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New player here..

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Barely started the game ( play-time wise ). So first and only character is trooper to try and learn this game. How should one be played PVE and PVP ( eventually ). In this game, how is one supposed to keep aggro, heal with the commando class ( i think this is the class that is ranged healer of the two ), etc.?
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I would actually reccomend you not start with a Trooper, i would reccomend either a Sith Sorcerer or a Jedi Sage for your first character, they are pretty easy to play as a DPS, and both get a Melee Tank companion to start with, which helps in most fights. If your looking for a good story to play first, DEFINATELY dont play a Trooper, instead if your playing for Story, play an Imperial Agent.
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Play any class you want, all are more or less equally easy to level.


Crew skills for a beginner? Get Scavenging, Slicing and Underworld Trading. Use Scavenging and Slicing to gather resource nodes in the world and sell all the materials you gather on the GTN. For Underworld Trading, only run missions for Underworld Metals (and Companion Gifts, if you like), but ignore Luxury Fabrics. Sell Underworld Metals on GTN as well.


Crew Skills are a HUGE money sink, so it behooves you to opt out of that game by simply gathering and selling. Your later characters will benefit from a level 55 that is cash rich, as they can then select proper Crew Skills and not be left without money to train their skills as they level.

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