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Any chance of adding the "jump to hyperspace" effect cinematic onto the outside?


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So we got the "jump in" with certain cinematics of starships. Makes sense. BUT, *why* don't we have *our* ship cinematic jump out ? It was in the original movies *all* the time. I try to block out the Episode 1,2, & 3 for reasons.


To set the system to RNG the cinematic so it occurs at random. But then, I would be expecting to happen every time there after. I know it's probably considered "fluff" and definitely not essential to gameplay. We do have the "jump in" on GSF already.


IMO, it would add to the immersion of the experience. Something to consider in the future BW Austin.

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So we got the "jump in" with certain cinematics of starships. Makes sense. BUT, *why* don't we have *our* ship cinematic jump out ? It was in the original movies *all* the time. I try to block out the Episode 1,2, & 3 for reasons.


To set the system to RNG the cinematic so it occurs at random. But then, I would be expecting to happen every time there after. I know it's probably considered "fluff" and definitely not essential to gameplay. We do have the "jump in" on GSF already.


IMO, it would add to the immersion of the experience. Something to consider in the future BW Austin.


i don't consider it fluff. You get a certain grou p of peole that shoot down every suggestion / observation /wish that isn't more content. Shame, because it just discourages people from asking and kills their hope that some dev is listening or might do sometihng.


Suffice it to say, if all you give is content and don't improve the gneral look and feel of the game, you get stuck in this dated look, which is what happened to wow, you gotta improve other aspects.


I love the cinematics/convos, they are the best asepct of the game, make it look like a movie, every time they do something new with them it's a pleasure to watch, like a new raid or new planet has a flly in , where you see the ship travelling in space , they recently changed the fly in for the fleet to match the new GSF features, it looks so cool, then you look at Kuat drive yards whent he shhuttle leaves for the ring..or when you ship enteres oricon.


you're like, this would be soo cool if every lanet had a similar like updated approach cinematic, and theplanet had stuff around it rathe rthan just a ball.


then you think about loading screens, this static picture that' s there, when you first creat a character, guess what, cineamtic is playing whiles the game is loading in the back ground, cos when it finishes you're ready to press continue. In KotOR apparently they use to show cineamtics instead oloading screens or was that ME3 - aparently people complained, but we figured out it's because they didn't know the game was loading in the background. so with SWTOR, instead you just get a picture which is so much worse when you know you could be having a treat.


So some of us comncluded, you simply need to add a message or the laoding screen bar during the cineamtic to show players that the game is actually loading while they watch, and once it has finished loading, they can press space bar to continue their adventure or watch the cinematic to the end.


I suggest that they do that, and during every loading screen which always happens when you're moving palnets/zones, they show a transit video, of your ship leaving /arriving at the plane or orbital station, would love ot see an earial view of the spaceport/city you leave/arrive in, move through the atmsohere into orbit, then actually see your ship, jump to hyperspace once you've slected your destination, adn it shows the whole trip, from the outside view.


simirallry when you click on the airlock, it wills how a cinematic of the landing /arrival approach while your game is loading, as you go into theplanet

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There is "jump to hyperspace" effect when you move around with your ship. You just don't see it if you start running to airlock door as soon as you've clicked that "Travel".


True. You can see it from the cockpit. What I am curious about is the external view of the ship from it's current location into hyperspace. Now as someone else pointed out, which got me thinking. Loading screens.


You could have the jump sequence from the outside of the ship and arrive to the location from inside the ship. And I'm sure this was deeply discussed when SWTOR was being made. Instead they kept with just keeping the jump sequence inside the ship probably because that is a much more controlled environment / space to work with. Then once you leave your ship aka the box, then all the data of where you are landing arrives to your computer. edit: putting in the external jump sequence is more data being transferred which could slow the process of getting somewhere.


So, in a way I answered my own question..but, ya know.. I just want the Star Warm fuzzies and my t-shirt doesn't keep body heat very well at night when I'm playing. Putting in little bits of into the old bits makes it not so stale. Maybe I'm just cold and hungry right now at 1am. Who knows. Thanks for indulging my curiosity, folks.

Edited by CaliJoe
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