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Star Wars Fans "OFFICIALLY" discredit Bioware's Star Wars: The Old Republic


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[According to the fan site Wookieepedia's new policy Bioware's SWTOR (C-Canon) is below the TV series (T-Canon) and now no longer canon.]


The purpose of the Holocron database was to "prevent reboot" and "ensure continuity". The purpose of Wookieepedia is now hazy, being that it was a space for the fans to help give the Expanded Universe "continuity", which is now under their new policy as non continual, unless it gets a shout out from a JJ movie - regardless of fan opinion.


"ensure continuity"

"It is a fan-built version of the Holocron, a database maintained by Lucasfilm[3] to track everything in the Star Wars universe and ensure continuity within it." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wookieepedia


"prevent reboot"

"It is used to establish continuity[5] and prevent reboot[6] of the Star Wars universe, ensuring the integrity of "a singular continuity across all forms of media"[7] using retroactive continuity to resolve discrepancies when necessary.[2]" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocron


"using retroactive continuity to resolve discrepancies when necessary"

"Retroactive continuity, or retcon for short,[1] is the alteration of previously established facts in the continuity of a fictional work.[2]" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retroactive_continuity


What is happening to the EU is more than just an "alteration". It's a complete reboot, in which the Holocron and Wookieepedia were originally created to prevent.


Does this mean, Wookieepedia failed in its mission?


I can understand the Holocron changing its tune. It's corporate property and will do and say what it is paid to do and say, by owner (Iger). But Wookieepedia claims to be run by the fans.


Yet ...


As far as I know, the fans still consider the work that Dark Horse and Bioware has done to be Canon. From the history of the Sith and the Republic, to the Jedi/Sith Code, to the Jedi creed as put forth by Mara Jade's husband, Luke Skywalker. As far as I know, the fans want to see more of Cade Skywalker, more of ancient Tython and more of the ancient Je'daii. They want to see more of Boba Fett, more of the Imperial Guard, more Odan-Urr ...


In fact if you look up any of these Dark Horse/Bioware contributions, they are still archived at Wookieepedia as part of the story (canon), without mentioning the word "Legends". But according to Wookieepedia's own policy we're supposed to conclude now that Wookieepedia's resources are now unreliable as non-canon. That it is now just a resource for paid writers to use, and pretty much not of much use to fans, except for purposes of nostalgia like old toys from the 1980's.


According to Wookieepedia's new policy, Star Wars The Old Republic is now not Canon to the fans, not just the employees of Disney's subsidiaries, but to the fans. What Star Wars fan would agree or say that? I do not know of any. Do you? What about you? Do you know of any fans who agreed to that? How about you?


"All content that was previously considered to be below T-canon is now officially non-canon, unless it is referenced in a new canon work." - http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/WP:CANON


As a fan, I don't understand the purpose of Wookieepedia anymore. Do any of us really? Which takes us to Bioware. Does Bioware care to make a public statement now that "officially" the fans agree that SWTOR is no longer canon?


Will this have an effect on future subscription sales and cartel market purchases in Star Wars: The Old Republic? Does Bioware have a lawyer? Has the game aged so much, that no one cares? In the world of MMO's, SWTOR is pretty unbeatable. But now, its just NOT part of the "official" story. And the fan site of all fan sites, just said SWTOR is non-canon because it is below the TV series (T-canon). So it's "official" the fans no longer accept SWTOR as part of Star Wars.


Fans, are you still there?

Edited by HiddenPalm
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Firstly, this is not a reboot, people need to understand that. This is the definition of a reboot:


In serial fiction, to reboot means to discard all continuity in an established series in order to recreate its characters, timeline and backstory from the beginning.




While the universe that readers knew is changing, it is not being discarded. Creators of new Star Wars entertainment have full access to the rich content of the Expanded Universe.




Disney/Lucasfilm are deciding not to beholden to EU continuity, but they are not starting from scratch, they are going to draw on the EU as a resource just like TCW did when embellishing on the Clone Wars era. And would we call that a reboot? No, it uses existing characters as they have been portrayed in the EU, worlds as they have been potrayed in the EU etc. etc. it is in line with EU continuity, not completely and it is not bound to it, but they hardly discarded it and trail-blazed a new canon. And I expect Rebels and the new novels will follow the same pattern.


