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Is one mega server for the whole game possible? I would love that


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esp when strongholds come. can you imagine that? being able to raid with anyone no matter what time of the day, cos it iwll always be evening time somewhere and the people in that country will be playing.


Finally also you'd get planets that always have low populations during the time youcan play have a lot more people. I don't know what hte tehcnical limitations are if there are any, but it would kinda be awesome don't you think?


When you log in, your character will be placed at teh server location nearest to you to ensure the fastest connection, however you will be able to link up with people from anywhere, or jump to htier version . I know ESO are using the one mega server approach, and i know that these current servers are a merger of the old ones, if they can consolidate all those old realms into our current serveres, is it not possible to consolidate all our current realms into one?


I can imagine my latency will drop significantly if i kept connected to realms on actual servers that were near me, I am slmost salivating low latency and the 200-300 dps gain that will give me. You may wonder why I don't transfer all my toons to a server that is near my physical location.. well, i have 10 toons to do so, iwhich i can't really afford to send over + got my guilds and all my riends on this one. Now with a mega server, that would be no worry, i doubt i would know exactly the location my toon was running from but i woldn't carel


Kiss no ranked arena/warzones or no group finder queue pops in the morning which happens to e the only time you can play because of work or life committments goodbye, you'd be be able to do your ranked arenas/warzones and any group activity and always have a group ready. Is it 4:00 a.m. in your country or timezone? now you want to start a DF HM - no longer is it a ghost town cos everyone is aselep or tired, you'd have some people its prime time or for some people just back from school Wouldn't it be awesome

Edited by Macetheace
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I would hate every bit of that...and I would probably stop playing because of it.


I play on a low populated server for a reason...and I even try to log in when the population is lowest on that server.


I love having the option to team...but having hundreds of people running around doing the same missions you are in the storyline would drastically drop the entertainment value for me.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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I would hate every bit of that...and I would probably stop playing because of it.


I play on a low populated server for a reason...and I even try to log in when the population is lowest on that server.


I love having the option to team...but having hundreds of people running around doing the same missions you are in the storyline would easily drop the entertainment value for me.


On a highly populated server, it would seem you would more often be able to find lower populated instances because there would be more instances of everything. Switch instances when you want to compete against fewer people for quest resources (or whatever reason).

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On a highly populated server, it would seem you would more often be able to find lower populated instances because there would be more instances of everything. Switch instances when you want to compete against fewer people for quest resources (or whatever reason).


Yeah, you are right...I did overlook that.

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Kiss no ranked arena/warzones or no group finder queue pops in the morning which happens to e the only time you can play because of work or life committments goodbye, you'd be be able to do your ranked arenas/warzones and any group activity and always have a group ready. Is it 4:00 a.m. in your country or timezone? now you want to start a DF HM - no longer is it a ghost town cos everyone is aselep or tired, you'd have some people its prime time or for some people just back from school Wouldn't it be awesome
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Can the server handle that much people though?


Heck, FPS (for alot of people) is crap now. If every server merged into 1 mega server, I would hate to see what the FPS will be like.


No different, because every area will still be instance-capped as they are now. There will be more instances, but none will have more people than they do now, so your over-burdened, low-end video card and processor won't have to draw any more people than they do now.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Yeah, you are right...I did overlook that.


yep, that's the beauty of the technology, it spaces everyone out fora maximum effect area, furthermore, it woud likely be putting people together in similar timezones based on their physical location, so you can guarantee you would have instances that are very full andones that are a lot quieter and cna switch accordingly, aftera. if you're playing a 10:30 ppm. east coast time, it's very busy on those instances, but the Europe instances are actually at 4 a.m. quite quiet, the west coast ones at 5:30 pm



I don't know how theyy'd do it, liekly they'd connect all existing servers and simiulate a giant realm, where you are intelligently placed in the most optimal location. But can always move to the instance your group is it by choice, just like you can now. I think it would be awesome.

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Can the server handle that much people though?


Heck, FPS (for alot of people) is crap now. If every server merged into 1 mega server, I would hate to see what the FPS will be like.


That is the question, which is why I wonder if something like that will be possible in our lifetimes.


Also keep in mind what happens when the server goes down - having 1 mega server has its drawbacks too.


Although if they ever were to attempt it, I'd suggest 3 mega servers - 1 PvE, 1 PvP, and 1 RP.

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That was how they consolidated the servers this far since the game started with well over a 100, but I fully support them dropping it down to just 3 servers! One PvE, one PvP and one RP. For each region too so in total 6 servers I suppose.
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Can the server handle that much people though?


Heck, FPS (for alot of people) is crap now. If every server merged into 1 mega server, I would hate to see what the FPS will be like.


Of course they can. It's just more and more instances is all. Rather than 2 Fleets, we'd have the population to support 6.

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Can the server handle that much people though?


Heck, FPS (for alot of people) is crap now. If every server merged into 1 mega server, I would hate to see what the FPS will be like.


Darth THC is correct when he repliex "No different, because every area will still be instance-capped as they are now. There will be more instances, but none will have more people than they do now, so your over-burdened, low-end video card and processor won't have to draw any more people than they do now."


