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Anyone else about to cancel?


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After the first several days of putting up with this game, I am about to.


This game most definitely was NOT ready for release. The bugs are too numerous to list and many are major ones. Bioware is not paying me for my time to generate a proper bug report and so I will not further waste it.


Here are just a few...


1. Numerous archeology nodes on every planet I've been to so far cannot be interacted with. Mousing over the node does not cause the cursor to change and right clicking on the node does nothing. Yet it shows up on the map as a node. A minor thing perhaps, but very annoying when you kill your way through a bunch of mobs to get to it. How did such a thing make it to release?


2. When interacting with a pvp gear vendor, selecting the sort option to show me only gear that is useable by my character does nothing. I am still shown the complete list of gear available even though I cannot use the vast majority of it.


3. I constantly need to dismiss and then re-summon my companion to get him to be with me when I jump off even a small ledge or rock. This is not 100% of the time, but often enough that I wish I had a macro for it.



These are just a few things that I can think of off the top of my head. If I actually cataloged every problem encountered in the game, I could write a book.


Here is the BIG one.


My son's BH has been completely prevented from progressing in the game as he cannot move past a class quests.


For the Bounty Hunter mission “A Dangerous Action”, female Bounty Hunters may be unable to progress when attempting the step: “Speak With Juda.”


This is now known to apply to male BHs as well as my son has experienced it. Right now, he cannot progress his character at all and this condition is going on two full days now. The reply to his in-game ticket took well over 24 hours and it was a canned reply at that.


24+ hours for a canned reply with no specific information about what is being done to resolve the issue nor any estimate of a time frame to do so? This company knows nothing about customer "support".


My gameplay experience is well less than optimal and I am now wondering why I payed for 3-months up front.


I am now about to go see if I can cancel the account for a full refund.




You seriously need to fix this game. It has great potential and there is much to like about it.


However, it was (still is) NOT ready for release. Not even close. I for one would much preferred to of waited another month or three for a more mature product than to be asked to pay a subscription just so that I can beta test it.


Please get it right.

Edited by Antediluvian_One
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Fps has with the internet and how much frames you can load at once...

Frame per sec or framerate per sec graphic card + internet infect the FPS i got 45 - 59 fps on all planet but on taris it goes down to 30 - 40 ... its still playable. I got 4g internet so i get great connection.


Can add more things that can afflict damage to your fps. Bad fens in computer or a damager internet card. I had a fen that started to melt (bad fen!) fps dropped lika rock. Wow has bugs that makes people fall down thiere ground and die happen to me 4 times.

Edited by Hoffers
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Generalizing the entire game as a failure, especially when it works perfectly for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people is never a good idea.


Numerous ppl have complained. On the Nvidia forums on the ATI forums and on SWTOR forums... soo your wrong?

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After the first several days of putting up with this game, I am about to.


This game most definitely was NOT ready for release. The bugs are too numerous to list and many are major ones. Bioware is not paying me for my time to generate a proper bug report and so I will not further waste it.


Here are just a few...


1. Numerous archeology nodes on every planet I've been to so far cannot be interacted with. Mousing over the node does not cause the cursor to change and right clicking on the node does nothing. Yet it shows up on the map as a node. A minor thing perhaps, but very annoying when you kill your way through a bunch of mobs to get to it. How did such a thing make it to release?


2. When interacting with a pvp gear vendor, selecting the sort option to show me only gear that is useable by my character does nothing. I am still shown the complete list of gear available even though I cannot use the vast majority of it.


3. I constantly need to dismiss and then re-summon my companion to get him to be with me when I jump off even a small ledge or rock. This is not 100% of the time, but often enough that I wish I had a macro for it.



These are just a few things that I can think of off the top of my head. If I actually cataloged every problem encountered in the game, I could write a book.


Here is the BIG one.


My son's BH has been completely prevented from progressing in the game as he cannot move past a class quests.




This is now known to apply to male BHs as well as my son has experienced it. Right now, he cannot progress his character at all and this condition is going on two full days now. The reply to his in-game ticket took well over 24 hours and it was a canned reply at that.


24+ hours for a canned reply with no specific information about what is being done to resolve the issue nor any estimate of a time frame to do so? This company knows nothing about customer "support".


My gameplay experience is well less than optimal and I am now wondering why I payed for 3-months up front.


I am now about to go see if I can cancel the account for a full refund.




You seriously need to fix this game. It has great potential and there is much to like about it.


However, it was (still is) NOT ready for release. Not even close. I for one would much preferred to of waited another month or three for a more mature product than to be asked to pay a subscription just so that I can beta test it.


Please get it right.


Nope, the game is fine for me other than a 10-20min que. As for your list of issues:


1 - The node has already been used by another player and needs to regenerate.


2 - What character are you playing? Maybe you can use everything....


3 - My companions do that, but I don't re-summon them, they tend to appear next to me a few seconds later. The UI does need improving, but I haven't seen this as a dramatic issue.


I do see that there may be an issue with the BH quests, but none of the people in my guild have experienced it. You need to be patient on day 3 of launch. There are issues, but QQing and Rage-Quitting will not solve your problem at all.

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Numerous ppl have complained. On the Nvidia forums on the ATI forums and on SWTOR forums... soo your wrong?


Really? Not many of the folks in-game enjoying themselves are complaining. If you play at peak times, then you can expect that all the other users on your ISP are online as well, uploading Facebook pictures; watching YouTube; downloading music from iTunes, etc.


Don't always blame the company because you are having a bad experience. Most are not.

