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Bioware: Most of your players are pvp'ers.... figure it out!


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lol....I have been discussing pve content in regards to Operation, flashpoints and such and have made that clear... your post is invalid.


Your entire thread is invalid because your so called facts are nothing but opinions. Doesn't matter how many threads are in the PvP forums all it means is that their is a lot of PvP issues. However, what is known is that this is a PvE centric game and has always been the case. Deal with it.

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Proof?: Just look at the number of threads and posts for pvp compared to pve.... WAY more pvp'ers taking an active roll here.

One can argue that they're on the forums because there's not many people to PvP with/against. :rak_04:

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Most of the players are pvp'ers... I giggled... seriously...


I'm sure I see more people playing pve content and more queues for pve content popping up than to pvp content.


The fact that it seems there are more pvp'ers it's because they whine a lot more than pve'ers. It's a fact.


If an opponent uses a class that doesn't perform / acts / works the way a player wants to pvp and such player is constantly defeated by said opponent, they'll come to the forums and whine that said opponent is OP this and that, and to nerf this and that thus f@#$%¨&* up pve content somehow.


The knock down from shadows (I forgot the name of the tree) and scrapper scoundrels when using a special ability is one example... they removed the knock down from shoot first (per example) because it was too annoying to be knocked down out of nowhere in a warzone.


I fear that someday in the future, pvp matches in this game will be resumed in stare contests... nobody moves, the first to blink is out... :rolleyes:

Edited by Haggardbr
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I guess you see what you want...it disagrees not with what I said.


You stated that the poll was proof that the majority of players are PvP players.

Bioware stated that the poll proves nothing.

And yet you claim that it doesn't disagree with what you said.


You are obviously blinded by your fanaticism.

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Really? It is definitely a FACT that pve has a lot of money making options and pvp does not. Using commendations to buy Isotope 5 and sell them for 100k a pop is a good example. Pvp does not have anything like this. This is a fact. Deal with it!


So what? The fact remains that the title of your thread was that pvpers are majority and it has been proven to you multiple times that it is false. Going on a tangent about isotope 5 is irrelevant. So no it is fact you who must deal with it and accept the fact that you are wrong.

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You stated that the poll was proof that the majority of players are PvP players.

Bioware stated that the poll proves nothing.

And yet you claim that it doesn't disagree with what you said.


You are obviously blinded by your fanaticism.


He's blinded by cherry picking, since, if you just look at Ops vs PvP, instead of the whole poll, he believes it proves his point. He will blatantly ignore, and tell one they don't know how to understand things, when it's pointed out that PvP finished 5th in his poll behind other PvE content, because that PvE content "doesn't count". If they aren't trying to get new ops/fps etc they must be PvPers, despite wanting new PvE content.


ETA: Oh look, another Informative PvP thread

Edited by robertthebard
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Really? It is definitely a FACT that pve has a lot of money making options and pvp does not. Using commendations to buy Isotope 5 and sell them for 100k a pop is a good example. Pvp does not have anything like this. This is a fact. Deal with it!


If you count all pve content that's true.

But adding leveling, daily farming, operations, space pve, flashpoints and all other questing into one pool doesn't really help your argument :rolleyes:

The pool of people doing any of these activities is way bigger than the amount of people who pvp.


(The comms used to buy isotope can only be gotten by farming dailies or fps, ops don't drop basic comms)


And the amount of credits dropping from an operation boss are there to cancel out a few wipes, because in PvE there are repair costs which aren't there in PvP

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Most of the players are pvp'ers... I giggled... seriously...


I'm sure I see more people playing pve content and more queues for pve content popping up than to pvp content.



How often do you queue for PvP? Regular warzones is a one-minute pop most times on my PvE server (Harbinger) while I can sit in Group Finder for half an hour plus as a damage spec.

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Poor OP. Opened a whine thread, got zero support even from other PvPers in the thread, wiped most of his comments, and bailed. Sad thing is, he was likely not trolling. Probably just got his nose bent outta shape, made a thread based on hyperbole and anecdotal evidence, and then went "Oh crap, I am not in a Warzone. These people actually know how to respond with more than just trash talk."


Good luck OP. Stick to the Warzones, cause you were just Honorably Killed in a PvE forum ;)

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Poor OP. Opened a whine thread, got zero support even from other PvPers in the thread, wiped most of his comments, and bailed. Sad thing is, he was likely not trolling. Probably just got his nose bent outta shape, made a thread based on hyperbole and anecdotal evidence, and then went "Oh crap, I am not in a Warzone. These people actually know how to respond with more than just trash talk."


Good luck OP. Stick to the Warzones, cause you were just Honorably Killed in a PvE forum ;)


Best part is this isn't even the only whine thread made

By the op with the deleted posts.


Either angry about pvp often or drunk; option 2 I can relate,


I do wish I could delete some text messages I sent out when drunk

Nothing like going downtown and hooking up with some chick and snapping a quick video,

Then sending the video to a group text of your buds....only not realizing your girlfriend is part of that group text......whoops, where's that delete button

Edited by kirorx
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How often do you queue for PvP? Regular warzones is a one-minute pop most times on my PvE server (Harbinger) while I can sit in Group Finder for half an hour plus as a damage spec.


In the Jedi Covenant, it's not like that most of the time... I often see people asking others to queue in general chat.

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I love how all your stuff got deleted ON BOTH THREADS, cry baby noob much ?


thats the thing...those posts were self deleted, mods will simply remove the post. So OP had to go in edit everything and changed to delete. My guess these threads go poof here shortly.

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My guess these threads go poof here shortly.


I doubt it. What the OP did not realize (IMO) is that if you want to make hyperbolic statements like was done here, then be prepared for broad based pushback. What he really needs is the forum of a new MMO.. where there are many rabid short timers trying the game and crapping all over it in the MMOs forum. He's about 2 years late here. :p


The OP could request that they be removed of course. I hope not... because this thread is link worthy in the future to remind forum members that you cannot come in and make sweeping statements that not even game skeptics (even PvP) will support. But if you want to give it a go.. at least present information that actually supports your assertions. His use of his own forum to "prove" most players are PvPers..... that was some funny stuff... given the poll contradicts his assertions.


The only unfortunate thing about the way this thread went is ---> IMO it make PvPers look bad. However forum veterans know that not all PvPers are this hyperbolic.. and do not hold the entire community responsible for his assertions. :)

Edited by Andryah
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