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LSR: Custom Multiple Loading Screen Randomizer


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After getting entirely too carried away turning screenshots of our beautiful TOR babies into custom loading screens one evening, a buddy said to me "This would be better if we could use more than one at a time." I agreed, and set out to make it so.


After making this possible, her gleeful chortles of joy convinced me that I should share with the rest of the world, so here goes:


This is a tiny program that allows you to shuffle multiple .jpg files in as your loading screen for The Old Republic. While running, it will select a random filename from the list you provide it with, and replace the default loading screen with it. It does not modify any of your actual in-game data, although if I were you, I wouldn't trust what some random person on the internet told me.


The source code and more in-depth read-me's are included in each archive, and these are the links:


LSR minimal: The simplest, lightest version. It's written in C++ and should run on any modern Windows machine. On the down side, it's not user friendly. Any files you want to randomize/rotate have to be manually written into a .txt file that LSR can read from before it can be used.


LSR full: The updated Java-based version. The major improvements: this version has a minimal set of GUI controls, and automatically scans a folder and uses all the images it finds in that folder. You can now start/stop randomization/rotation at any time via buttons on the user interface, as well as manually select a specific background file at any time. You can also select a custom directory in this version, although LSR will not save the selection on exiting, so you'll have to re-select a directory every time you start up if you don't want to use the default.

Edited by CaliOrion
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After getting entirely too carried away turning screenshots of our beautiful TOR babies into custom loading screens one evening, a buddy said to me "This would be better if we could use more than one at a time." I agreed, and set out to make it so.


Yowza ! Great one. :ph_thank_you:


Too bad we can't post screenshot thumbnails in topics so folks can easily pick the ones they like to expand the set with

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--Added the option to rotate your loading screens sequentially as well as randomize them.

--Removed the approximately ten trillion loading screens that were included with the download, sorry about that. There are now only three demo screens included.

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  • 5 weeks later...

One could just create a .js file that does the following:


1. Read from a list of files located in 'some directory' ( where you keep your images )

2. Randomly take one, rename it, and toss into the appropriate game directory.

3. Run game launcher.


Create a shortcut to this on your desktop.


No need to run an unknown exe you found in the internet. Just learn a little javascript :)

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One could just create a .js file that does the following:


1. Read from a list of files located in 'some directory' ( where you keep your images )

2. Randomly take one, rename it, and toss into the appropriate game directory.

3. Run game launcher.


Create a shortcut to this on your desktop.


No need to run an unknown exe you found in the internet. Just learn a little javascript :)

Why even go through that much trouble? Javascript.... Pfftt


Just use Powershell or a plain and simple batch file if you're that afraid of something that is so easily verifiable as the included source code.

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  • 3 months later...

UPDATE: I have completely rewritten this program from scratch in Java. The new and improved version includes automatic use of all image files you place in a certain subfolder - no more manually editing and maintaining a .txt file, and no more "oh my god, there are loading screens all over this folder, I can't even find the program." Want to add a new screen? Just drop it in the subfolder. Source files are once again included for the paranoid among us who wish to compile it themselves - or the ambitious who want to improve upon it. HINT HINT.


Note that the new version requires Java to be installed on your computer to run. Get LSR here and Get Java here!

Edited by CaliOrion
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Nice and here's a repost of a few loading screen I made:


  1. BH
  2. Jugg
  3. Sith vs Rancor
  4. Mara



Looking for more good pics if you got any...

I wish I had some! I'm afraid my artistic skills end with "took a screenshot of my character." I tried finding a thread with other people's screens (I've seen mention of such a thing existing,) but after 9 pages of posts like "Help: Stuck on the loading screen forever," I gave up. If anyone has more loading screens to share, I'd love to see them!

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Can't say I am happy with the change to Java, memory consumption on java programs seem to be exponential to the length of time it runs. Also feels like much overkill for a very simple thing and not worth to keep a run-time up to date to close off all of the exploitable bugs various releases contains (seems like it is always some kind of exploitable something in every run-time release that needs an update). I do however applaud the idea itself. And will gladly stick to using the previous version even though it simply goes through my images in sequence of the list in the txt file. Edited by LeJarC
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Basically what it boils down to is that I'm a busy engineering student with not enough free time. Since I was taking a required Java programming class this semester, I combined a class project with my gaming hobby and killed two birds with one stone. I'd love to have the time to code whatever I want for whatever reasons I want, but alas, life is what it is. ;)


Also there should be two versions of the old C++ program in that download archive just like there are for the new version - something like "LSR-random.exe" and "LSR-rotate.exe" - does the random one not work? I still have the source around, if there's a problem with it, let me know and I can look into fixing it when I get a little bit of time free. The java rewrite was just an excuse to add the automatic file indexing; the randomization function should already have been available in the original if you wanted it.

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Basically what it boils down to is that I'm a busy engineering student with not enough free time. Since I was taking a required Java programming class this semester, I combined a class project with my gaming hobby and killed two birds with one stone. I'd love to have the time to code whatever I want for whatever reasons I want, but alas, life is what it is. ;)

Is cool man :) no worries.


Also there should be two versions of the old C++ program in that download archive just like there are for the new version - something like "LSR-random.exe" and "LSR-rotate.exe" - does the random one not work? I still have the source around, if there's a problem with it, let me know and I can look into fixing it when I get a little bit of time free. The java rewrite was just an excuse to add the automatic file indexing; the randomization function should already have been available in the original if you wanted it.

Oh dear :) did I miss an update?


I just redownloaded the archive from the first post and indeed, this file has two versions. The zip file I had came with just the one executable (LSR.exe) and the sourcefile main.cpp (and of course the extras). The 'new' old one however does indeed have the rotate version. Thanks man :D

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