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Anyone else about to cancel?


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MY pc is also old and mine plays this game very well, as for the companions mine have always just respawned next to me or jumped down with me. Maybe you need to check for video driver updates? And if those are the gamebreaking things for you, then you need to find an mmo that has been going for like a few years or so not one that was just launched.
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I'm cancelling because I have been denied access to a game I paid for, that (supposedly) came w/30 days of gametime.



2 days post-launch, I have to have a subscription or a game time card to log in?


To play game time I already bought?




My friend bought 2 copies (one for him, one for a friend) but his debit card was charged for 4 games. That drained his account, not only can he not subscribe to keep playing (the site rejects his debit card) he can't afford gas money to go see his kids on Christmas now.


My friend is an Iraq combat veteran. He lives on a fixed income (he messed his knees up and is on disability).


Furthermore, this site (swtor.com) will not solve his issue (you'd think it would). I told him to try going through EA's Origin site, I hope he gets it worked out.


Bottom line, he paid $120, for 2 copies, and can't play. AFTER 2 DAYS. Can't get his $$ back to him in time to even see his kids, let alone play.


Bioware, Origin, whoever's really running the show, I've cancelled due to this debacle. My friend refuses to play, even IF he gets his $$$ back. The friend he bought another copy of the game for refuses to play. And so does my brother, whom I bought a copy for.


SHAME on you, for crappy customer service and being outright GREEDY by wanting us to sub to a game we've played for 2 days so you can say you're 'the fastest growing MMo w/e' less than a week after launch. Couldn't that have come after the year?




screw that, I'm OUT

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won't be cancelling here, love the game and no issues at all other than odd UI bug and queues now and again which they have said they are fixing.


if your having a tantrum about an MMO not working flawlessly a couple of days after launch, then probably best you do come back in 6 months tbh. Sounds like you haven't played MMOs before, this one is in the best state than any I have played at launch.

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2 year old PC (ancient, right?) and not a glitch, exept for the texture problem which has been debated (and debated, and debated). Anyone remember WoW right after Beta? :o


Go and try the next WoW-Panda-expansion and come back once the major bugs in SWTOR have been worked out (you'll be back). Blizzard isn't trying anything new, so you won't be at risk leaving your comfort zone for a few bugs and gameplay-issues.

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Forget all the reasons people want to leave I have a better question.


Why do you have to tell us why your leaving? If you truly cared about the game you would stomach the growing pains and summit tickets for the greater glory of the Republic/Empire/star wars experience.


I have no problems when criticism is applied just as long as its constructive. All these posts are is a feeble attempt to hurt Bioware by trying to draw a crowd of like minded people to leave en-masses with you. :(


Frankly its funny watching you childishly pick up your ball and stomp home. :D

Edited by Avrose
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I'm staying until I get bored of the game, then I'll probably resub a few months after when I have the itch to play again.


These immature "I quit" posts are hillarious. I especially love it when people go on about how they have wives and kids.... no you don't, you live in your mom's basement. Nothing wrong with that if that's how you want to live your life.

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I'm sorry, but this is pathetic, it just shows you can't live if can't play this game properly, you killed your way to a node and you can't click it? Omg you've lost 2 minutes of your life and only gained xp no +1 archeology.. come on, the bugs you list aren't any gamebreaker ones, you just whine. The BH one is major but you can be certain they're working on it without replying to your ticket.
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Forget all the reasons people want to leave I have a better question.


Why do you have to tell us why your leaving? If you truly cared about the game you would stomach the growing pains and summit tickets for the greater glory of the Republic/Empire/star wars experience.


I have no problems when criticism is applied just as long as its constructive. All these posts are is a feeble attempt to hurt Bioware by trying to draw a crowd of like minded people to leave en-masses with you. :(


Frankly its funny watching you childishly pick up your ball and stomp home. :D




Think about the poor BioWare board members.. after reading your post and thorough debate during their meetings about your personal needs, what are they to do?! Think of their families, it's Christmas for F's sake!

Edited by Sjampoo
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About to cancel my subscription because the game shuts down my computer after 2 minutes of gameplay and I'm forced to hard boot. It's pretty much been unplayable for the past 3 days for me. So be happy that you can at least play the game somewhat. There's another thread over 100 pages of people who are basically having the same issue and it's become very clear the problem is on Bioware's end. I wouldn't be nearly as upset if it seemed like they were actually acknowledging this is a problem for many players. Especially since SWTOR is obviously causing hardware problems for many people who paid for this game and a subscription. Not to mention the people who prepaid and weren't able to play the entire time. But so far it's only really been addressed with copy/pasted BOT responses telling users to do the same thing even though people have been saying over and over again their suggestions are not working.


I'm glad the game is working well for some people, and a few bugs and long queues at launch are always to be expected, but this was a horrible launch IMO.