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this game is great, a few bugs but that is to be expected and will be fixed

like the nodes issue was really just you not having the right lvl but they have now added a tooltip that lets you know this, and as for fps issues i think that is on the users end i have a

glorifired toaster with decent gfx cards and i get 40-60 fps i'm very impressed with

this game, such a fantastic launch well except for the queues i'm sure that 'll level out

soon as well

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Really? Not many of the folks in-game enjoying themselves are complaining. If you play at peak times, then you can expect that all the other users on your ISP are online as well, uploading Facebook pictures; watching YouTube; downloading music from iTunes, etc.


Don't always blame the company because you are having a bad experience. Most are not.


We are having a bad experience ezmode.



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About to cancel my subscription because the game shuts down my computer after 2 minutes of gameplay and I'm forced to hard boot. It's pretty much been unplayable for the past 3 days for me. So be happy that you can at least play the game somewhat. There's another thread over 100 pages of people who are basically having the same issue and it's become very clear the problem is on Bioware's end. I wouldn't be nearly as upset if it seemed like they were actually acknowledging this is a problem for many players. Especially since SWTOR is obviously causing hardware problems for many people who paid for this game and a subscription. Not to mention the people who prepaid and weren't able to play the entire time. But so far it's only really been addressed with copy/pasted BOT responses telling users to do the same thing even though people have been saying over and over again their suggestions are not working.


I'm glad the game is working well for some people, and a few bugs and long queues at launch are always to be expected, but this was a horrible launch IMO.

Edited by EHJR
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No MMO has been completely 100% polished on release day. NONE of them. I have beta tested every major one since Everquest, and not one of them was fully ready with zero bugs on live launch. Hell, Everquest took two years and an expansion pack to get some of the original bugs flushed out.


Every game company has used the first few months of live launch to tweak. The extra money coming in from subscriptions greatly assists their troubleshooting efforts and each bug report people send in help to flush out everything.


If you are seeing bugs, but not reporting them, you're part of the problem. Not saying that you aren't, but we need to realize that Bioware is not doing anything out of the ordinary by releasing the game when it did.

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Numerous ppl have complained. On the Nvidia forums on the ATI forums and on SWTOR forums... soo your wrong?


Numerous ppl isn't hundreds of thousands. More people have the problem than complain about it but it's still not a huge number. It's frustrating as hell and I understand that, but this was a solid release. I had crashing and horrible fps, both of which were my fault. Automatic driver updates aren't always grabbing the most recent drivers, some are months (even years) old, and have to be found manually. They should be saying as much on the ATI/nvidia forums.

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We are having a bad experience ezmode.




I was reading through that thread. Same 5-7 people posted the majority of QQ's over there. On the first page alone, there were 5 posts from the same guy.


C'mon now! It is pretty common knowledge that most people who play a game never even get on the message boards, let alone post to them.


You are being over dramatic. Get with your cable company and get a signal booster, then check your settings to make sure your graphics card is optimized and keeping cool. You'll be fine!


I had an FPS issue the other day and it turned out that Windows 7 chose my game time as the most optimal to download a bunch of updates.

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You are being over dramatic. Get with your cable company and get a signal booster, then check your settings to make sure your graphics card is optimized and keeping cool. You'll be fine


How can you write this? Did you read any of the replies further down in the 167 page thread? People with two GTX580's and i7 +16gb of ram playing at 15fps should not be possible. And connection has nothing to do with FPS issues.

If you are not going to write anything productive dont post at all.


For me i have these FPS, aswell as the guild and party chat not working. But im sticking in, because they will eventually fix this and then this will be a great game for me aswell :)

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The game kept braking my graphics driver right after the game starts so I could not see anything. The patches in the last day fixed it, the launcher now just freezes at the character selection screen. Neither emailing customer support or posting in the forums has gotten any response of any sort
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The game was just released, most have said this is the best or one of the best releases that have occured, as there are so few bugs, yes there are a fair number of bugs.


There are issues with graphics, UI, Chat, and a few quests here and there that are bugged, Mobs that are much too strong, and there is a learning curve.


Everything in the game feels like level 40+ in something like WoW.


I thought about the game and figured I had two options, I could put up with the issues at launch, or I could wait 3 months for most of the issue to be worked out, or 6 months for nearly all the issues to be worked out.


You have the same options.


I don't disagree, though I have issue with people who have framerate issues, because this is a graphic intensive game so if you are running a dual core system with a basic video card then it's not going to run well.


I get 80fps-110fps on max everything, and little to no lag. I just bought an i7 with 8gb of RAM and a HD6950, to achieve this.


My old system a single core AMD athlon64 4000+ with 3gb of Ram and 8600GTX ran WoW very well. But wouldn't run this at all... I also have a very good internet connection.


My only issues thus far are mobs and boss that seem to be much too hard to solo even a few levels over level.

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I don't disagree, though I have issue with people who have framerate issues, because this is a graphic intensive game so if you are running a dual core system with a basic video card then it's not going to run well.


I get 80fps-110fps on max everything, and little to no lag. I just bought an i7 with 8gb of RAM and a HD6950, to achieve this.


I got an i5, 8gb ram, gt540m(2gb ram), should my game run at 10-15fps at low with shadows off? i dont think so

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Thought I'd take a moment to punch in and give a thumbs up from me, my wife and everyone else I know in-real-life that plays. Everything is doing well!


A small group of frownie faces among thousands that are happy I say. What does that say?


As for the nay-sayers, well it seems as though others have made mention all the things I would like to say.


As a gamer, it is fresh and fun!

As a customer, it's worth what I am paying.



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Well the ones wanting to cancel always cracks me up the first week or so after a launch. Give me a break no game in history has ever had a smooth launch. I have yet to have any major problems with this game since release. Maybe you should check on your computer or internet access.
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