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At which gear level do (BiS) pyro/assault start stacking alacrity?


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As the topic states, I'm wondering at which gear level you can start putting points into alacrity as a pyro. My gut tells me not in a year or two since it would have to weight up the loss of a 6.1 sec repeating HiB, but I've got nothing but my gut going about it. As it is now my guild has started progressing into DF NiM (Brontes not dead yet though) and with the new tier (186) I'm starting to question just how big an upgrade it will be for me since a pre 2.7 surge of 470 is already well into diminishing return territory. When looking at odawggs magnificent guide, I saw that he had included a link to a BiS 186 arsenal set, but not included any for pyro.


If there's already been stuff written about this I'd gladly read up on any eventual links, but google have yet to return anything of value for me. :<


TL;DR: When going from full 180 (78) to full 186 (and future gear sets), what to aim for? What is the outlook of future pyro itemization?

Edited by cvak
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For Pyro, I'll tell you when you start getting alacrity:


When you can hit 2442 alacrity without having to sacrifice accuracy, aim, power, crit or surge. Otherwise it screws with your procs and its a DPS loss.


Ignore this number if Bioware updates alacrity to reduce the ICD for all cooldowns instead of just the global one

Edited by TACeMossie
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My pre-2.7 launch theory was that alacrity could prove useful for Arsenal in BiS 186, we won't really know for sure until DP NiM drops and we can get to BiS, but I'm questioning that theory now...until I actually get all the enhancements/ear/implants I won't have a solid opinion on it, and won't be stacking any.
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