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Balance to PVP


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I am a member of the Bastion Server. Can we implement a buff that gives you +60% to expertise if you lose 5 wz in a row. Most of the Republic members lose war zones because of an imbalance of players that move to the Sith side. Most new players start out following the path of the republic but eventually realize that the more experienced players prefer the Sith side of the game. In War Zones it becomes 5 losses on average to one victory against the Sith. Please bring balance to the light side and allow a substantial buff for multiple consecutive losses. This would help any underdog on any server. I strongly believe this is the reason SWTOR loses subscribers.

I anyone else agrees, please post comments.

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I am a member of the Bastion Server. Can we implement a buff that gives you +60% to expertise if you lose 5 wz in a row. Most of the Republic members lose war zones because of an imbalance of players that move to the Sith side. Most new players start out following the path of the republic but eventually realize that the more experienced players prefer the Sith side of the game. In War Zones it becomes 5 losses on average to one victory against the Sith. Please bring balance to the light side and allow a substantial buff for multiple consecutive losses. This would help any underdog on any server. I strongly believe this is the reason SWTOR loses subscribers.

I anyone else agrees, please post comments.


This game made by developers from start in favor of empire side. Because this, 90-95% top ranked pvp players according leaderboards - imperials.


Bioware dont care about any kind of faction balance in pvp. They play themselves imperial side, so they just lol'd about any kind of satisfaction for payed customers who play republic side in pvp.


So there is only 3 solutions - roll imp char, transfer on rare 1-2 servers where republic stronger -or unsub. Your choice.

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This game made by developers from start in favor of empire side. Because this, 90-95% top ranked pvp players according leaderboards - imperials.


Bioware dont care about any kind of faction balance in pvp. They play themselves imperial side, so they just lol'd about any kind of satisfaction for payed customers who play republic side in pvp.


So there is only 3 solutions - roll imp char, transfer on rare 1-2 servers where republic stronger -or unsub. Your choice.


This is absolutely true. Check the leaderboards and it becomes apparent.

I would like to make this game more popular and bring in new players. Unfortunately for new players it is not fun to get rolled over and over. This buff would work for both sides to be fair to everybody. It would give another option instead of unsubscribing.

If unsubs weren't a problem then there wouldn't be server merges. Lets get more players interested. people don't want this game to go away after all the time they put into it.

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his is absolutely true. Check the leaderboards and it becomes apparent.


PvP players here have been telling me that the Leaderboards are irrelevant.


Unfortunately for new players it is not fun to get rolled over and over.


For those rolling over them it's huuuuuuuuge fun !

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I did the opposite actually. My main was a Operative healer on the Imp side of Bastion. I re-rolled a Jedi Shadow that is now my main. I'm kinda surprised a decent PVP guild has not taken up the challenge of dominating Bastion from the Republic side.
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I play Bastion all the time, I get a lot of wins, yes I lose sometimes, but generally I do experience about 50/50 wins and losses, and I play both pub and imp ( mainly pub haven't had a chance to gear my tank jug yet), its not nearly as bad as you think op. I know there are those days that come once in a while where it seems the world is against you winning, but thats not all the time, pub pvp is not as bad as everyone seems to think, and thats coming from a guy who very seldom premades or groups for pvp. ( by seldom I mean last month I literally grouped for 2 matches out of about 40-60, yeah I was leveling my consular so I didn't do so much as usual, but you get my point)




anyway, to the guy who said that the devs favored the imps from the start- how? each class mirrors eachother in virtually everything how is that favortism? For gods sake everything is so mirrored that even the fleets are practically the same. The only reason more players roll imp mains is because, lets be honest, which looks cooler, a basa** double bladed sith assassin crackling with the dark side of the force, or a simple jedi sage? But even so its not as uneven as people think, and I have been friends with some great republic pvpers, even joined in once with a teamup with their guild for some warzones, had fun, and won 3 out of the 4 matches we played, t'was awesome.

