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Underwater Explorer and Adventurer Armor JetPack Frustration/Bug?


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More likely to get comments on the jet pack over in the bug report forum.. where I believe there are already one or two threads about it. Tait is pretty good about reading/responding to the bug report forum.


I already posted one, which is still on the first page. I hope we get a response and that it is addressed. :jawa_wink:

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I get what you are saying, but as there is no underwater travel in this game, the jetpack/rocketpack (whatever you wish to address it as) should work like the other Bounty Hunter armor chest pieces that have a jetpack on the back (should they work as intended and are not bugged.)


Well there is no actual flight either... you're discussing semantics really.

It is what it is, which is a jetpack for underwater travel.

Why would you assume that it would work like a rocketpack just because there is no underwater travel in the game?

That would be like assuming that a rocket pack should be able to get you to fly like a flying mount.

Or to say that blaster rifles should fire farther than 35 meters...


It's not a bug, it's not a rocket pack.

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Not only that.. BUT...firing off a jet pack under water is a bad idea. You will boil your private parts for sure.


There is a reason that submarine launched missiles (both icbm and cruise varieties) are ejected to the surface on compressed gas and do not ignite their engines until they pop through the surface of the water.


I think I have to correct you there Andryah.

You are thinking of this when you say jet pack. But that is actually a rocket pack. A jet pack would work on this principle and that wouldn't boil anything..


Granted, the popular nonmenclature for rocket packs is "jetpack" but that doesn't mean it works on the jet engine principle.

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I don't need to be told anything. There is no underwater travel in this game. The model includes a jetpack, and it should be used as such. There is no written rule saying a jetpack on an underwater set can't be used anywhere but underwater. In the real world, rockets can go from underwater to the air. (i.e.
) The same should apply here, especially in the Star Wars Universe.


That's nice and all, but you are confusing jet propulsion with rocket propulsion.

The video you show is of a rocket propelled missile. Not a jet propelled one.

Using a Pump-jet propulsion (which is what the item on the back of these packs look like) would not make you do anything above water.

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That's nice and all, but you are confusing jet propulsion with rocket propulsion.

The video you show is of a rocket propelled missile. Not a jet propelled one.

Using a Pump-jet propulsion (which is what the item on the back of these packs look like) would not make you do anything above water.


As I said before in this thread, what ever you would like to call the pack, the jetpack/rocket pack is the SAME model used for properly working gear with the desired animation. SAME model.


And as I said before (again) there is no underwater travel in this game, so labeling the pack's model, which is actively being used for other gear, as a "pump jet" is reaching. I could care less if the gear has "Underwater" in it. It doesn't change the fact that it is the SAME model used for other gear, which have properly used animations. :jawa_evil:


Your argument was already posted before, if you cared to read. If you don't want the gear to animate or don't care about the gear, I don't understand the need to stop in this thread and try to argue. :jawa_mad:


Based on the view count of this and the threads in the Bug Reporting forum, it seems I am not alone here.

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IMO, it isn't a jet pack. It is an undewater propulsion pack. And... more importantly... indicative of where we might be going at the end of the year! And no, Jetpacks and Underwater propulsion packs are not the same thing. It is not a bug.


You are complaining because your scuba gear doesn't work as a Jet Pack. Lol!

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IMO, it isn't a jet pack. It is an undewater propulsion pack. And... more importantly... indicative of where we might be going at the end of the year! And no, Jetpacks and Underwater propulsion packs are not the same thing. It is not a bug.


You are complaining because your scuba gear doesn't work as a Jet Pack. Lol!



Manaan is coming in September. That's not end of the year.


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IMO, it isn't a jet pack. It is an undewater propulsion pack. And... more importantly... indicative of where we might be going at the end of the year! And no, Jetpacks and Underwater propulsion packs are not the same thing. It is not a bug.


You are complaining because your scuba gear doesn't work as a Jet Pack. Lol!


I agreed for the longest time, but then I noticed something...

Namely this and this.


So I am now completely recinding my previous statements and admitting that I am probably wrong in this.

This should most likely be a working in-game jetpack since it has been used as one on earlier models.

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I may be one of the only ones, but I love the way these armor sets look on my Bounty Hunter. :jawa_smile:


However... what is the point of having a jet pack on the back of the chest piece if the rocket boost comes out of the feet of the character instead?! If there is a booster pack on the back, why not have the rocket boost come from there? I'm not sure if this was intentional, or yet another bug. :jawa_frown:


Remember the BH set that you can now buy with Completed Bounty Contracts instead of credits? It was the same issue, I remember threads about how it was disappointing that the backpack actually didn't act as a jetpack but they never cared about it.


My BH is still wearing an Arkanian chestplate with that ugly antenna on my shoulder to have a working jetpack... This is just sad when you consider that jetpacks are one of the BH's coolest features in Star Wars from the movies to... The Old Republic (remember the

cinematic trailer?) yet it is a pain to have a decent chestplate with one. Edited by demotivator
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IMO, it isn't a jet pack. It is an undewater propulsion pack. And... more importantly... indicative of where we might be going at the end of the year! And no, Jetpacks and Underwater propulsion packs are not the same thing. It is not a bug.


You are complaining because your scuba gear doesn't work as a Jet Pack. Lol!

So you think it's more logical to shoot out your scuba feet?

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I agreed for the longest time, but then I noticed something...

Namely this and this.


So I am now completely recinding my previous statements and admitting that I am probably wrong in this.

This should most likely be a working in-game jetpack since it has been used as one on earlier models.

I'm happy to here it. That's one of the reasons I was trying to point out from the get-go. :jawa_redface:


I love the way these sets look, and being that they are from the CM and new... I'd hope the Devs address it.


Remember the BH set that you can now buy with Completed Bounty Contracts instead of credits? It was the same issue, I remember threads about how it was disappointing that the backpack actually didn't act as a jetpack but they never cared about it.


My BH is still wearing an Arkanian chestplate with that ugly antenna on my shoulder to have a working jetpack... This is just sad when you consider that jetpacks are one of the BH's coolest features in Star Wars from the movies to... The Old Republic (remember the

cinematic trailer?) yet it is a pain to have a decent chestplate with one.

Ugh, I know what you mean! :jawa_frown:


So you think it's more logical to shoot out your scuba feet?

LOL! I couldn't agree more! :jawa_smile:

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