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Anyone else about to cancel?


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I allready canceled because of the fps issues. I will join again as a happy customer for at least a few months if they fix the fps issues.


Get a decent computer.


I run at 2560x1600 with absolutely no issues. 3 year old computer (old cpu) with a new Geforce 570.


Any fps issues are totally computer related.

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2. Hoods, hoods, hoods andorange gear is next to impossible to find and when you do find some orange oh look more hoods! Seriously the JK classes gets the same 2 hooded armour models over and over again and we don't even get the choice to put our hoods down. it would be nice to have other options in regards to choosing how we look. I rolled a Trooper just so could equip something that didn't have a hood.


2. Orange gear which is supposed to help us diversify and yet gear that you can use... doh! it's hooded!?! What's the point of Orange gear if it looks exactly the same as all the other crap we've been forced to wear.


I would disagree with that. I don't know which level character you have but on Tatooine you can get 2 orange chest pieces without hoods. Just from the trader and commendation trader. You do need to be level 28 for these, but hey.


Also, I haven't done a lot of the heroic quests and flashpoints but you can get nice gear there. That's really where you get most of the orange gear. That and commendations. As of Dromund Kaas for Empire, you can get orange gear with commendations. I am level 29 now and have 2 orange helmets, 3 orange lightsabers and a pair of gloves, 3 chestpieces and orange robe pants. Boots are next. And as I said, I haven't played even half of the flashpoints and heroics that generally give you orange gear or good mods as rewards.


My thinking is that you haven't done much multiplayer then, but even I with just a few of them done have a fair collection of orange items building up. I would find it a bit unreasonable to want orange gear to be thrown at you every turn. You get more of it as you level up. That makes perfect sense to me.

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Yeah I might too I'm having the same issues. Sorry Bioware but this game is a fail.


The game is a fail because you and others fail at maintaining a healthy pc? My fps is averaging at 80 (1920x1080, settings to max and forced AAx8) with a Phenom II x4 (@3.6), 4GB Ram (DDR3 1600), GTX 460 1gb. With this medium range machine i never experienced any fps problems, not even in beta.

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Or, you know, rather than talking out of your *** about something you obviously know nothing about, you can try to be helpful.


No, it shouldn't be running at that low of an FPS. There's some issues with the latest Forceware drivers that both the devs and NVidia have verified. This is one of the big reasons why HD textures are currently turned off in-game.


There's a beta Forceware release dated 12/21 that has optimization for Skyrim. It also seems to address a handful of issues in SWTOR for many people, as well as enabling proper forced AA and AF. After updating to this driver I personally am running around 60-70fps in most areas with 16X AA and AF (forced, of course) with full shadows, dynamic lighting, bloom, etc. And I'm on a pretty mediocre machine -- Core2Duo 2.33 with 4gb DDR2 1333 and a GTX460.


Keep in mind, the 460 -is- a beast compared to the 540, but even as an entry-level mobile graphics solution, the 540 should be able to handle conservative settings just fine.


Its a driver issue then, why are you then on here whining about dps issues, making it out to be a issue with the game?

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Its a driver issue then, why are you then on here whining about dps issues, making it out to be a issue with the game?


I personally haven't posted a word about FPS issues. Just trying to help those who don't know/understand.


Edit: Thats not to say there aren't legitimate problems with the game. FPS issues just aren't really one of them. RAGE went through the same thing a few months back, actually, and it was bad enough that iD publicly called the situation a "cluster****".


This type of thing happens from time to time, even with a unified framework such as DirectX. Instructions that may behave one way in a certain version of DX with a certain driver release will behave unexpectedly under different conditions.


This situation is exacerbated by Windows 7 continually force-feeding incorrect DX updates and product-specific patches to installs that don't require them.


Edit 2: And by the way, this type of thing CAN be the developers fault. I didn't write the code, I have no idea, so I can't speculate one way or the other. But if it were true, it would not be the first time a developer has stepped out of the boundaries of standard practice with unstable code, knowing full well the GPU manufacturer will compensate in an update rather than lose potential customers to their competition. Not saying this is what happened, but "driver issue" does not automagically excuse anyone.

