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Dear BioWare: Please make self-shot CSC go 'PewPew'

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I haven't played in a while and just picked up my Merc again. First, seriously, thank you so much for finally making Rapid Shots self-targetable. And for putting Peacekeeper where it belongs: somewhere I can completely ignore it. Both are awesome QoL changes and ones I was always asking for.


But, there's just one tiny problem with the new Rapid Shots: it's completely silent when you 'shoot' yourself. This actually matters. It's not a huge thing, but it matters.


Because see, when I'm scanning the gamefield or focusing on psychically-guessing which Ops member still has Kolto Shell active, the distinct "Pew Pew!" of ally-targeted Rapid Shots is a really useful indicator that it's actually firing.


Like, even if you're not looking at your action bars, even if you don't see the GCD go off, even if you're squinting at some tiny little debuff and not watching your guns go off — 'Pew Pew!' means you're healing.


It's very visceral and responsive. And, the timing of the 'Pew Pew!' tells you when it's time to shoot again if you're doing weird things like jumping and spinning while running around. That constant 'Pew Pew!' is one of the defining 'playfeel' features of Mercs.


Could you please make it go 'Pew Pew!' when you hit yourself with Rapid Shots? Or at least make some distinct noise? :)



Pew pew

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