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Commando Rep Questions

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^ This.


The people who are trolling in this thread are quite pathetic.



What's his rating in Ranked PvP for the Commando/Merc class?




I forgot that people can also abuse Ranked WZs and boost up their rating so that was a poor question on my part.


You obviously haven't played with or against him. You're just incredibly biased because of him having another opinion than you. I don't say I have the same opinion as Adam, but you should respect him.

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Funny you should say that but I'm on the same server and may well have played with/against Adam, never caught my attention though. The issue is actually what he's doing in here.


I don't say I have the same opinion as Adam, but you should respect him.


Have you not read the steaming piles posted in here to troll, incite and generally be disagreeable for amusement?


There is nothing to respect in Adams behaviour in this thread.

Edited by Gyronamics
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On TOFN lol


Congrats on 1500 on your shtty server.




I'm not contributing with anything to the thread, I know, but wth class rep



I have played arenas, with all my toons more or less. But never in a stable team due to all my IRL stuff and work etc as i explained to you earlier.


Problem spotted xd When you have your homies taking care of your weaknesses, things change. It might sound like the overall team is suffering to compensate for the mandos weakness but they don't have to do much. A countered hard switch relies first and foremost on the healer/tank not being cced together (if the enemy switches to a merc dps) and on healer cleansing fast enough. A good hard switch relies on ccing everyone on the enemy team and hard stunning the guy you're going on which lets the merc dps wreck havoc with the fastest 1 -2 burst combo this game has. List goes on


The only thing I'd agree on is that this class has a higher skill roof but it also needs teamwork to make it shine which is nice, in my humble opinion. I'm probably seen as being idealistic or overly optimistic and really there is nothing that can be said to entitle an opinion and give it truth value, so take it as you may

Edited by Suryi
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I'm not contributing with anything to the thread, I know, but wth class rep




Problem spotted xd When you have your homies taking care of your weaknesses, things change. It might sound like the overall team is suffering to compensate for the mandos weakness but they don't have to do much. A countered hard switch relies first and foremost on the healer/tank not being cced together (if the enemy switches to a merc dps) and on healer cleansing fast enough. A good hard switch relies on ccing everyone on the enemy team and hard stunning the guy you're going on which lets the merc dps wreck havoc with the fastest 1 -2 burst combo this game has. List goes on


The only thing I'd agree on is that this class has a higher skill roof but it also needs teamwork to make it shine which is nice, in my humble opinion. I'm probably seen as being idealistic or overly optimistic and really there is nothing that can be said to entitle an opinion and give it truth value, so take it as you may

I appreciate your answer Nhilas, i do know how the switches work though x) But thanks for taking your time! :)

And your optimism is fairly shocking in this community, i lost faith some 20 months back xD

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look at all these non factor peasants trying to hate on cash. All of you should be paying for pvp lessons. starting at 1mil per person.






Well, what I was trying to say is, that you shouldn't just dismiss Adam instantenously. Cash isn't much better himself right now.

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look at all these non factor peasants trying to hate on cash. All of you should be paying for pvp lessons. starting at 1mil per person.






Well, what I was trying to say is, that you shouldn't just dismiss Adam instantenously. Cash isn't much better himself right now.

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PvE: Overall, Commando is in a pretty good place in PvE right now, and is at least viable at most levels of content. However, Gunnery is under performing in comparison to the other turret-based ranged DPS classes by a significant, but not enormous, margin. Testing on PTS has shown that this performance gap will still exist even after the changes to Gunnery in 2.7.


Most often, I see the developers hold up Commando's ability to off-heal as some kind of reasoning as to why it might possible have lower output. The idea of this is absurd, as using global cooldowns on healing abilities rather than DPS in PvE is only going to further reduce DPS output, at the cost of a marginal-at-best benefit to the group. If a class is lacking in its primary role, it will be ruled out in most cases, regardless of what its secondary strengths might be.


It is the community's belief that this lack of DPS in Gunnery spec is likely tied to the ammo cost of High Impact Bolt. Several ideas were brainstormed, but it is widely believed that returning HIB to the 0 ammo cost it possessed pre-2.0 would allow Gunnery to compete against the other ranged turret DPS classes. Are the devs aware that Gunnery is lagging behind other ranged turret DPS specs, and have they considered the possible methods of bringing Gunnery up to a place where it is competitive with the other ranged turret DPS specs?


PvP: There are many people that believe that Commando is in a terrible place for PvP, especially at a higher level. While I believe that the situation is not nearly as bad as that, it is far from ideal. One of the reasons for this belief is Commando's lack of any real "OH S**T"/"get out of dodge" defensive ability. The recent changes to Sniper/Slinger defensive cooldowns prompted this response from one of the devs:




It is clear that the design intent is to provide particularly vulnerable classes with means to either quickly extricate themselves from dangerous situations, or to straight up mitigate a crap-ton of damage for a few precious seconds. With this statement in mind, Commando has no such ability. Heavy Armor does not provide anywhere near as significant as an advantage as past devs have claimed, and Commando has a very limited set of tools to escape from sustained pressure. Hold the Line appears to make an attempt to fill that role, but it fails to provide the ability to quickly out-distance opponents who are in hot pursuit.


