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Bioware: Most of your players are pvp'ers.... figure it out!


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There is indeed facts and truth in what I say:

1. Pvp'ers need a way to make good money through pvp as the pve'ers have already.


2. Bioware themselves a few months back made the statement that pvp didn't need more stuff because pvp'ers are happy as long as they have something to kill. This was said during a pvp content drought. Hence the reason for this thread.... because they are paying some attention to pvp now, making temporary changes, I do not want to see a pvp content drought again leaving us penniless and without new content.


3.Pvp queue's are getting better, but still need a lot of love. Until we get it it is necessary they are told we demand it. If not it is clear from past statements when we are not vocal they assume we have no needs.


Y'know what... I don't mind these points. (Apart from the insinuation that they're facts.) However:


Hence the reason for this thread....


Your thread is titled: "Most of your players are pvp'ers.... figure it out!"


This ruins anything you have to say for most people. The majority of players are either doing everything, or doing something that is not PvP. And everything you try to use to back up the title of your thread doesn't help it. As Midianlord said:


Sorry, your numbers can be twisted to mean anything, and your poll --Oh my goodness gracious me! A POLL! **** just got REAL, people!-- realistically only voted on by a vanishingly small proportion of the population, likely nowhere near enough to be considered representative by any rigourous definition.



You should just leave this thread, or go start another, more helpful thread where you don't call people who disagree with you trash-talking trolls. That doesn't do anything to get people on your side.

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lol....I have been discussing pve content in regards to Operation, flashpoints and such and have made that clear... your post is invalid.


Oh, so because the data I retrieved from the poll you linked doesn't coincide with what you want us to think, it's invalid. If part of your own evidence is invalid, then all of it is. Sorry your poll doesn't support your claims, but you brought it into this dialog, there is more to PvE than simply FPs and Ops. I realize it sucks to be *****slapped by your own poll, but such is life. When you open your mouth, and stick your foot in it, there's always going to be someone like me to point it out. So, how's that leather tasting?

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Where does dichotomy between PvPrs and PvErs even come from? The most of people I meet do both, myself included.

I am currently building Brutalizer and Dread Forged/Oriconian sets both. I am very glad about any content released to game. Even Cartel Packs, even if I would prefer new ops over new clothes. But, if they aren't givin' me ops it's better they give even clothes:D

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Ya, because you never misspell a word. Lame! Troll at best.


I do misspell words. I just make sure to proofread before I enter and to check words underlined in red by autocorrect.


Oh, and this calling everyone a troll thing is making yourself seem like one. Ironic, eh? :rolleyes:

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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Proof?: Just look at the number of threads and posts for pvp compared to pve.... WAY more pvp'ers taking an active roll here. I am not saying they have totally neglected pvp'ers..... infact they are starting to do a lot better as of late. But in the past they give the pvp'ers a little love and then abandon us for tooo long....lets not do that again.


Give us some new (different looking) pvp gear, give us permanent options to make good money, and do some major things to keep the queue's poppin. As well an occasional new warzone.


I will admit this thread is ill timed since right now they are starting to focus on us finally. Perhaps its just a final rant to try and see to it they don't quickly change course again and forget about the majority of its players.


IF that's true, that's ONLY because they've driven off most of their PvE'ers by not releasing steady questing content.

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Um....there is an operations vote on the poll....that would be valid. I am sorry that you do not understand basic things.


I do understand basic things, and that's where you are having the problem, the fact that I can look at your poll, and see the difference between PvP content and PvE content, and the disparity in the numbers. So, in context with the thread title, and your subsequent linking of your poll that blows your premise out of the water, maybe it's you that doesn't understand basic things. Just a hint, if the majority of players were PvPcentric players, then Planets wouldn't have garnered nearly twice as many votes as PvP. Note the emphasis on nearly, so you can't try to latch onto that as a lifeline for your sinking ship.

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If your a troll your a troll. I started a thread and brought valid points to it... that is not what trolls do.


Well, I'm done with this thread anyway. Its starting to get boring, and I see it going nowhere.


As for your pitiful troll attempt, I'll give you a 4/10. Try harder next time and you might be able to get above a 5. :rolleyes:

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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WHAT? @>@ How much pve content do you want? As even your trolls have said....the majority of the game is pve....look around the fleet, nothing but pve content icons everywhere!


Why is that, I wonder? If the majority of players were PvPcentric, don't you think those would be PvP items, instead of PvE? I realize that it takes your victim complex to new lows, but hey, you chose to open the thread, and then chose to disregard anything that doesn't support your claim, even after you introduce it as evidence. Yes, I understand you want to cherrypick to get the best results, but I'm not going there with you. The fact is, you are wrong, and now have to fight tooth and nail to try to appear right. I'm enjoying the show, I may even screenshot the pages and use them in a "what not to do" topic for debate down the line.

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They focus on pve content because they want more players and they think pve content will get it for them.... the idea is that they will have their buddies sub and join for the group content. This is what causes the pve crowd to get overlooked to begin with.


You're going in circles now, not sure what you're trying to say because you say they focus on PvE, but PvE players are getting overlooked. Now, what I think you meant to say is that PvP players are being overlooked, but since they got a new PvPcentric map in the last update, even if was Huttball, as opposed to no new PvE maps, again, you don't have much of a leg to stand on.

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Obviously the game is dominated by PvP players... that's why the PvP servers are almost always "Light" when the others are "Standard" or "Heavy"... :rolleyes:


The game is dominated by PvP players as evidenced by the number of PvP servers compared to PvE or even RP servers... :rolleyes:


The game is dominated by PvP players, it's obvious when you look at how fast the PvP ques pop compared to, say, the KDY ques... :rolleyes:


I could go on, but I think I made my point.

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From your own Poll thread.


I won't disagree with any of the points you have made. Polling definitely has many benefits, and understanding player feedback from the forums is certainly a component of that.


You didn't actually hit on the reason we don't do them generally, and that is perception. I realize I just insinuated that there is a perception problem (dirty words!!!) but hear me out first :). Unfortunately the forums can exist in a vacuum. That is, that people will often think that what is reflected in the forums is always the reality of how things are for everyone. Polling all too often reinforces that belief. Let me give you an example.


Let's say someone posted a poll "What Warzone map style would you like to see next in a new map? Huttball, Alderaan, or Voidstar"


After 2 weeks or so of voting, Alderaan has the most votes with 40%, and 300 people voting for it. 3 months later, we release a new patch, and we have a new Huttball map. The general users of the forums, will not be pleased. If you look at the poll and only at the poll you will get things like "EVERYONE AGREED WE WANTED ALDERAAN!" By making the poll, it is implied that the poll is the core metric to a decision being made; it is just one component. That is not to say forum opinion doesn't matter, of course. It is just that it is merely a sampling.


Think of it this way... in my previous example 300 people voted for the winning selection. I will spare you the math, but if hundreds of thousands of people play SWTOR, 300 is a fraction of a percent. We can't sway entire decisions based on just that poll. However, people look to polls to justify decisions and unfortunately things just aren't that simple.


That is the long form on why we typically don't do polling.


TLDR - People assume poll results indicate // guarantee actual majority opinion and assume it will solely affect decision making.




Thanks for providing evidence disproving yourself. It shure is hilarious.

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