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Commando Rep Questions

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Instantly no, spam trolling and counting yes.


He's just rejoined the thread and first thing is to stir it again.


Is it now that I, personally, back out? :p


I'll just sneak out the back door... to be honest, I don't really care about class changes. I'll stay with my commando no matter what - just as I did at launch and the earlier patches.


I like discussions and arguements that are constructed - where both sides have equal chance to say something, and where each side respects each other.


Cash, Adam and the rest of you, fight in peace (lol?). I'm outta here. I should've just let you fight your own fight, Adam, as you can easily hold your own :D

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Cash for letting a bunch of worthless morons for getting to him, and for disregarding the valid opinions of those who did contribute to the discussion because he decided that those opinions didn't matter. When you're a class rep (and let's not kid ourselves, you earned class rep by popular acclamation), it's your responsibility to represent the community's concerns even when you don't share those concerns.

I'm not sure what you mean by the underlined points. I might have missed it in this thread, but in the brainstorming thread Cash did a great job of hearing everyone out.

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Every single class rep has had lengthy explanations accompanying their questions, these are no different. And you STILL have no say in the quality of the questions when you did not contribute to generating them.


Hey, with the exception of Tanks in PvP, the PT questions had barely any lengthy explanations to their questions. And they got good answers too. In fact, you could probably combine all 3 of the PT questions into a single paragraph and it would still be shorter than some of these questions


Now I will admit I helped Koozie trim them down a little, because I think that the shorter questions will get better responses. That and holding off from suggestions.

If I were to rewrite these questions, it would look something like this:


Question 1: PvE

Overall, Commandos are in a great place in PvE right now. Assault spec is unmatched in its raw damage output, and Combat Medic arguably has the best healing move in the game with trauma probe. However, the Gunnery spec is significantly underperforming in comparison with every other ranged DPS spec. While the changes in 2.7 are nice due to removing Curtain of Fire RNG and Pushback on Unload, testing by Odawgg (Current #1 position on the DPS Leaderboards) has shown that due to the buffs to sorcs as well, Gunnery will still be behind the other RDPs options, and with how powerful assault is, why bother with gunnery anyway when the only added utility of Gunnery is an armor debuff? As such, we would like to know if there are any plans to improve Gunnery's DPS output even further, such as easing resource management.


Question 2: PvP

There are many people believing that Commandos are in a terrible place for PvP, especially at a higher level. The main cause of this belief is the top commando/merc being significantly lower on the PvP Leaderboards than the other classes, but even if you ignore that, commandos have the worse emergency survive button with Jet Charge being the only option. The recent proposed changes to snipers and gunslingers defensive cooldowns prompted the devs to respond, stating that each advanced class should have a powerful escape or a great brute-force defense mechanic. However, this was looking at a class that already had not only an escape option in Covered Escape, but also a 360 degree knockback. With this in mind, what are the devs plans to improve any possible emergency survive buttons for commandos, such as Adrenaline Rush, which looks like its supposed to be this button but overall isn't anywhere near as strong as it is on Vanguards due to the talents they get.


Question 3: Wildcard

Assault spec is, as stated earlier, one of the best specs in the game. However, it has some issues that can always cause problems in the tree. It has almost no group utility in PvP other than a weak and unreliable slow, has weak synergy with abilities that are apparently improved by the tree such as Hail of Bolts and Plasma Grenade, and as pointed out by the Powertech Questions, Alacrity screws with the internal cooldown of Ionic Accelerator. Its even worse on commandos here because commandos have up to 4% alacrity from talents in the assault tree, as opposed to the 2% that vanguards/powertechs get. In addition to these problems, the high damage output from PvE comes mainly from all the DoTs it can keep up, which is almost impossible in PvP with all the cleanses going out, and all the channels it has to pull off, which, once again, is very difficult in a PvP situation with all the interrupts being available to everyone. As such, the community wishes to know if the devs are aware of these issues, and what the devs plans are to address some of these issues?


Additional Notes:

In the last round of questions you mentioned adding an ammo counter for us mandos wouldnt be hard at all and that it should be in soon... Still waiting on that thanks


For question 2: Remember, they dont like adding new abilities so we would have to work with what we have

For question 3: The Phantom ICD on Plasma Cell doesn't exist, as proven by my horribly-geared-but-still-has-100%-accuracy mercenary spamming hammer shots on a dummy for 5 minutes and then using the magical method of "Maths" and "Parsing" to determine how many times plasma cell procced every 6 seconds. And it was more than twice (remember, it ticks on application and every 3 seconds afterwards unless clipped) on average (and even then, I would just have to find a situation where it gets refreshed before it falls off to prove this to not exist, even if it didn't tick more than twice)

Edited by TACeMossie
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I'm not sure what you mean by the underlined points. I might have missed it in this thread, but in the brainstorming thread Cash did a great job of hearing everyone out.


