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Ranked pops with players with less rating. BW please answer!!


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I am asking if this has happened to anyone else. For the last couple of days i have been able to get my solo rating up to 1500+ then i got queue'd with the a few good people which i know have similar ratings to me which led to my rating growing. The following day i queue ranked as per usual and i get put with a 27k sage healer with no augments and this was his first ranked match. So his rating is effective 0 yet he has been put into a ranked warzone with a bunch of 1500 rated players.


To say the least he died within 3-4 seconds and apologised for queueing. Atleast he was polite enough to say sorry but i didn't blame him, my question goes to the queue system that put him there in the first place. So i would like to ask BW please can you tell me what the hell happened there? And why has this been happening now over the past few days which has led to my rating fluctuating around the 1500 mark.

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Lol guys please think about this from the other side of things. There is a rather low ranked pvp pop on each server and there are no cross server q's. So for many of the people with full time jobs who are now just starting to get some ranked matches in they are being placed in teams with these terrible people all of the time. Then they also fight teams of 1500+. All the while, people with higher rankings are fighting these scrubs and going up a few points at a time.


The real issue here is that BW needs to understand their population and change their matchmaking. Of course the best thing would be cross server but we all know they are incapable of that :) .


Yes it sucks to have these people occasionally end up on your team but for new ranked players they have to support these bads almost every match. Sure they go down less points on a loss than you do but I am sure it is very frustrating for them. The current matchmaking system is TERRIBLE for low populations. This is basic logic and I doubt many sane people would disagree. Think about this please.

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That doesn't solve anything. My question is how ratings are not being matched up and in your post it says solo ranked isn't ranked... the clue is in the name so it is ranked otherwise it wouldn't be called 'Ranked'. I know to get anywhere you should use a team but even when doing solo pops i would rather wait longer to get 3 other players with the same rating as me then a really quick pop and die in a few seconds and loose rating. Quality over quantity.

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Then whats the point in having the ranked system? BW are trying to bring pvp back and make it better, but they need feedback. If we just give and say "ohh no its terrible lets not even try and make it better" then whats the point in playing in the first place?
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If the matchmaking was changed a little bit and it had some gear reading checking on it. For starters full augments and 158 mods or whatever obroan gear rating is, that would be a start. It can work, i know BW can't do the cross server thing but it might be time into looking at doing that because it could help move things along.
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The issue is population. The current system makes this issue even worse since with low pop it usually places low ranked players against high ranked players. This also makes it extremely easy to Q sync.


So let's take a new player to ranked. Let's assume this guy is a decent player and at least slightly above average. He q's up and has other low ranked players placed in his team. It is likely that 1 or 2 of these are very bad. The other team has higher ranked players (people who are at least around average). This happens for few matches and the new player becomes frustrated. Now the ranked population is even lower.


This sort of matchmaking system is fine for x-server but without that they need to try to get the average ranking of one team to match the average ranking of the other team. This has some major flaws to it as well and I am not ignorant of them, however it would be better than the current system. It would also cause rankings to be in a more narrow range and make it so that the top players aren't just the ones who play several hundred matches.


That is the situation as it currently stands. Season 2 top players will be extreme no lifers and not necessarily better than the people around 1400-1600.

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The issue is population. The current system makes this issue even worse since with low pop it usually places low ranked players against high ranked players. This also makes it extremely easy to Q sync.


So let's take a new player to ranked. Let's assume this guy is a decent player and at least slightly above average. He q's up and has other low ranked players placed in his team. It is likely that 1 or 2 of these are very bad. The other team has higher ranked players (people who are at least around average). This happens for few matches and the new player becomes frustrated. Now the ranked population is even lower.


This sort of matchmaking system is fine for x-server but without that they need to try to get the average ranking of one team to match the average ranking of the other team. This has some major flaws to it as well and I am not ignorant of them, however it would be better than the current system. It would also cause rankings to be in a more narrow range and make it so that the top players aren't just the ones who play several hundred matches.


That is the situation as it currently stands. Season 2 top players will be extreme no lifers and not necessarily better than the people around 1400-1600.


You make a good point. I have seen many people calling for cross server queue's. I know BW have said more then once that they can't (won't) but if the population is really that bad then they may need to rethink it if ranked has any chance of surviving.

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