Edited by freakuancy
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Go into the graphics options, select the high preset and press apply. Once the settings have been loaded, select the Low preset and press apply. Now you should see a huge increase in your fps. Even better, you will now be able to use the same settings as before and still gain 20 or so fps on average.


My 6850 i7 setup went from ~50 to 80. My girlfriend's PC was averaging sub-25 fps before trying this workaround and 40-60 after.


Worth a shot if you haven't tried it yet. Good luck!

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I would disagree with that. I don't know which level character you have but on Tatooine you can get 2 orange chest pieces without hoods. Just from the trader and commendation trader. You do need to be level 28 for these, but hey.


Also, I haven't done a lot of the heroic quests and flashpoints but you can get nice gear there. That's really where you get most of the orange gear. That and commendations. As of Dromund Kaas for Empire, you can get orange gear with commendations. I am level 29 now and have 2 orange helmets, 3 orange lightsabers and a pair of gloves, 3 chestpieces and orange robe pants. Boots are next. And as I said, I haven't played even half of the flashpoints and heroics that generally give you orange gear or good mods as rewards.


My thinking is that you haven't done much multiplayer then, but even I with just a few of them done have a fair collection of orange items building up. I would find it a bit unreasonable to want orange gear to be thrown at you every turn. You get more of it as you level up. That makes perfect sense to me.


Much multiplayer? you are kidding i've done them all to death, which actually brings up another flaw, the loot drops in flashpoints tend to favour one class and one class only. So farming flashpoints for loot is actually doubly frustrating when all that drops is Consular gear and the only none hooded orange item I found on taris was the social item in the cantina, all the orange quest rewards have been Hooded robes for my heavy armour wearing Guardian. I've been modding orange Trooper gear to wear on my Knight.


Orange gear was not supposed to be rare, stat wise it's the same as most blue gear, it's their to be modded for those who like to stick to a look.

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Much multiplayer? you are kidding i've done them all to death, which actually brings up another flaw, the loot drops in flashpoints tend to favour one class and one class only. So farming flashpoints for loot is actually doubly frustrating when all that drops is Consular gear and the only none hooded orange item I found on taris was the social item in the cantina, all the orange quest rewards have been Hooded robes for my heavy armour wearing Guardian. I've been modding orange Trooper gear to wear on my Knight.


Orange gear was not supposed to be rare, stat wise it's the same as most blue gear, it's their to be modded for those who like to stick to a look.


I'm sorry you don't like the look of your armor sets. To be fair;


You're likely seeing more Light Armor drops than Heavy because you have a Shadow and Sage in your group, then possibly a Medium wearer and yourself. This would be typical group composition at this point in the game, where nearly everyone is a Force user. SWTOR has an intelligent loot system that stacks the favor of drops for the classes present. It's not perfect, but it's better than many MMO loot systems. They'll work out the tweaks.


Also, Jedi traditionally wear hooded robes. Many people are calling for an option to put the hood down, but many many more are asking that their Jedi Guardian not look like a walking suit of armor. It's a matter of established aesthetics for the fiction. Again, I'm sure Bioware will eventually come to some sort of compromise.

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Numerous ppl have complained. On the Nvidia forums on the ATI forums and on SWTOR forums... soo your wrong?


Numerous people? How many? I ask because if 100 people have complained but there are 1,000,000 players than only 0.1% of the people are having the same issue just like if 100 people have complained but there are 1000 then 10% of the people have the same issue.


0.1% versus 10% or whatever is a huge difference.

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To the original poster:


What your experiencing is common among freshly launched MMO(s), it's just a fact of life. As with you, I've experienced a few annoying bugs that have me somewhat irritated, but not enough to cancel and pass judgement on the game. Fact is, you have to give Bioware/EA a chance to fix the problems in a reasonable amount of time before jumping ship if you want to be fair.


I haven't gotten to Juda yet (or at least I don't think I have) on my Bounty Hunter, when the time comes, if I find myself unable to progress I'll simply put in my ticket and switch to a different character, problem solved. Truthfully, I have yet to come across anything in the game that I would consider "game breaking." Patience, Bioware is aware of the issues, believe me their ticket system has got to be in a state of constant chaos right now, so give them some time, it'll get sorted soon enough.

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I'm not quitting.


I love it so far. There are some bugs, but I expected that.


If you didn't expect bugs, then your expectations for an MMO launch were too high.


