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BioWare, please fix the vote to kick system.


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Votekick after votekick and report after report. This guy still joins WZs, goes semi-afk and abuses people for calling him out.


The worst kind of SWTOR player. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp0cr114To4


BioWare, please fix the vote to kick system.


EDIT: Sorry for video quality. I'm not fluent with editing software and recording.

Edited by Lovethebeard
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Votekick after votekick and report after report. This guy still joins WZs, goes semi-afk and abuses people for calling him out.


The worst kind of SWTOR player. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp0cr114To4


BioWare, please fix the vote to kick system.


EDIT: Sorry for video quality. I'm not fluent with editing software and recording.


That guy is the *********** worst... I'm surprised he was AFKing, all he does is leave WZs early...

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Votekick after votekick and report after report. This guy still joins WZs, goes semi-afk and abuses people for calling him out.


The worst kind of SWTOR player. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp0cr114To4


BioWare, please fix the vote to kick system.


EDIT: Sorry for video quality. I'm not fluent with editing software and recording.

You have to be careful, name calling is a reason to be banned.

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they should just delete his account imo. And when he calls support because he can't log in go "what account? are you sure you played swtor?"


They can't do that! lol OP is right, it is very annoying and yet again something that should help, doesn't. Maybe one day they will actually play test things before pushing it out live.


I've had this happen twice, player was naked and I said that LOLbolster was fixed now but didn't reply. He then sat in a corner afk. Whenever I see this guy, I just exit the warzone before it starts and try and escape the Q cycle with them in it

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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And make it a bit easier to votekick from ranked, for example being able to do it in the 30 seconds between rounds, not only after you are out to engage... And let people call a companion for cases of 3v4s. Done. Tard sages with 5-6k dmg when they are even killed last (republic side solo ranked players on TOFN know who am I talking about) would not be able to troll everyone...


The calling of companions could be role restricted, like, dps vs dps would allow you to call only dps companion, or stuff like that.

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He's not even afking in the right spot. It's hella easy to do without getting spotted on the quesh huttball map.


He wants people to know he is doing it. He will sit there and call you names while he does it too. Then he will ask us to win faster next time so he can get quicker comms.

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There's a player on my server who does this Imp side. Haven't run into him recently, but the plan from now on is just to call out his position to the other team so they can merc him when he's afk and he'll get kicked as a deserter when he's not there to leave spawn after death. I know others on our server have gotten him taken care of this way.
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There's a player on my server who does this Imp side. Haven't run into him recently, but the plan from now on is just to call out his position to the other team so they can merc him when he's afk and he'll get kicked as a deserter when he's not there to leave spawn after death. I know others on our server have gotten him taken care of this way.


I wish we could do the same thing to this guy, but he isn't fully afk. If he does get found and killed, he just drops back out of spawn and hides again.

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