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Change to Terminal Velocity (idea)


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I was in an arena on my merc this morning. Merc vs 3 melee isn't fun. At all. So I was brainstorming ideas about how we can keep meleers the hell off of us. Right now all we can do is electronet and jet boost, and those are great for what they are. But I think we need more vs melee. We are still too easily shut down by melee classes. So I went to another game for an idea. The tempest of set in age of Conan has an ability called storm tempest. They were given this ability in response to their huge inability to deal with assassins. Basically, any melee class that gets close to the ToS starts taking damage from the storm tempest (pbaoe) whenever they get close. So I was thinking... Merc could use that, and it would be easy to do. Just change Terminal Velocity to instead of just venting heat to doing pbaoe damage with a stacking debuff. The longer the meleer stays next to you, the harder your vented heat burns them.



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