Exactly. Some of you have no idea what a bad MMO launch is like - server outage for days,lag spikes, rollbacks, client crashes in certain zones.


There's none of that here. If you have a bugged class quest, it will get fixed. Read up on the test server. Document your issue in that forum, see what others are saying. Play around it. There's other things to do. Relax with the entitlement crap, already.

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Whiners gonna whine. If you even had the slightest clue about how games are developed and released, as well as compared this launch to other games, you would not be whining. Or maybe you would anyway, as the ignoramus you are.


and if you were at all discerning about how you spend your money and were not quite so ignorant, and did not worship at the alter of games companies, you'd realise that companies should not get away with releasing half arsed, half finished games.


See, sweeping generalisations work both ways.

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is it mmo players or just star wars fans that seem so whinny ..i say star wars fans because look at swg people kept whinning for them to change it so they did and it was worse and the majority left

so quit your whinning .suck it up and play

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Numerous ppl have complained. On the Nvidia forums on the ATI forums and on SWTOR forums... soo your wrong?


For the most part, vocal majorities in the forums are actually minorities in the grand scope of an MMOs entire player base.


Worth keeping that in mind.



and if you were at all discerning about how you spend your money and were not quite so ignorant, and did not worship at the alter of games companies, you'd realise that companies should not get away with releasing half arsed, half finished games.


Except its not half finished, nor half assed, as 5 years and over 100 million dollars would attest. So yeah, your sweeping generalizations are also invalid.

Edited by Swift
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I'm happy as a clam with the game in spite of bugs I encounter here and there. I must say that if I experience the BH bug and can't progress, I will be VERY unhappy. Class breaking bugs need to be fixed ASAP---there really isn't an excuse for that.


Otherwise, I'm pretty happy with the game.

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Fps has with the internet and how much frames you can load at once...

Frame per sec or framerate per sec graphic card + internet infect the FPS i got 45 - 59 fps on all planet but on taris it goes down to 30 - 40 ... its still playable. I got 4g internet so i get great connection.


Can add more things that can afflict damage to your fps. Bad fens in computer or a damager internet card. I had a fen that started to melt (bad fen!) fps dropped lika rock. Wow has bugs that makes people fall down thiere ground and die happen to me 4 times.



The problem here is that GOOD and BETTER PCs have trouble with this game too because the code is too demanding.

Despite the SIMPLE level design and level of detail, not even AA - the game sucks all the juice it can get, and it still struggles.


This is something bioware and driver manufacturers must coop on, because right now the game is heavily underperforming.

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Exactly. Some of you have no idea what a bad MMO launch is like - server outage for days,lag spikes, rollbacks, client crashes in certain zones.


There's none of that here. If you have a bugged class quest, it will get fixed. Read up on the test server. Document your issue in that forum, see what others are saying. Play around it. There's other things to do. Relax with the entitlement crap, already.


True that bugs are to be expected especially for an MMO release, but quite frankly it's almost 2012. Games and tech have come a long way since 2005 ie.

BioWare and EA had years and a crapload of cash, and the main problem is that there are noob-bugs and it often seems like rookie-coding because some aspects of the game cant have had any quality checking.


It's a good game, it's fun, it's STAR WARS - we love it. But some of the bugs should have been fixed a long time ago.


What Im trying to say is that many of the errors Ive witnessed now and in the beta is a result of poor code that wouldnt give u good grades if this was a school project.

Edited by Saiaku
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True that bugs are to be expected especially for an MMO release, but quite frankly it's almost 2012. Games and tech have come a long way since 2005 ie.

BioWare and EA had years and a crapload of cash, and the main problem is that there are noob-bugs and it often seems like rookie-coding because some aspects of the game cant have had any quality checking.


It's a good game, it's fun, it's STAR WARS - we love it. But some of the bugs should have been fixed a long time ago.


What Im trying to say is that many of the errors Ive witnessed now and in the beta is a result of poor code that wouldnt give u good grades if this was a school project.


The year has nothing to do with it, it could be 2112 and there'd still be bugs unless it's all automated and even then there'd be bugs because someone would have had to write the automation. If you've ever done any programming you'll know that bugs are a way of life and the amount of code that goes into a game like this is massive.

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