I'll give that one to you.

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I would have used yellow. Had a hard time reading the red, but it was all on point and saved me a reply to confront SOP as "content". How someone sees them starting a season and then 5 months later ending is as content is beyond me.


What I was saying in my post is that bioware is giving more FOCUS on pvp. Content takes time to develop. In the interim in which they are working on newer content, they have increased interest in pvp by doing all the things I outlined in my post. The first step to getting 8v8 ranked back is for there to be more interest in ranked. Everyone complaining about the new ranked dailies and weeklies bringing in more bads, need to do a self evaluation and realize that at one point they to were "bads". We all need to start somewhere and that Bioware is rewarding people for playing ranked is a step in the right direction. One they see the metrics of how many people are playing ranked, 8v8 ranked will be just around the corner, because they won't have to worry about que times as much anymore (which was the reason for the switch to arena's).

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What I was saying in my post is that bioware is giving more FOCUS on pvp. Content takes time to develop. In the interim in which they are working on newer content, they have increased interest in pvp by doing all the things I outlined in my post. The first step to getting 8v8 ranked back is for there to be more interest in ranked. Everyone complaining about the new ranked dailies and weeklies bringing in more bads, need to do a self evaluation and realize that at one point they to were "bads". We all need to start somewhere and that Bioware is rewarding people for playing ranked is a step in the right direction. One they see the metrics of how many people are playing ranked, 8v8 ranked will be just around the corner, because they won't have to worry about que times as much anymore (which was the reason for the switch to arena's).


As a SUBSCRIBER and I only PvP, I have seen ONE new 8v8 in 18 months. Is that value for money? No. They could and should be doing a lot more instead of creating things like GSF and Arenas which no one asked for.


And the only reason why GSF was created, was for Cartel coins!

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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I doubt it. Unless....


Cartel Shop Showdown:


A gold-plated arena for extra harshness on the eyes. Two four-mans enter, only one survives.


Winners each get to pull the tail/lever of a hutt statue that says "ho ho ho" while coin animations fly out of it's *** showering the victors as they auto /dance.


Losers get to lay there and watch until the winners are done (Spectator cam will be implemented in the Showdown map to enhance this feature).

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They are planning to release a new feature after wild star comes out from what I hear:


We understand that currently many servers are experiencing longer wait times for both warzones and ranked warzone queues. In order to remedy this situation, we will be releasing a new token which can be purchased on the cartel market, that when used will automatically put you in front of everyone else in the queue line. Please understand that this does not guarantee you will be put into a warzone if there are not enough players queueing. We have no plans in implementing something like this for the flash points and operations group finder in the near future.

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They are planning to release a new feature after wild star comes out from what I hear:


We understand that currently many servers are experiencing longer wait times for both warzones and ranked warzone queues. In order to remedy this situation, we will be releasing a new token which can be purchased on the cartel market, that when used will automatically put you in front of everyone else in the queue line. Please understand that this does not guarantee you will be put into a warzone if there are not enough players queueing. We have no plans in implementing something like this for the flash points and operations group finder in the near future.


I highly doubt that this is actually really from Bioware. Do you have a link to where you found this?

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The end of the year update has something for PvPers, I'm certain of that. But knowing Bioware, it sure as hell won't be a new map...it'll be an entirely new system. My guess is it'll be 2v2 "Arenas" or something as different as GSF that they call "PvP"...or God-forbid, Pazak vs other players that they can call "PvP" content.
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I don't need a new WZ (or arena). What I need is a larger player pool for PvP arenas / warzones. The only ways to get this are:

  • cross server queuing (not happening)
  • server merges
  • cross faction teams (only affects WZs and solo ranked. This breaks story for most WZs)
  • grow the player population (ha!)


I don't think they are doing any of the above. I'd rather have more energy put into class balancing (e.g. can we make full tanks vialbe for top 4-man arena teams? Operative healers vs other healers?) than another arena/warzone.

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