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If the level capacity will go up, what will happen to our gear?


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This is partly true, but you've got to take into account the fact that gear rewards can overcome "raid burnout".


IME, the only thing that really overcomes burnout is new raids.


Even today, with DF/DP on farm, we run it to gear up alts. If those two operations didn't drop ANY gear, we'd probably stick to NM and Hateful.


If your raid team is anything like mine, that DF/DP drop gear only affects what you chose to run, not the fact that you are still logging in to raid.


From my perspective, our alt night raids are nights to goof about on toons and roles that we might not get to try on our progression nights. And I've brought fully (or nearly so) geared toons to those simply because it is what I felt like playing or the role we needed to fill. I've never worried about whether I needed more gear on one toon or another. The toons I play get geared simply by the nature of playing them, not as part of some plan.


And even when our farming runs are done, we will go do TfB or S&V NiM, which we didn't clear. Why would we bother doing this, since the gear that drops is worse that what we are already wearing? The answer is simply to do something different but still a bit challenging with friends.


So I fully admit that yes, there are people in this game with a laser-like focus on gear. They only want to raid because they want that 78 mainhand or 2nd relic. And they will whine and moan in voice chat about how horrible their luck is and how much they really really REALLY want that shiny thing. These are people who have no interest in supporting or developing the team as a whole, and are going to disappear soon until the next tier of gear comes. At which point they come back and whine about how much they want to get back into raiding and get some gear, but discover I have given their spot to a "true" raider, who isn't a loot whore.


TL;DR raiders are not loot whores, and loot whores are not raiders, because the mentality is incompatible with teamwork.

Edited by NoFishing
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Uh no, because those already geared guildies who are running ops to help other guildies are doing so why? To help the other guildies gear. Why? So that when everyone is geared they can move on to the next tier of ops.


Uh, isn't that exactly what I just said? The only reason raiders want gear is to be ready for the next tier of raids.

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They only want to raid because they want that 78 mainhand or 2nd relic. And they will whine and moan in voice chat about how horrible their luck is and how much they really really REALLY want that shiny thing.

Absolutely, these type of players drive me crazy. I definitely prefer grouping with people that are there for fun first and gear second (if at all).


Some of the best times I've had in this game are when we're goofing off in an operation, mess up because of derp (or deliberate trolling for the lulz), but somehow manage to pull it off anyway. The only times more memorable than that are conquering really really difficult content for the first time.

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Some of the best times I've had in this game are when we're goofing off in an operation, mess up because of derp (or deliberate trolling for the lulz), but somehow manage to pull it off anyway. The only times more memorable than that are conquering really really difficult content for the first time.


Look I'm not saying there isn't a place for drunk raid night. Or no pants raid night. Or attempting EV NiM naked and possibly also with beer. My point wasn't to say that raids can't be done for fun, but simply that gear is a vital carrot, especially in progression.

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