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Usually I get 10 points per win, but when I lose I lose 15 points of rating. I guess I kinda understand that, but last night I would get 7 points of rating, but ended up losing my last match and lost 14 points. Does this mean now for every loss I get I have to win 3 times to make it up?



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I don't think anyone is really quite sure how the ranking system works. The score gain/loss seems to be factoring in the rating score of the enemy along with yours or something like that. I also believe it has something to do with total matches played. For example in season 1 people would talk about how the first 10 matches were more crucial to your overall score. From what I can tell this seems to make some sense based on one of my own toons experience in the two seasons thus far.


Season 1 rewards were announced and I threw my tank into solo ranked for the first time ever. Had a good run and ended up 15 - 3 in a single day which broke the 1500+ rating (1504).


Season 2 has not been so kind in the solo ranked world. Got a solid start with a 7 - 3 which put me around 1288 if i remember correctly. Then had a couple losses followed by 3 wins which broke the 1300 plane (1311 I think). Then a slew of losses followed by a win here and there. As you stated the points seem to fluctuate a bit the more you play. It almost seems as if the system penalizes you for the more matches you play along with going off the overall rating of the enemy your facing where points are concerned.


Anyway, this is all just speculation on my part but I could see why more matches played would be a point factor (for overall percentage wise). However I also think if the enemy players rating is a contributing factor as well then this would kind of screw up the point system a bit and is why you see random numbers of points gained/lost at times.


So bottom line who knows lol. Willing to bet someone on the forums will end up breaking it down over time though if not all ready. As i type this i am just to lazy to look.

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