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Anyone else about to cancel?


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I'm going to make this short and simple.


I will never understand how people can classify a game as fail just because THEY find some bugs or glitches with it. Did it ever occur to you that maybe not the other millions of players are having your exact same problems making this game a huge fail?


I'm currently a level 33 smuggler and currently have not found ONE SINGLE BUG or glitch anywhere. Not to mention I have no FPS since I have an extremely good graphics card. I guess this game is like any other, the better your machine you're playing on, the better your experience, because I have had a grand total of 0 problems.


Get lost, this community doesn't need impatient crybabies.

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me too there are so many things i want to write about this game bugs ideas etc that bioware should be paying me for giving them my awesome ideas.I dont care,screw the game and the companies

Im not wasting any money on video games evrything comes out is an unfinished product that is rushed to start sucking money.I ve realised that games nowdays are not worth buying them because they dont respect the players so we will do the same.Everything comes out is an amateur release.

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Numerous ppl have complained. On the Nvidia forums on the ATI forums and on SWTOR forums... soo your wrong?


Umm he isnt wrong...I've learned a long time ago this simple statement


"Make someone happy and they will tell a few people...Piss them off and they will tell EVERYONE"!!!


Meaning the people that are mad are always the MOST vocal...And it never fails...I do understand your frustration, but its the simple truth...People should have expected the game not to be the greatest upon release...No MMO's ever are...


But just so you know, I do experience a few problems, but over all, the game runs ultra smooth on my ATI card and I virtuall NEVER lag...merry xmas

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I allready canceled because of the fps issues. I will join again as a happy customer for at least a few months if they fix the fps issues.

I think ill have to cancell as well even on gtx 580 sli there are places that the fps drop to 40-35.Not to mention other things that dissapoint me so so much

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