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Bad PvPer seeking a little advice


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Hello all! I’ve been a staunch PvE player in the past, but recently I’ve gotten into PvP on the Harbinger server thanks to my AP Powertech. I’ve watched a couple videos on YouTube, am in the process of getting used to new keybinds/experimenting with configurations that work well for me and am attempting to grind my way towards some brutalizer pieces outside of the relics. My question is, as an AP Powertech, what should I be doing for my team to enhance our chances of success?


I currently taunt as often as possible, especially when I see dps on our squishies, I try to pull melee off our healers with Grapple when it’s off CD, I’m becoming a little better at landing the Carbonize -> Flamethrower combo and am attempting to maximize my burst with Explosive Fuel + Shoulder Missile when burning healers. However I’ve noticed that, despite some really strong DCDs and passive abilities in the AP tree, whenever I try going after the Pub healers/squishies in their backline, I am often focused and either die or am forced to run away. Sometimes I survive longer in matches such as Voidstar or Novare when I stand in the middle and try to burn down their melees, although I feel like I’m neglecting my role when healers and rdps are allowed to freecast from their backline. Is that what an AP Powertech is supposed to be doing in PvP? Is there any advice or strategies you guys could give a bad PvPer that could hopefully help me better learn my class and role in the warzone? Thanks in advance!

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Sounds like you're on the right track, just keep doing what you're doing and let experience do the rest. Just work on situational awareness, PT is more susceptible to tunneling than other classes I think. Also make sure you understand all the mechanics of your abilities/spec, such as not proccing your railshot reset when it isn't on CD.
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I currently taunt as often as possible, especially when I see dps on our squishies


In this case you're doing better than half the players on POT5; so many of whom haven't bound their taunts (or forget where they are to click on :rak_09:).

Edited by Joesixxpack
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In this case you're doing better than half the players on POT5; so many of whom haven't bound their taunts (or forget where they are to click on :rak_09:).


I have a SS from a fully optimized Valor 100 Brutalizer Vanguard Tank who told me "Taunts are worthless in PvP".


Someday I will need to upload this; and yeah the OP is doing more than most I seem to come across. So many droolers these days. :(

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To me a bad isn't someone new or someone even in PvE gear - its someone who is just so unaware of whats going on around them.


If you can think ahead, look for ninjas, call early, guard your healers and just be aware of whats going on, you'll be on the right track.

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One additional thought about survivability as a VG/PT, or I guess any class for that matter.


Use your DCDs proactively, not reactively.


If you're going headfirst into a contested area, i.e. Mid on Novare Coast, don't wait until you're at 50% to pop a shield, or Kolto Overload. In PvE those sort of DCDs are more likely used as "oh sh*t" types of reflexive abilities. Those "I just stood where I shouldn't have and took a lot of damage, I don't want to die" types.


KO will be waiting for you to drop below 35%, so have it up and ready to go whenever you expect to be taking damage soon, not after you're taking damage.


Other people's experiences may vary, but I think a noticeable difference between PvE and PvP damage mitigation as a DPS is how you go about it.


PvP: Get ahead of damage and have the opponent have to react to you.

PvE: You react to the damage.

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To me a bad isn't someone new or someone even in PvE gear - its someone who is just so unaware of whats going on around them.


If you can think ahead, look for ninjas, call early, guard your healers and just be aware of whats going on, you'll be on the right track.


I agree with this, the amount of assassins and Jugs ive seen not use taunts and their answer is im dps spec....... just mind blowing.

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It sounds like you're on the right track. Since you have the right mindset the biggest hurdle is going to be knowing each class, and how to play against them. It's not like PVE where you're just maximizing your rotation, you'll need to know what to use on each AC and when to use it (and what to do when they use abilities on you). This will come with experience. Grouping with good players will make this come quicker as you all learn from each other.
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One of the biggest bits of advice I give to PVE players starting PVP is to use their PVP rotations when they can in PVE. Unless you're in a FP or OP or something where you need to use your PVE rotation, use your PVP rotation. Yes, it's inefficient in PVE, but you want your rotation to be as thoughtless as possible during PVP. You will never be any good if you need to focus on yourself all the time. You must reach a point where what you do is automatic and you are watching (and finally predicting) what the other guy is doing.
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However I’ve noticed that, despite some really strong DCDs and passive abilities in the AP tree, whenever I try going after the Pub healers/squishies in their backline, I am often focused and either die or am forced to run away. Sometimes I survive longer in matches such as Voidstar or Novare when I stand in the middle and try to burn down their melees, although I feel like I’m neglecting my role when healers and rdps are allowed to freecast from their backline. Is that what an AP Powertech is supposed to be doing in PvP? Is there any advice or strategies you guys could give a bad PvPer that could hopefully help me better learn my class and role in the warzone? Thanks in advance!


The bolded part will happen a lot. I'm on Harbinger too (playing on APAC timezone) and being a melee class trying to burn down a healer in the backline is basically some kind of weird murder-suicide pact you have with the enemy team.


I usually mark the healers and inform my team that the healers are marked. If your team doesn't completely suck, then you'll get more support when it comes to burning them down.


Don't feel too bad about focusing melee that are going after your own backline - they are credible threats as well and it doesn't hurt your team if you can get rid of them. At the same time, RDPS can be avoided using LOS.


Stick with your team. While it's good to pressure the enemy backline, you don't want to overextend or LOS your own healer (if you have one). If the enemy wants to run away from, let them. Go focus fire someone else.

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Honestly, I think your biggest problem is that you are playing imp side on the harbinger. :( PT/VG are a good choice for solo, but it can be so incredibly frustrating to play imp side on harby. I have a 55 jugg that I play periodically. We seriously need more people to play their imps.
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