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'Wings of the Architect' headed to the Cartel Market?


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PvP rewards should have been something very PvP related. Some rewards that I would have loved to have seen: An exclusive color crystal, armor set/weapon/hat that are PvP themed (not a colored version of Obroan/Oriconian/Dread Forged/Brutalizer), a mount somewhat related to Huttball or Ancient Hypergate, reusable WZ medpacs and reusuable WZ medpacs, exclusive emote/action etc. Basically something very related to the swtor game for PvP and NOT something widely recognized in the Star Wars community like Rancors.

I think this is an excellent point, and a great idea for possible future rewards.

Edited by Khevar
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Until Timmy gets mad cause PvPers get something he's been asking for.

While I'm pretty sure you're just trying to be silly, the fact of the matter is, Akushii makes a really good point.


Something specifically PvP-themed, that directly relates to PvP, or is of benefit to someone that does PvP, would make a really good "Season X PvP Reward."


Don't you think?

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Not really. The highest tier of PvP players are easily more skilled than the highest tier of pinata beaters in OPs.


er, what? More skilled at getting nerfs thrown around, maybe? If, as you claim, these guys and gals were all that good, then no game dev ever would have to throw out nerfs that adversely affect PvE to cater to them. Like I said previously, probably somewhere else, I'm sure that Darth Malgus didn't come here complaining that I used Saber Ward and Enraged Defense to outlast him when he one shotted the rest of my group, and I not only survived that attack, but managed to kill him. However, there was this gem from last night: Informative PvP topic that was so good, the OP had to delete the first post due to the shame heaped on him. Sorry, maybe the PvP crowd should start policing their own if they don't want to be lumped into a specific category. In the meantime, since every PvP post I've read on the general forum follows this guy's example, short of deleting the topic post, that is, I'm not buying it.


Since I've been involved in more than one MMO's forums, I can tell you, he's not a unique situation, or some anomaly, but pretty much par for the course. I don't even dislike PvP, other than the majority of what's available here, WZs and griefers that hang out at lowbie quest zones, flagged so they can run into AoEs of lowbies to get their "PvP" on. When the 55s show up, you'd swear they had speed hacks, they got back to one of their guard posts so fast. That's not unique to here, although the mechanic is. I've spent days chasing griefers out of lowbie quest zones in more than one MMO. Takes a lot of skill at 55 to kill somebody on a lvl 20 though, so I suppose you're right.

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While I'm pretty sure you're just trying to be silly, the fact of the matter is, Akushii makes a really good point.


Something specifically PvP-themed, that directly relates to PvP, or is of benefit to someone that does PvP, would make a really good "Season X PvP Reward."


Don't you think?


Oh, don't me wrong. I agree completely that PvP rewards should be useful in PvP. I'm just pointing out the obvious outcome if the reward is something someone here was really wanting but is exclusive to pvp.

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The NiM that Kephass drops in EC is by far my favorite speeder in game. To ME, it IS on par with any other mount.


But your reasoning is just excuse making Darth...let the character drop whatever "exclusive" skin they want in Ops, but to limit the model they used for that mount is just silly. "Jetpacks" aren't exclusive to Brontes and "Tanks" aren't exclusive to one character either. Release similar models on the CM and all is fair imo.


AlienEyeTX is right, they're treating PvE different than PvP with this whole "exclusive" bunk.


And your solution would still be treating PvE different from PvP, because the PvE skins will be around for as long as the game is active, and the PvP skins are limited time availability. So to be really fair, they need to re-offer the Season 1 PvP skin, as well as re-use the PvE models for the CM.