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JC is much like that as well. At times when on both republic fleet and imperial fleet, I will see somebody post in gen chat how the other side is so much more powerful and why do they always win? I laugh. It really has a lot to do with the time of day, who's q'ing, etc., imps have maybe a slight upper hand overall, but for the most part its 50 50.


Really the solution is study, practice and form a premade. You will get to know players on your side, group up and get on voip. Premades on voice don't automatically win, you do have to play well. Or you could say eph it I'll just roll imp and farm bads.... But I'd prefer the challenge of forming a premie and at least surprising my competition and enhancing my personal skills quicker by playing harder opponents.

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At the start of the game there were animation delays with the republic.


Sage/shadow delay with shock the rock animation

Mortar Volley

Groin kick would root you to the ground till the animation finished.

Heat Vs. ammo


The famous Jedi Bubble butt. something Kim would be jealous of.


The amount of work or lack of with between cool animations and armor.


The sad part is they were the same guys that doomed warhammer online with exactly the same thing.

Chaos got cool toons empire got the burger king guy.


That's about all I can remember was a long time ago. Problem is it never recovered.


the issue is still here look at vanguard vs. Bounty Hunter


Vanguard has the awesome rifle The BH has everything else and that in my opinion is the closest of being as nice as the empire. The rest of the classes are blown out of the water in comparison.


The commando has a cool gun but you ever watch them run from a profile. they just look horrible

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I did the opposite actually. My main was a Operative healer on the Imp side of Bastion. I re-rolled a Jedi Shadow that is now my main. I'm kinda surprised a decent PVP guild has not taken up the challenge of dominating Bastion from the Republic side.


It doesn't work like that midian/don't panic they're the same people it's the same with other guilds they play both factions. The top pvp guilds recruit good players and it does and can destabilise Other guilds

nothing you can do about it because good players aspire to be in these guilds The player base for the server is too small which is the overall problem.

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I am a member of the Bastion Server. Can we implement a buff that gives you +60% to expertise if you lose 5 wz in a row. Most of the Republic members lose war zones because of an imbalance of players that move to the Sith side. Most new players start out following the path of the republic but eventually realize that the more experienced players prefer the Sith side of the game. In War Zones it becomes 5 losses on average to one victory against the Sith. Please bring balance to the light side and allow a substantial buff for multiple consecutive losses. This would help any underdog on any server. I strongly believe this is the reason SWTOR loses subscribers.

I anyone else agrees, please post comments.


i'd quit the game if they ever implemented any kind of garbage like this.


you shouldn't be rewarded for losing.

Edited by CaraExas
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I'm kinda surprised a decent PVP guild has not taken up the challenge of dominating Bastion from the Republic side.

Considering how many regstar guilds there are I'm not surprised.

They don't want a difficult uphill challenge, they just want to keep facerolling noobs and pretending it means they're good players.

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Pretty sure most of the time I have seen the devs actually play Republic.....


As for the Bastion, yes it is Imp heavy but all that means is there are way more bads on the imp side than the Pub side so you shouldn't have a problem winning games.

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I'm going to express doubt that you know a couple hundred odd developers and what characters they play.


Of course not just like the guy that said they mostly play imps. However the ones I've seen posted and the ones I've seen stream were almost always a pub and in fact mostly a guardian or sage.

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Wouldn't the right fix be: eliminate faction-based team building? Make it so Pubs and Imps can be on the same team, fighting other pub-imp mixed teams?


Of course, the real right fix is cross-server queueing, but the resources required paired against the rewards reaped for bioware make that an impossibility. So maybe, this would be the next best thing?

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Wouldn't the right fix be: eliminate faction-based team building? Make it so Pubs and Imps can be on the same team, fighting other pub-imp mixed teams?


Of course, the real right fix is cross-server queueing, but the resources required paired against the rewards reaped for bioware make that an impossibility. So maybe, this would be the next best thing?


This is a good idea.

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