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Request: Trauma Probe Mass Buff on Activation


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Hi not sure if this has been brought up before or not..


But is it possible to get Trauma Probe to buff all nearby group members upon activation similar to activating class buffs?


I am requesting this as it tends to get tedious to have to click on each member of group especially if I am the only commando healer in 16 / 24 member group (worse when people keep moving into and out of range) also when people go afk and hold up group hence having to reapply prior to buff dropping :(


Activation cost should either add up depending on number of people buffed at once (if able) or have a higher cost tho not too high so as not to hamper available ammo reserve if used during hectic healing phases


Please Discuss.....

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I just wish i could hit the button for TP once while out of combat and my entire raid group would get TP's, notice i said Out of Combat. it gets REALLY tedious spending the roughly minute to TP EVERYONE in a 16 man raid... and if we ever get 24 man raid groups, oh jesus christ will that be TERRIBLE.
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I just wish i could hit the button for TP once while out of combat and my entire raid group would get TP's, notice i said Out of Combat. it gets REALLY tedious spending the roughly minute to TP EVERYONE in a 16 man raid... and if we ever get 24 man raid groups, oh jesus christ will that be TERRIBLE.





Not even close to a minute. Not until we have 40 man raid groups. The long duration also removes from the problem. There's more than enough time to stick it on everyone prior of even reaching a boss. It would be a welcome change sure, but it's definitely not necessary. There are more pressing matters, and even more important trivial matters to think of before considering spending development time on this. Very low on the could-do list.

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It's easy to probe even a 16m group just while waiting for a ready check. Your proposed change would make healmandos overpowered in fights with lots of unavoidable AoE, a situation where they already excel, without making healing BETTER, just slightly less tedious.


One way this COULD be implemented without totally breaking the game is to cause Supercharge Cells to grant a buff (lasting maybe 6 seconds) causing the next Trauma Probe to affect all group members within 30m. This would give us slightly better OHSH-- tools without allowing us to effortlessly and constantly keep Trauma Probe up on everyone. (You're not going to activate Supercharge Cells more than once every 30 or 40 seconds, by my estimation.) Of course, we're already the burst-heals and group-utility-heals specialists, so it's not like it's really needed. I'd say consider my idea for if we end up needing a group utility buff.

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