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Tying animations to alignment


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Would be fun if we could get to various levels of alignment to change our animations between the imp vs republic side.


For example a Sorc that's light 2 could have a toggle to use alignment animations and would get the Jedi Sage animations. Or if a Jedi Sage hit Dark 2 could use Sorc animations..

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I've wished for something like this for ages! :)


I do like the idea of tying animations to alignment, like if you get to Light/Dark IV (to give it some leeway, as it is so easy to drop from V) you can use the mirror class' animations. But that doesn't really work very well with the non-force user classes, as while force lightning may be tied to the "dark side", the same cannot be said for any specific kind of blaster. Personally, I'd make it something that you have to unlock via Legacy instead, either with coins or by leveling the mirror class to 50. Sort of like how the "Heroic moment" abilities are unlocked.


The non-Force user classes would still be a problem though. They all use different weapons, so the couldn't just use their mirror class' animations. But it would work great if Bioware included the mirror class' weapon proficiency along with the animation unlock! I may be biased here, as I have always wanted to use a pistol on my Operative. xD


People that do warzones might dislike this idea. I'd imagine that the nameplates and class symbols would be enough to distinguish between friend and foe, but I haven't done PvP for ages, so what do I know. :p

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