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A sneak peek from James Ohlen


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I'm all the way to level 22 already. I have no idea what Alderaan Huttball etc even is.

And you're adding NEW content already!!!!: :(


I feel so lost after reading this thread. :mad:


I guess I'm just too slow for this new world of gaming :p..................................


Quoted for awesomeness.


See THIS guy knows how to enjoy an MMO.



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I would like to be able to read the text (alien dialogue, skill description, quest tracker, THE ENTIRE CODEX, item stats...heck, the NAMES of the items.)


Is this too much to ask for a coming soon update? Maybe a special one tomorrow even? Cause I'm going to be done with the game (having not enjoyed it as much as I could and actually thinking about it begrudgingly because of the difficulty in seeing which in turn is straining my neck, back, and eyes.)

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Some people (only some) really need to learn how to give constructive criticism. I see alot of whining going on. That doesnt get anyone anywhere. The new content is good, and it's only to show us the big plans they have for this game in the long run. I mean come on! you cant really complain about new content. sure this game has some bug's, but it's had such a smooth start. I see very little to complain about. This game is really living up to my expectations. (For those of you complaining on the forums about bugs) I'm pretty positive that we can expect bug fixes along side the contents that are going to be added, no MMO would be stupid enough to not fix the bugs, but all you can really do for now is help out by reporting the bug's and it will all be fixed in due time. It's good to see an MMO listen to it's fans, but im sure it's a hard thing to do when constructive criticism turns into whining. (For those of you giving good feedback on what you would like to see) Mind your manners. Nobody wants to read comments with people whining, it just doesnt get the job done.
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How about


- Mounts (life ones)

- Freeflight

- Space battles

- More open PvP

- More FLUFF stuff..like collectables, trophies

- A place to decorate on your ship and where you can place trophies (like eq2 and SWG)

- Deeper craft system

- Pod racing

- better cantina music and atmosphere when you enter a cantina


etc. Dont really need more flashpoints or operations at this point.. havent even done other ones yet or level to 50.. were not all raiding you know.. need more solo stuff..FLUFF..things to do



:) :)


I wanna ride a Jawa!


But seriously, more fluff and atmosphere would be great. Even making the seats in Cantinas useable would be a nice addition.

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Anyone else remember that Blizzard delayed release of new content for several months because they had server stability and game client issues?


Bioware, you need to think of doing that first, instead of release content. It's OK, people will stick around knowing that the gameplay will be fixed asap instead of putting out more worlds that no one can play because combat and the UI are broken.

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Money hungry Bioware......Just because the engine is in place doesn't mean you should start it without oil and the transmission installed. System requirements too high and buggy as hell...but lets throw some more stupid content at them....that will shut them up.
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It is fair to say that we’re just as excited as you are about the launch of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Not only are we launching one of the largest and most impressive games ever created, but we’re also excited about the prospect of continuing to work on the game so that you, the fans, will always have something heroic and amazing to enjoy. Thanks for playing.


James Ohlen

Game Director




Should have said highly anticipated games ever created. Still a lot of work to do till the game is fully playable. WOW delayed the release of an expansion cause they felt it wasn't ready yet. If you need the phone numbers to Blizzard or CCP I would be happy to get them for you. I'm sure they can give you pointers. Lag is still a problem and you have segregated mmo's threw the rich and poor. People can't aford new computers to play this. Turn it down or ****. Shouldn't have to get a new computer when a laptop can play WOW and Eve perfectly.

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@ James Ohlen


Why would people want to use the same Legacy-name for a Republic character as for an Imperial? The way that it is currently implemented, if you name a Sith character e.g. "Darkstorm" then that name would also be used for your lightside Jedi. It just doesn't make any sense. :(


Can you please split up the Legacy system so that people who have characters on both sides, on the same server, can at least pick 2 seperate Legacy-names?

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I love this game, more and more.

But I am abit dissapointed when reading that this is the features you believe is needed to improve the game.

In my opinion there is alot of small things that isnt working, some key-binding issues. You cant pick what warzone you want to play. also you cant change the camera ankle, (spot the camera to automatically face infront of you!!!!)

All theese small things, is far more important than a new flashpoint.

PLEASE ADD some kind of arena!!! :)

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If they can put out free content at the same rate Trion does for Rift this will be amazing! Only concern though is as great as the new content is (flashpoints, operations, etc...) please don't neglect all the bugs that are still plaguing this game and other issues such as the UI, the ridiculous prices for some training, the mount training level 2 and 3 are ridiculous prices for the speed gains they give (40k for level 1 at 90% is fine but then it goes up to 210k for a 10% increase to 100% is not worth it no matter how you look at it. I understand level 3 is the more prestigious one so I can see that being expensive but that should give at least 120% not 110% and level 2 should be no more than 100k credits IMO). Storage increase (bag and cargo) get pretty stupid expensive too. Your whole economy is a brutal mess.


I hope these issues are going to be addressed and not overlooked just to push out new content. What's the point of new content if the game is broken? I love this game and I'm here for a while to support the game in hopes it will be fixed. If it's not fixed you will lose a lot of players, content or not.

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