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Advice for the MVP Vote


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If your getting healing in a Warzone actually give a vote to the person on your team with the most healings. Sick of doing Warzpmes and only seeing top dmg get voted for the MVP of the match.




I usually do top damage, most kills, most guard, etc I get maybe 1 or 2 votes...

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I usually do top damage, most kills, most guard, etc I get maybe 1 or 2 votes...


Same - even having done 200k and 40k healing, I'd still get fewer MVP votes than a healer who has done 50k healing.


Of course, a bigger problem is that usually only 4-5 players even bother to click an MVP button at all (maybe give some tiny incentive to actually vote, like a single commendation?), and what calculates "Objective Score" seems completely arbitrary. I've had 1-0 wins in Huttball where I carried the ball 90% of the way before a teammate finally decided to run in front of me to receive, and yet somehow my objective score was 0.

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Same - even having done 200k and 40k healing, I'd still get fewer MVP votes than a healer who has done 50k healing.


Of course, a bigger problem is that usually only 4-5 players even bother to click an MVP button at all (maybe give some tiny incentive to actually vote, like a single commendation?), and what calculates "Objective Score" seems completely arbitrary. I've had 1-0 wins in Huttball where I carried the ball 90% of the way before a teammate finally decided to run in front of me to receive, and yet somehow my objective score was 0.


There seems to be a bug, where if you get added to a warzone, you can not vote now. I have been a victim of this or you can not vote for people who are in the warzone because they came late or they left/dc'd/etc.


But I agree, there are certainly people who can vote that do not and others that just vote for whom ever or their friend, just cuz.

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It depends. Most of the time I never notice a healer. I either have to heal myself or I die, and I vote accordingly.


I focus almost soley on objectives and ive won a few matches single handedly with bomb plants and slicing terminals but that never nets me MVP either.

Edited by Malaix
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if someone has top dmg most kills chances are they arent focused on objective aka they should be the last ppl you mvp

Same, I always vote on the person who has done the least damage, because that a sure fire way to know they're really contributing. Of course, sometimes it means I'm voting for people who are afk, disconnected, joined the game half way through, simply don't know how to play, or a combination of all 4, but it's worth it to know that sometimes I'll be hitting someone who is doing no damage because they're really, really dedicated to objectives.


Except objectives like killing the person carrying the huttball, killing the people attacking your own carrier, killing people trying to capture or defend a turret and killing people trying to plant or defuse a bomb. But all other objectives than that, they're all over it.

Edited by Syrria
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