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Compilation of broken jetpacks. Bioware, please fix them.


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I wanted to start this thread to compile a list of all broken jetpacks in the game that still generate flames from the feet when utilizing rocket boost or Bounty Hunter abilities


To start:


Contract Hunter Chestguard

Underwater Adventurer Rebreather

Underwater Explorer Rebreather (I know people will say this is an air tank, but it has the same model as other jetpacks and it makes no sense that characters would wear scuba gear on dry land. Until it's been confirmed by Bioware that flames were never meant to be emitted, I'm calling it a bugged jetpack.)

Bounty Hunter Campaign armors


Please post with any other jetpacks you know to be broken. Compiling them all in one place will hopefully make it easier for Bioware to fix them.

Edited by Millardkillmoore
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I posted this in General, but I will post it here as well:


Both the Underwater Explorer and Underwater Adventurer Armor sets do not utilize the jetpack attached to the chest piece. The rocket boost instead comes from the character's feet. Based on the model of the chest piece and from popular consensus, the rocket boost animation should come from the jetpack on the chest piece - not from the character's feet.


I am not sure if this was intentional, or a bug. If it is intentional, it doesn't really make sense to have an unusable jetpack (there is no underwater travel in-game) and should be corrected. If it is a bug, please fix it. These are easily some of the best Bounty Hunter sets available. It's a shame the jetpack is not currently being utilized.


An In-game bug ticket has been submitted. I would suggest anyone else reading do the same.


Original Thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=741049

Edited by dakajojo
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I posted this in General, but I will post it here as well:


[both the Underwater Explorer and Underwater Adventurer Armor sets do not utilize the jetpack attached to the chest piece.


These are actually jetpacks ? How do they work under water ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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The Black Talon chest has a backpack, not a jet pack, more akin to trooper armor.


Most classic armor pieces that had jet packs right from release do work. Crafted stuff, items you get from story and planet missions etc.


The problems started when they implemented new gear styles that did not exist and when all the adaptive stuff was added.


Warhero PvP gear was when I noticed it for the first time that armor especially made for Bounty Hunters didn't have a working jet pack.

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Underworld/Verpine aim gear has a working jetpack for bounty hunters, the problem is it the flames show up on the trooper as well, which has no jet pack...


I use that on my trooper and love that I have working flame jets on my back. I hope they don't fix this one.

I won't actually use rocket boots on characters that don't have something equipped where the flames come out of the back. I wish they'd make a "speed run" equivalent we could also purchase so we'd have a choice.

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How about some love for the jet packs that shoot flames out to the side and upside down. That'd be nice. Been wearing the same chest for 1.5 years and it still has a twerking flame nozzle.


Time to get serious people, have the most iconic item of the bounty hunter class EVER had a working jetpack? Get your crap in order BW

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Just to add to the list of "wrong" jetpacks:


The Battleworn Triumvirate Armor spawns two Muzzles floating in the air (at about the kidneys) when activating Rocket Boost. IMHO it should actually work like normal armour (read: have jetboots)

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