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A sneak peek from James Ohlen


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i dont consider raids as 'content'.


all premise of immersion in a story in a gameworld goes out of the door when you have to get into it with 10 to 20 people. it becomes a business meeting with obligations and problems, than immersion in a game world. people go to loo, someone's child creates problems, another's door rings. and when you get around these, its basically a 4 hour key mashing fest that you have to do with 9-19 other people without having the liberty to take off and go crap in the loo when you need it, or pour a cup of tea when you feel like it.


and when you are there for the 3rd time, the novelty of whatever 'content' was there becomes already worn off, and it becomes just an irritating obligation.


dont put 'content' in raids.

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How about letting us choose the warzone we want instead of having to play hutt ball 9/10 games.


Why do you go out of your way to prevent world pvp.




I don't think corporations speak common sense but keep trying!

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I was hoping BioWare knew the secret sauce recipe to making an MMO last, they are gonna have to dump mass amounts of content patches down everyone's throat to keep this beast going full steam. I'll keep paying as long as they keep doing this, I imagine lots of others feel the same.
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A new Planet? Already? Really?


Woa. Mind = Blown.


I heard about the FP/Op stuff, but a whole new planet, that's pretty darn sweet if you ask me....


Hopefully we'll be getting a few bug-fix patches while we wait. As funny as it is when my companion grapples a mob over and I kill it in mid-air and it gets 'stuck' in place a la matrix, it's kind of.....not supposed to happen....

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Love the idea of new content - but what about bug fixes?


Following a person doesn't work.

Satele Shan has been small in JK quest on Tython.

Tons of quests you have to drop and reget to make them work.

Guild problems (we still have no guild leader - and it's been 3 days since I put in a ticket...)

Memory leaks on Taris...


and the list goes on and on...


I'm sorry, but if you guys want to compete with WoW - start fixing crap that shouldn't be broken.


Oh yea write code to fix that stuff in the 3 days the game was out, yeeaaa okay

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WoW had major bugs still 1 year after launch. So shut up and go cut some republic in half :D


(WoW can't compete with SWTOR anymore... they gonna have PANDAS!!!! :confused: owned...)


You know WoW is one of the least similar MMORPGs to this, so please, just go back to it if you want WoW vanilla.


You should be comparing it to Star Trek Online, EQ2, EQ or the likes. Oh right, I forgot, all the WoW vets came here to spoil things ;(.

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So I have just read almost 3/4s of all of the posts here and honestly most of you people are down right greedy, impatient, or just whiners.


BW so far has done an amazing job 1) bug fixes are happening almost every day since even before launch 2) Game breaking content? I see this line left and right and I would like to know of what you people speak 3) The PVP stuff will take a bit to nail down


I admit I expected something crazy from this game but hey it just came out and they will keep added and fixing things for most likely ever.


So most of you people should take a chill and just relax its the holidays.

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