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Mandalorian Hunter Armor Set - Dye Bug


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If it's broken it needs fixed. Majority rules. If you bought something based on the "broken" look, it is your fault. I got my current armor sets because of how they looked originally, and now a ton of these things are screwed up across the board, not just the Mando Hunter set.


The underlying issue that has these items not coloring correctly needs found and fixed so that the sets look the way they are supposed to.

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I could be wrong, but if you look at how the patterns (of the texture) show, I would almost say that the texture is miss-aligned or oriented in the wrong way.


Even without putting any paint in, the pattern still looks off. and very asymmetric. The boots also do not match with each other, they are two different models (as not the left being a mirror copy of the right, but totally different as in wearing a left boot from one set and right boot from yet another set)


This becomes more apparent when previewing a paint module where the primary color is a dark one and the secondary a light one, the darker the primary color, the more it emphasizes the asymmetry.


the parts that are affected by the secondary color are only the stripes on the chest, the caps of the grenades on the arm and some patches on the other items.


I saw a mention of that wear'n tear effects might be the cause but these also show up as bare patches or lighter shades of the area's color. Look at for instance the back of the helmet if dyed with Dark Red/Pale Red. There are clearly some blotches and dents showing where the paint is merely grazed, thus lighter, and completely worn off, showing the bare metal.

Edited by LeJarC
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