I was referring to this.


From cashogy_reborn, the King of Bads and mando class rep:


"first off, i dont appreciate the people in this thread claiming i didnt put effort into this. over the entire 2 years that this game has been live, i challenge anyone to find someone that has been a larger, more outspoken advocate for this class.


second, if you didnt post in the brainstorming thread, or any other thread discussing balance that was around in the 6 months between the Merc questions and these, its your own damn fault. i dont care if you are rated 3000, your opinion as of now on these topics is invalid, because the questions are submitted.


all of these questions are ripped directly from that brainstorming thread. they are what the majority of the community wanted.


there is nothing about combat medic b/c in the grand scheme of things it is actually in a very good spot. there is nothing about the stupid ammo counter b/c it literaly doesnt fking matter. if you cant tell what your ammo is at by now, quit the game.


i was not made the class rep to make friends or be nice. i was made the class rep b/c i know my sht. this is just yet another example of swtor's community being the worst i have ever seen by far. thanks for the ban punks.


P.S. and to you people posting that every one of my questions was wrong, what the fk would you have asked? or would you have rather me said 'hey devs, we're all fine here, thanks for asking!' ? ffs, dont be idiotic'"

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For question 3: The Phantom ICD on Plasma Cell doesn't exist, as proven by my horribly-geared-but-still-has-100%-accuracy mercenary spamming hammer shots on a dummy for 5 minutes and then using the magical method of "Maths" and "Parsing" to determine how many times plasma cell procced every 6 seconds. And it was more than twice (remember, it ticks on application and every 3 seconds afterwards unless clipped) on average (and even then, I would just have to find a situation where it gets refreshed before it falls off to prove this to not exist, even if it didn't tick more than twice)


I'm behind that question so I'll field the reply to what you've said.


I want to see your working for your conclusions because they are wrong.


This is my parse made right now: http://www.torparse.com/a/633073


Between first hit and last hit is 5 minutes and 53 seconds or 353 seconds total


The exact line of: Hotwired's Plasma Cell adds effect Burning (Tech) to Operations Training Dummy. which indicates a proc is counted 55 times.


353 seconds / 55 procs = 6.4 seconds between procs


Bear in mind that each 6 seconds I fire 4 times with up to 7 hits per activation of default attack for up to 28 hits per 6 seconds.


There is a 6s ICD to activate Plasma Cell using ranged attacks and it is a QoL issue which was added to the pile of QoL issues which bug Assault.

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I'm behind that question so I'll field the reply to what you've said.


I want to see your working for your conclusions because they are wrong.


This is my parse made right now: http://www.torparse.com/a/633073


Between first hit and last hit is 5 minutes and 53 seconds or 353 seconds total


The exact line of: Hotwired's Plasma Cell adds effect Burning (Tech) to Operations Training Dummy. which indicates a proc is counted 55 times.


353 seconds / 55 procs = 6.4 seconds between procs


Bear in mind that each 6 seconds I fire 4 times with up to 7 hits per activation of default attack for up to 28 hits per 6 seconds.


There is a 6s ICD to activate Plasma Cell using ranged attacks and it is a QoL issue which was added to the pile of QoL issues which bug Assault.


Oh ok, then its a bug that only affects plasma cell. My attempt to replicate said situation with my merc didn't have the phantom internal cooldown for plasma cell.

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Please bicker some more. This is almost better than watching any TV sitcom :)


Anyway. Just 1 short question to you'll. You know this whole discussion isn't helping our cause to show the devs we are mature enough to handle this "asking 3 questions to the dev team" - system.

If we only bicker like this is might backfire on you, me and whole community.


Some people are saying they are not kids. Than stop acting like one and stop this nonsense fighting about questions. Don't like them? to bad, you're to late now. Next round you'll have a shot at it again. You can't change the questions anymore, no sense in accusing anyone.

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Ok for Mercenary check:


Parse: http://www.torparse.com/a/633121


5m 51 seconds or 351s total


54 instances of Imperialmonkey's Combustible Gas Cylinder adds effect Burning (Tech) to Combat Training Target.


351 seconds / 54 procs = 6.5 seconds between procs


Identical ICD of 6s between procs for both factions.

