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DP Bestia HM

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While in HM DP tonight we noticed that once Bestia is at 50% and the Monsters slow down on spawning but then they speed up again to the point of overwhelming us.

The most we have gotten on this fight is down to 23% before we are overwhelmed with adds.


Is this a change since patch 2.7 or is this normal for DP Hard mode in the Bestia fight ?

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I've cleared this fight (HM/8) once since Patch 2.7 and did not notice any changes from our regular farming prior to the patch, other than her DoT pools being a different colour.


If your DPS is fast enough, Bestia will be at 50% HP when more waves of adds begin to spawn (Phase 3.) If your DPS is a bit slow, adds will begin to spawn based on a timer and Bestia may be a bit above 50% HP.


Your goal in Phase 3, with the adds spawning again, is to always be able to clear the adds before the next wave spawns. Depending on your group, the timing here can be very tight, to the point that you literally kill the last add from one set just as a new set spawns. This is ok, as long as you can keep clearing each set before a new set spawns. Your tanks will be chipping away Bestia's health. If your DPS is good, you'll be able to have them throw a few (or several) attacks on Bestia herself to help the tanks before a new set of adds spawn.


Most groups will switch all DPS onto Bestia and ignore any additional add spawns when Bestia is around 20% HP. Ideally you will perform the switch onto Bestia immediately after cleaning up an add wave. Have your tank with no stacks from Bestia pick her up and hold her until she is dead. The tank that is swapping off of Bestia will round up the new adds and kite them around the room.

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If all 4 of your dps can do 2400 to 2500 dps over the fight you can simply put all dps on bestia and completely ignore adds at 50%. You'll get her dead before a 3rd set of adds spawns so you're only dealing with 2 monsters and 2 larva. Just heal through it and ignore the adds entirely, letting tanks deal with em.


If shes not nearly dead by the time a 3rd set of adds spawns your dps is too low and you might hafta do it the long way.

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While in HM DP tonight we noticed that once Bestia is at 50% and the Monsters slow down on spawning but then they speed up again to the point of overwhelming us.


That is the normal mechanic, you get 4 of each add type before she becomes active and you need to kill them quickly before she does preferably, larvae first then monsters. No monsters then appear until a set time after bestia comes down or its seems she hits 50%. That is when she does that channel and starts spawning more monsters. You have to manage the larvae/monsters/tentacles while still killing her. Working as intended.

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