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Healers! Which Companion Do You Use Most?


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If I solo something (rarely) I will use the droid I have complete set of droid armors crafted for him and he is pretty good at tanking. Just trauma probe him and you can DPS as much as you want. Edited by AAAAzrael
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Aric really suffers from pushback so I don't like him.


Elara + me healing = snoozefest


M1-4X I have never geared past Nar Shadaa because I prefer people interesting people companions


Tanno is my regular comp when heal specced because if they all attack him, no pushback for me using CB + FA etc when helping out to kill things faster.


On the really easy stuff I like to get Yuun out, and despite his main stat issues, he chews through packs ridiculously fast it seems.


HK is nice to have but being a range dps he normally only gets 1 enemy on him leaving the rest to attack me and pushback.

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I use Yuun no matter how I spec, despite his bugs. When he's well geared he is the man...or the insect. Whatever, he's my favorite. I may be biased though as I use Torian 100% of the time on my Merc. Torian (the unbugged version of Yuun for Dark Side) is a juggernaut in my old DPS gear (72s and better) so I know how good Yuun will be if they fix his stats.
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I stay specced healer 80% of the time and I geared out M1 as my tank. He's just amazing. As a ranged tank he stays close, which allows me to Kolto Bomb the crap out of us and keeps me, the healer, in his "pocket". Not to mentio, once you get all 162s on M1 he becomes pretty unstoppable.
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Treek. Although I really love M1, right now he's not that geared. (Just got him, hit Tat, only level 25). I have a problem with him not being able to hold aggro and gain as fast as Treek right now. Problem with Treek is that she is annoying as all hell. [un]Fortunately, she's practically a god. I'm CM specced, so I just target an enemy in a group, press Ctrl+1, wait a few seconds, then go ham on everything, healing as needed. She doesn't lose aggro. I can't do that with M1 yet, but the second I can, bye Treek. I know how ****** Yuun and Tanno are from my higher leveled Vanguard, so just biding my time...
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