Edited by Gyronamics
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I dont play Commando, but i do play Merc, and i can say that for when i did play Arsenal, it was litteraly, Spam 3 Tracer Missiles, then HSM > Rail > Unload > Tracer x3 > Repeat. What Arsenal/Gunnery needs is more variety, i would throw Electro Net, Explosive Dart, and maybe the stray Power Shot and Fusion Missile, but other than that my main rotation was Tracer > Tracer > Tracer > HSM > RS > Unload > Repeat. But, i can see that they are lagging behind other classes too. Some more variety in the Rotation would be nice too.


Pyro/Arsenal, this is my go-to spec for PvP, when i feel like getting my butt kicked... WE NEED THAT DISENGAGE! And you cant tell me just to Electro Net > Jet Boost > HtL/HO That isnt a disengage, because when Electro Net is Purged or just goes away, your hosed again... Something like


Jet Override - Engage your Jetpack to fly backwards 20 meters or 10 meters when Slowed/Rooted CD of 30 Seconds.


Full Retreat! - Call a Republic Transport Ship to pull you up and drop you backwards 20 meters from where you are or 10 meters when you are Rooted/Slowed 30 Second Cooldown.


This would be a simple fix for a simple problem. and for Pyro/Arsenal, give them something like this


Fuel Leak - When you activate Jet Override some of your Jetpack fuel leaks out and you spray fire in a 8 meter radius around where you leap from dealing ~2000 damage over 8 seconds.


Firebombing - When you activate Full Retreat! the Transport Ship will discharge Firebombs in an 8 meter radius around where you were dealing ~2000 damage over 8 seconds


This would make the disengage more useful for Pyro/Assault, cant think of anything clever for Arsenal/Gunnery or Bodyguard/Combat Medic

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I dont play Commando, but i do play Merc, and i can say that for when i did play Arsenal, it was litteraly, Spam 3 Tracer Missiles, then HSM > Rail > Unload > Tracer x3 > Repeat. What Arsenal/Gunnery needs is more variety ...

While I agree that Gunnery/Arsenal could use more variety to spice it up, the rotation you described above is merely "adequate", and you're really not pushing the limits of what that spec can do.


I'd suggest first reviewing Pizza's guide for the basics, then looking over some of the newer PTS parses (done with the 2.7 changes). You're gimping yourself with your current lackadaisical approach.

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What bugs me is that you were required to ask these questions prior to 2.7 hitting, meaning any newly uncovered shortcomings will take another whole freaking year to address (or more).


As always, thank you Cash...I'm disappointed in the system, not you.

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Well that was a fun vacation.........



I owe some of you an apology. I flew off the handle a bit, and took the bait when I shouldnt have. Im going to leave it at that in hopes that this thread can actually become somewhat constructive.

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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Well that was a fun vacation.........



I owe some of you an apology. I flew off the handle a bit, and took the bait when I shouldnt have. Im going to leave it at that in hopes that this thread can actually become somewhat constructive.


Like always, right? :rolleyes:

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Well that was a fun vacation.........



I owe some of you an apology. I flew off the handle a bit, and took the bait when I shouldnt have. Im going to leave it at that in hopes that this thread can actually become somewhat constructive.


Welcome back.


I've found a saying I'm quite fond of: "Anyone can fall. It just takes a great man to get back up."


While some will say that life's too short to focus on the little things, it's these little things that shape our lives and define who we are. There's bad moments and good moments, but without these little things, we are unable to be human. Little things can cause joy or sadness, but they matter.


And my armchair philosopher moment is over.



I hope that Bioware learns from the class rep initiative and communicates with their fan base more, and is able to increase production speed for updates and content, but with the things players want.


While I know this isn't some suggestion box, I did think that it would be nice for a Commando Passive skill for "Hold The Line/Hydraulic Overrides". "Full Retreat/Maximum overdrive" would increase the speed bonus of HtL/HO by 120% for the first 2 seconds of the ability. This would give us a 150% speed boost plus the ability to defy physics and movement impairing effects.


TL;DR- Glad you're back.

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While I know this isn't some suggestion box, I did think that it would be nice for a Commando Passive skill for "Hold The Line/Hydraulic Overrides". "Full Retreat/Maximum overdrive" would increase the speed bonus of HtL/HO by 120% for the first 2 seconds of the ability. This would give us a 150% speed boost plus the ability to defy physics and movement impairing effects.

Catch my Commando/Merc? However, we should probably spring for the turbo.


Jokes aside, welcome back Cash!

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Well that was a fun vacation.........



I owe some of you an apology. I flew off the handle a bit, and took the bait when I shouldnt have. Im going to leave it at that in hopes that this thread can actually become somewhat constructive.

LOL! Don't change Cash...the fact that you don't take **** from anyone is one of your most redeeming qualities imo. Stand up for yourself and your class...that's what we expect you to do.

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