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The highest tier of PvP players are easily more skilled than the highest tier of pinata beaters in OPs.


er, what? More skilled at getting nerfs thrown around, maybe? If, as you claim, these guys and gals were all that good, then no game dev ever would have to throw out nerfs that adversely affect PvE to cater to them. Like I said previously, probably somewhere else, I'm sure that Darth Malgus didn't come here complaining that I used Saber Ward and Enraged Defense to outlast him when he one shotted the rest of my group, and I not only survived that attack, but managed to kill him. However, there was this gem from last night: Informative PvP topic that was so good, the OP had to delete the first post due to the shame heaped on him. Sorry, maybe the PvP crowd should start policing their own if they don't want to be lumped into a specific category. In the meantime, since every PvP post I've read on the general forum follows this guy's example, short of deleting the topic post, that is, I'm not buying it.


Since I've been involved in more than one MMO's forums, I can tell you, he's not a unique situation, or some anomaly, but pretty much par for the course. I don't even dislike PvP, other than the majority of what's available here, WZs and griefers that hang out at lowbie quest zones, flagged so they can run into AoEs of lowbies to get their "PvP" on. When the 55s show up, you'd swear they had speed hacks, they got back to one of their guard posts so fast. That's not unique to here, although the mechanic is. I've spent days chasing griefers out of lowbie quest zones in more than one MMO. Takes a lot of skill at 55 to kill somebody on a lvl 20 though, so I suppose you're right.


WoW was the first MMO, and therefore the greatest. Hook. Line. Sinker.

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Yes, it does a good job of that... Thanks for giving us a clear picture of how little you care about PvP.


Putting Rancors on the CM is a mistake. Sooner or later, you will realize that. There should only be two Rancor mounts ingame. One from PvP, and one from NiM DP (as planned).


PVPers really did not need Eric's comment regarding our dreadful mount to know how little they care about PVP. The mount in itself sums up what they think of PVPers....bunch of morons who love shiny crap to parade around on.


You do not recall his Q&A recently?




Add to that the removal of ranked 8s, you do not fix what is not broke.


The lack of a group finder queue system to select warzone style.


Next to no new warzones, and the 2 we did get are the worse ones.


No valor or expertise gating for ranked, in effect making a total mockery of the whole system.


The half assed garbage that is bolster.


We all know cross server is never coming.


The comment where they believe that PVPers do not need much new content, we can make our own as we are happy just to kill things.


Need I go on?

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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WoW was the first MMO, and therefore the greatest. Hook. Line. Sinker.


What is this WoW you're speaking of, I've never heard of it.


Ok, I've heard of it, but it's never been installed on any of my machines, and posts like the one quoted here are exactly the reason for that. So, if Blizzard ever decided to be mad about not getting my money, not likely I know, they can blame you, and people just like you.

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I figured I'd give my points on this, too, since everyone else seem to be.


A time and effort exclusive mount.

An effort exclusive mount.


One of them is a variation, the other is unique. If I were to personally set which mount would be a (unique) variation I would pick the time sensitive one. Yes, you will need some effort to obtain the wings even after an expansion, but you needed effort to get the season 1 rewards, too. As in, you actually needed to play the game!


Additionally, for better or for worse, this game draws an audience not because of its PvP, even though a lot of people enjoy doing it. This game, at its core, was not designed to be a PvP game.


So lets turn to why having dungeon exclusive vanity items is a good thing: Because it's the ONLY thing making sure people return and see old content once newer content is released. If you don't have one thing present in a dungeon that people would like to own no matter their level, then as soon as that dungeon is no longer having the best equipment, it would be abandoned and newer players would never experience the story and the work put down in it. In short, they'd be missing a large portion of the game.


I own neither the EC nor the SnV NiM mount, but I want to, and as gear progresses I will still want them. This will mean that for me, in 2 years time if I have some time to kill with my guild, I/we will consider going there.


Making this into a PvE vs PvP discussion is borderline retarded and smells of 13-year old crybaby. Stop trying to manufacture a divide that isn't there.

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Wait? So you're now trolling your own thread? Doesn't that defeat the object of having an intelligent debate about the supposed disparity between PVP and PVE?


Just having a bit of fun at this point. Like I said earlier, I made my point, Eric responded and that's all that can be done. We can hope he takes some of these suggestions to the next internal meeting that deals with such stuff and a solution is considered. There's really nothing else to be done from the consumer POV. Once the producer acknowledges the concern of the consumer it's just a wait and see.

