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Successful Ad and a few ideas


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So whatever ad you released around the end of March 2014, was definitely successful. Me alongside many others started the game for the first time and i was overwhelmed. It has everything other MMO's i played didn't have. The Sith Story line... starting on Korriban and what follows is utterly superb. So keep it up :D

Otherwise the game has massive potential and i think with Galactic Starfighter we have only seen a glimpse of that.

Anyways the only things that i immediately found were lacking were... faster and flying mounts on planets... larger planet areas to explore, and free spaceflight as it is in EVE. I know it's probably dumb to mention it.... but it would give this game the edge from great to amazing.... not to mention secure even more subscribers ;)

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So whatever ad you released around the end of March 2014, was definitely successful. Me alongside many others started the game for the first time and i was overwhelmed. It has everything other MMO's i played didn't have. The Sith Story line... starting on Korriban and what follows is utterly superb. So keep it up :D

Otherwise the game has massive potential and i think with Galactic Starfighter we have only seen a glimpse of that.

Anyways the only things that i immediately found were lacking were... faster and flying mounts on planets... larger planet areas to explore, and free spaceflight as it is in EVE. I know it's probably dumb to mention it.... but it would give this game the edge from great to amazing.... not to mention secure even more subscribers ;)


Glad to hear you say this. I've been here from beta and it was just the other day that my friend and I realised how far this game has come. I won't go over all the things that have changed or been improved, but suffice to say the game is pretty damn good now. Just the fact that it's come so far gives me faith in the developers, even if I don't like some of the things that have happened. (Looking at you, Cartel Market)


Thanks for the opinion of a new comer!

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So far it is the only MMO i can say that has gotten better and better with time.

I do have a lot of confidence in the developers really, and i think the sky ..ok... the engine :p ... is the limit.

As for the Cartel Market. So far i don't mind it. 500(+100) coins each month just for being a subscriber is a very fair and nice gesture. And otherwise most items are really just cosmetic. Also a lot of people will buy them and resell them for credits so even without coins access to most items remains :)

Also the prices seem fair enough to me.

As long as it stays that way, and won't turn into a money drain... like some other games (forcing you to buy equipment to even remotely stay competitive) it can stay for all i care.

Personally i'm looking forward to the Strongholds and the new content from may up until june :)

After that.... maybe my new RvR suggestions will be taken into consideration :p

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