This is on your end, don't blame bioware.


here's a tip, download CPUID monitor and check if your temps are fine, to me it looks like your CPU may be overheating causing it to shut down, which could be caused by excessive dust in the heat sink that overheats your PC during gaming, happened to my pops.


Blaming Bioware for YOUR issues is stupid though.

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No MMO has been completely 100% polished on release day. NONE of them. I have beta tested every major one since Everquest, and not one of them was fully ready with zero bugs on live launch. Hell, Everquest took two years and an expansion pack to get some of the original bugs flushed out.


Every game company has used the first few months of live launch to tweak. The extra money coming in from subscriptions greatly assists their troubleshooting efforts and each bug report people send in help to flush out everything.


If you are seeing bugs, but not reporting them, you're part of the problem. Not saying that you aren't, but we need to realize that Bioware is not doing anything out of the ordinary by releasing the game when it did.


Exactly what I wanted to say. People are just comparing the game right off the bat to others that have been around for years.


I can understand if people are having technical issues such as computer rebooting and such but others mitching (yeah I used an M) and moaning over how its not complete are just fools.

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1. Numerous archeology nodes on every planet I've been to so far cannot be interacted with. Mousing over the node does not cause the cursor to change and right clicking on the node does nothing. Yet it shows up on the map as a node. A minor thing perhaps, but very annoying when you kill your way through a bunch of mobs to get to it. How did such a thing make it to release?


2. When interacting with a pvp gear vendor, selecting the sort option to show me only gear that is useable by my character does nothing. I am still shown the complete list of gear available even though I cannot use the vast majority of it.


3. I constantly need to dismiss and then re-summon my companion to get him to be with me when I jump off even a small ledge or rock. This is not 100% of the time, but often enough that I wish I had a macro for it.



quick fix on nr 1 is check with mouse over the node befor attacking the mobs standing close 2 it does nothing dont kill mobs (i know a few more MMO's at lauch that had same problems WoW included with mineral viens)


3. never had that i think it works realy great way better then pets in wow do but thats just me maybe

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I'm cancelling because I have been denied access to a game I paid for, that (supposedly) came w/30 days of gametime.



2 days post-launch, I have to have a subscription or a game time card to log in?


To play game time I already bought?




My friend bought 2 copies (one for him, one for a friend) but his debit card was charged for 4 games. That drained his account, not only can he not subscribe to keep playing (the site rejects his debit card) he can't afford gas money to go see his kids on Christmas now.


My friend is an Iraq combat veteran. He lives on a fixed income (he messed his knees up and is on disability).


Furthermore, this site (swtor.com) will not solve his issue (you'd think it would). I told him to try going through EA's Origin site, I hope he gets it worked out.


Bottom line, he paid $120, for 2 copies, and can't play. AFTER 2 DAYS. Can't get his $$ back to him in time to even see his kids, let alone play.


Bioware, Origin, whoever's really running the show, I've cancelled due to this debacle. My friend refuses to play, even IF he gets his $$$ back. The friend he bought another copy of the game for refuses to play. And so does my brother, whom I bought a copy for.


SHAME on you, for crappy customer service and being outright GREEDY by wanting us to sub to a game we've played for 2 days so you can say you're 'the fastest growing MMo w/e' less than a week after launch. Couldn't that have come after the year?




screw that, I'm OUT


I really hope you're trolling.


Every MMORPG requires you to choose a subscription at first, then when you do.. the first month is free, cancel before it end and you won't get charged.


And it's your friends fault, even I know that if you spam the "submit" button numerous times there's a possibility you will be overcharged, Infact this happened to me in WoW during a server change, I think there was an error with my browser or my internet and I clicked "submit" like 4 times.. and they charged me for it.


Spent a few hours on the phone trying to contact blizz.


You should've researched it before buying, Oh well natural selection.

Edited by Neeseek
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Going to wager that most people complaining on this thread haven't been in a MMO launch before. Despite the relatively isolated problems some people are facing this has been hands down the absolute smoothest launch of an MMO I've ever seen or been a part of.


If you're going to cancel yours subs please do so now and stop making pointless whine threads on the forums.


Yes they are pointless because if you really cared about playing you'd be seeking Customer Support and not post on the general forums, as well as the fact that no one really cares if you are canceling your subscription not even a week after launch.

Edited by HavenAE
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These are all issues the developers (have just recently) stated that they are working on -- and will fix very soon. If BioWare delayed their release any further, we'd have a very different QQ on these forums today.


This whole "If BioWare doesn't fix this, I'm cancelling my sub" ultimatum is getting rather old. As a poster stated before me; hundreds of thousands (if not millions) are playing without any problem. The people with issues are a minority (don't care what you say, you 'are' a minority).


Let me ask you this, if you cancel your subscription -- where will you go? What are you going to do (I run barter town)? I think a lot of the "cancel my sub" is a bunch of hot air.

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