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Yes, it does a good job of that... Thanks for giving us a clear picture of how little you care about PvP.


Putting Rancors on the CM is a mistake. Sooner or later, you will realize that. There should only be two Rancor mounts ingame. One from PvP, and one from NiM DP (as planned).


They can keep their PVP rancor, I'm glad they are adding one to the CM tho I'd prefer a one week long quest chain.


Nothing changed in Season 2, still a lot of game throwing, queue synqing, rage quitting, bad matchmaking etc is solo queues. Wouldn't be shockend if guilds would also win trade in team ranked, but I hardly get to play that mode.


So yeah keep those mounts, I don't want to be in the same tier as those losers and BW just doesn't react.


Rating in SWTOR doesn't reflect anything.

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Anyone who expected the PvP rancor to be anything other than a reskin was delusional, the rating system was a joke and easily gamed with a whole lot of guilds gaming the system with count ins and win trading.
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Passive agressive much?


Look, we get it. You are upset that the PvP rancor shares the same animation skeleton as the CM and NiM rancors...


Let me put it this way, would you be satisfied if another jetpack mount showed up on the CM but it looked like this instead of this?


I mean, you picked a mount that is specifically diffuse when it comes to models. After all, a jetpack is a jetpack no matter the model.

Now, if you had used this as an example and asked for it without the weapons and in another colour, then sure. That would be a different story.

And most wouldn't mind if it was released on the CM because the NiM model is sufficiently different. (remember, your rancor isn't just black. It also has numerous bits and pieces that are not on the CM rancor. Not to mention the neon patterns.)


So yeah, this is not what you are making it out to be.

Most raiders wouldn't mind if their mounts were released on the CM in a different form (ie. Other textures and added/removed bits) because alot of them already have.


So how about you quit your whining and grow a pair? You park your rancor next to someone with a CM rancor and it'll be pretty obvious who has the "hard to earn" rancor.



I earn mine as well, through a hourly wage as I don't have time to sit at home all day with my buddies "Gikkity gooing" in vent or team speak on how I can CC/stun lock someone to death while dpsing them into the respawn area.


I PvP in this game 80% of the time because the operations just bore the **** out of me and get my MMO fix from killing players and being killed by them and have no problem with them putting these Rancors in this game, the guy whining about this needs to go find a game where the devs are like minded in rewards (because this is not the game for him).


This game was never marketed as a PvP game, if it was, the population would be a lot smaller.

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Yes, it does a good job of that... Thanks for giving us a clear picture of how little you care about PvP.


Putting Rancors on the CM is a mistake. Sooner or later, you will realize that. There should only be two Rancor mounts ingame. One from PvP, and one from NiM DP (as planned).


Don't forget that PvPers will not be adding anything to a guild's stronghold (so a person who PvPs in their guild is once again deadweight). It makes the lack of caring about PvPers becomes even more evident.

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Don't forget that PvPers will not be adding anything to a guild's stronghold (so a person who PvPs in their guild is once again deadweight). It makes the lack of caring about PvPers becomes even more evident.


Are we certain that PvP won't have benefits for Strongholds?

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Are we certain that PvP won't have benefits for Strongholds?

They mentioned conquering planets but then they said it would be PvE. I'm guessing the ONLY "benefit" is that maybe PvPers will be able to "gank" PvEers (at least on PvP servers) in the open World while PvEers try to "conquer" planets. :(

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Biofail only cares about the cash shop drones and milking the casuals for more reskinned cosmetic garbage. They haven't had a care in the world for PvPers since well... ever.


How would you know? You've only been here a day :rolleyes:


Besides, the last time BW "cared" about PvP was 4/8/2014 with patch 2.7 that introduced a new PvP map and the rewards for season 1 of ranked PvP, or possibly 2.7.1 with the introduction of Season 2 of ranked PvP.


But hey, I guess that could be interpreted as "ever" :rolleyes:

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