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Combat Medic with defensive gear

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I am sorry if there is any similar thread, if there is i couldnt find it.


Have anyone tried to sacrifice some healing power to get more endurance/defensive stats on their Combat Medic?


Since the combat medic is more of a turret-style healer and not as mobile as the other healers I am trying to theorycraft new ideas on how to handle the pvp situations I end up in.


For arena:

One idea that came to mind was to try and gear the combat medic for as much survival as possible and just focus on surviving for as long as possible. If 2-3x enemy-dps is focusing a very very hard-to-kill healer then maybe your own teams dps can flank them and handle them without needing healing themselfs?


Any thoughts?

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Your defence as a healer is your healing.


Leave your damage reduction to tanks and classes with taunts.


No amount of terrible healing stats will make you live longer because your class does not gain meaningful benefit from defensive stats in any way.

Edited by Gyronamics
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