Furthermore, i'm not sure how this would be done practically, they could simply link the existing servers, so they oprate like they are now, but you no longer can choose a server selection so server selection goes away, because all servers are operating linked. this is quite possible, and in fact rprobably how each of the current servers worked, they probably about 3 or 4 servers making up Red Eclipse, maybe 8 making up Jedi Covenant etc.


Another approach is they may transfer every one to this super server, even though the actual machines are all over the world, this again happens quite alot. Still it's a huge QoL improvment solves all your cries for cross realm warzones or queues, etc.

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One hugely populated server per server type might be interesting. Mixing PvP, PvE, and RP would have... unfortunate consequences.

that can be solved in several ways.


Option 1:

Instead of server selection, when you log on, you can choose one of 3 options:


1. pvp

2. pvE

3. RP


it will then group instances in that category and you will zone in to an instance dedicated to that rule set. Furthermore, when you check the instances, they will sort them according to pvE, pvp, RP - next to the number - this can be either the text indicating or using colour code. Pvp instances will be color coded red when you check your map, pvE ones will be colour coded yellow, and RP colour coded Green.


Option 2.

PvP and PvE are really only a matter on whether pvp is by defualt on or by defuault off, and you can set that, no need to separate instances or anything like that, by selecting pvp, all it does is toggle the option in your settings to default you on for pvp, and will try to put you with people who have that on. Same with RP select RP, it will bunch you to instances with people who have that option selected just like it does when it determines your location, you logging on from Europe? the physical server that will handle your character would be one closest to your location. Even if you switch to a pvp instance or a pVE one or RP it wil select one that is generated by a server location closest to you.


The only exception is if you physically jump to a groups instance, in which case you will be in the location that the group leader is operating from, but as soona s you leave group and zone to anew area, you will be once more handled by your nearest server.

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I am fine without mega server, but cross server tech for warzones GSF and maybe the flashpoints in the group finder would be nice.


there will be no need for cross server tech, that is exactly one of the perks of a mega server, ah..i see what you mean. Group finder, GSF, Warzone and ranked queues will now match you via the entire population. not just the ones on your locality server. When it has compiled a group or team, you will alll be placed in an instnace. you don't need to know where the physical location of the server your instance is on is, it could be in europe or in north america, there woud be algorithms and criteria that will determine which location to use. ofc and grouping people up will generally fit a set of criteria first for optimum results, for example, the only timeyou would expect the computer to place a player in north america east coast in an instance that is located on a server in Europe or north america west coast is if there werent enough people to available in east coast to match you with, - assuming taht it will pick the server location based on the majority of where the people who it has grouped together are, and only place you elsewhere if there were not enough


the idea is you never have to wait long. T?here would probably be an option to keep you local for any queued activity for those very worried about latency, ut you would know that this would inevitably result in a longer quue time till a group that matches your criteria can be found But that would be an option that is off by default which you would have to turn on.

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I found this article and the date on it made me laugh a little.


This is the capabilities of the EVE Online server as of 1/13/2011. This is over three years ago and almost a full year before this game even launched. At that time (and they have upgraded since) they could sustain nearly 100,000 users online on the same server. The current "Megaservers" of SWTOR are not capable of this 3 years later. Lets not even talk about the outdated server setup they had at launch.


I firmly believe having 1 RP/1 PVP/1 PVE server would be as big of an improvement (if not more) than the last merge that created the current large servers. This may or may not happen depending on where they stand with the scalability of the current architecture. If it entails a total redesign I think we will never see it.

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that can be solved in several ways.


Option 1:

Instead of server selection, when you log on, you can choose one of 3 options:


1. pvp

2. pvE

3. RP


it will then group instances in that category and you will zone in to an instance dedicated to that rule set.


LOVE this solution!!!

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There are servers all over the world and NO we don't need people who don't speak the same language forced onto the same servers.


Last I heard, there are servers on the US West Coast, US East Cost, and in Ireland. That's hardly "All Over the WORLD!"


Latency seems to be a bigger challenge than language. I imagine transit times from the EU to US East are far worse than they are to Ireland.

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The real big downside would be 9000 more threads from people losing conflicting character names.


i've always wondered why they don't use a characters name and legacy name as a definer, rather than the first name, - they could switch to that instead, and conflict only arises if first name and legacy name are an identical match. In which case you'd have to choose a different first name. The mega server can have 2 Lukes if one is Luke Stargazer and the other Luke Skywalker, but if someone esle with the STargazer legacy wants to make a character called Luke, he can't, because Luke Stargazer exists elsewhere. Mail and character name are now first and legacy name. Should fix 95% of all such conflicts and in fact allow people to use many names that were previously tied up.

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One hugely populated server per server type might be interesting. Mixing PvP, PvE, and RP would have... unfortunate consequences.


This could be an option a player selects and places them into a layer that matches their prefered play type.


I really like the idea of one server to rule them all, it helps prevent dead servers, or servers that are dead in some aspects but not others, but for that to work they would need to do something about names, allowing them to be unique per account, not per population.

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