An example of an actual reboot would be something like Planet of the Apes, the story is completely different, the characters are completely different, the only similarities are the core concepts, humans, apes etc.


As for the rest, you've completely misunderstood Wookieepedia's stance on this, I suggest you read again. Nobody is discarding or discrediting anything, they are just acknowledging that the EU is not part of official canon. Calm down.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Whats the shock here? Seriously, wasn't this covered when it happened?








According to Leland Chee and Kathleen Kennedy, the ONLY things canon right now are the MOVIES and the CLONE WARS CARTOON.






Any attempt to justify anything else as canon is just you deluding yourself - we got the official word from the very top.


So we're legends now. This is still a good game, so just get over it and be happy we get to play in the SW toybox, even if it doesn't mean a damn thing to the proper SW universe.

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So lets get this straight.


First have have people who are wondering wether or not SWTOR is cannon with the decision that disney made.


Then we had people make many threads about it.


And now apparently a Wiki run by fans (as in not official by any means, they could call the movies non canon if they want) claim that SWTOR isn't cannon.



The simple fact is that there is no debate to be had. We don't know and the only people that can say wether or not SWTOR (and and all of the story Bioware made) is cannon or not either simply don't know are are not talking. (And I don't mean Bioware, they may not even know)

Edited by ninjonxb
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The simple fact is that there is no debate to be had. We don't know and the only people that can say wether or not SWTOR (and and all of the story Bioware made) is cannon or not either simply don't know are are not talking.
The funny thing is, they acknowledged that:


What about...?




Certain sources previously released as Expanded Universe material remain unclear as to whether they are now considered to be canon. Based on statements made by Lucasfilm senior editor Jennifer Heddle and Del Rey publishing, Wookieepedia considers the following. This section may require updating as Lucasfilm releases new updates.




Heddle assumes that the Old Republic era is non-canon, but she notes "that's something we've wondered ourselves" and that "I guess we'll see." She also assumes the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic is non-canon, but she is uncertain, since the game is still ongoing.


Wookieepedia is just sensibly stating the facts, and defining a policy, smart move.

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There's a lot of text, but I'm not sure I really read anything.


I think it basically summarizes as:


"Everything that's not the 7+ films and Clone Wars is now Legends and not part of official canon, but still considered part of the Star Wars expanded universe of legitimate Star Wars stories."


aka what we already knew.


Right? :confused:

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There's a lot of text, but I'm not sure I really read anything.


I think it basically summarizes as:


"Everything that's not the 7+ films and Clone Wars is now Legends and not part of official canon, but still considered part of the Star Wars expanded universe of legitimate Star Wars stories."


aka what we already knew.


Right? :confused:


It's an outrage. An outrage I tell you. I'm so mad right now, I even shook my fist at the monitor. So mad.

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Heddle assumes that the Old Republic era is non-canon, but she notes "that's something we've wondered ourselves" and that "I guess we'll see." She also assumes the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic is non-canon, but she is uncertain, since the game is still ongoing.


Heddle is a book publisher representative, who probably has very little interaction with other aspects of the canon.

And she even claims it herself, she has no clue about the state of the game and just makes assumptions, just like she makes assumptions about the entire Old Republic era (which is basically everything before movies, or at least 1000BBY).


The best thing to do would be directly asking the Story Team members, which nobody did or have not received any response so far.

From what we know, that entire team is listed in this game's credits screen as of GSF expansion. Which probably means they are aware of the game and that BioWare works with them to make this game part of the new unified canon.

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There's a lot of text, but I'm not sure I really read anything.


I think it basically summarizes as:


"Everything that's not the 7+ films and Clone Wars is now Legends and not part of official canon, but still considered part of the Star Wars expanded universe of legitimate Star Wars stories."


aka what we already knew.


Right? :confused:


Pretty much. Until Disney, Lucasarts, or Bioware put out anything official it doesn't matter what the community says.

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