Based on this, it is my belief that Commando would benefit from a 'disengage' type ability. Similar to Gunslinger's 'High Tail It', the idea would be to quickly create distance between the Commando and his/her opponents. A tool such as a disengage would round out Commando's set of survival-based utility nicely, and would provide the class with the "OH S**T" button that it is in clear need of. If you take a look at the PvP leaderboards, it is easy to see that Commando is one of the more difficult Advanced Classes to find success with in a competitive environment.


Are the devs aware that Commando is in need of some kind of emergency defensive/disengage ability, and are they planning on addressing that need in the near future?


Wildcard: Assault spec is one of my favorite DPS specs to play, but it has been faced with several issues on the Commando side of things since 2.0 was released. First, it lacks any real semblance of group based utility outside of a weak slow. Assault Commando would benefit significantly from the addition of a ranged root. This would go a long way to improving the spec's ability to kite (which it cannot do quite effectively with such a poor slow, and the spec is lacking in non-Resolve-building forms of CC). Just to offer some ideas, I think that Sticky Grenade would be a prime candidate for the addition of this effect. 3s root, breaks on damage after 2s.


There is also some pretty weak synergy with several of the class's baseline abilities, particularly Hail of Bolts and Plasma Grenade:

- Plasma Grenade, the only baseline non-proc fire DoT that Commando possesses, gains absolutely no benefit at all from any talents within the Assault tree (a fire based DoT tree).

- Hail of Bolts has a 9% damage increase from hitting a burning target, but outside of Plasma Grenade and tab-dotting (incredibly inefficient way of dealing damage) there is no way to maintain DoTs on multiple targets.


In addition, there is also a kind of phantom-internal-cooldown on the ability to proc the Plasma Cell DoT using ranged-based attacks. If you have already proc'd said DoT, you cannot proc it with a ranged-based damage ability for 6s (duration of the DoT). This did not exist pre 2.0, and it currently makes it very difficult to effectively switch targets (you are forced to spend ammo on either Incendiary Round or Explosive Rounds in order to apply a new DoT within that 6s window).


The alacrity talents within the class also do not make much sense. Taking any alacrity will disrupt the flow of the internal cooldown on Ionic Accelerator (procs HIB reset). It was mentioned in the Powertech responses that the alacrity in Rapid Recharge will be exchanged for a crit chance increase.



Are the devs aware of these issues? Since 2.0 Assault has been lacking in terms of baseline synergy and group-oriented utility. What are the dev's plans to address each of these issues?


So I had 2 concerns with these questions. First is they were written in repub ability language, so I am having way too much trouble figuring out what you were talking about far too often as a Mercenary player.


My second concern was that healing is not at all addressed, I realize the discussion was extremely DPS heavy and not so much heals discussed in the Brainstorm thread. I'm sort of ok with this as until the Operative/Scoundrel healing changes go prime time, we need to cool our Kolto Jets and analyze how we are stacking up in the new balance scenario. I would suggest as heals were ignored this round, they deserve special priority come next round.

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You obviously haven't played with or against him. You're just incredibly biased because of him having another opinion than you. I don't say I have the same opinion as Adam, but you should respect him.


Why should I respect someone trolling a thread when he clearly had a chance to voice his concerns before the Commando Rep questions? Use common sense before challenging my stance on the matter.

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Why should I respect someone trolling a thread when he clearly had a chance to voice his concerns before the Commando Rep questions? Use common sense before challenging my stance on the matter.


Well, considering Cash is almost as bad as Adam, at least in this thread, why should anyone respect him?

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Well, considering Cash is almost as bad as Adam, at least in this thread, why should anyone respect him?


As bad? The devs removed his posts in which he flamed the entire european PvP playerbase, they removed his signature and they banned him from the forums. AS BAD? :D

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Well, considering Cash is almost as bad as Adam, at least in this thread, why should anyone respect him?


You're ignoring what I said. Had Adam contributed to the previous thread titled "Time to brainstorm some questions", then he would have a standing argument. He's like a person that didn't vote in the elections and then complains that he didn't like the outcome.


As bad? The devs removed his posts in which he flamed the entire european PvP playerbase, they removed his signature and they banned him from the forums. AS BAD? :D


I don't condone flaming the entire european PvP playerbase however at least Cash doesn't troll threads. Had you contributed to the previous thread where the community was coming up with ideas, THEN you'd have a right to complain. Is it unfortunate that the questions didn't exceed your standards? Yes, it is however that is on the community and not Cash.


This happened with other class reps as well and the community learned from their mistake. Contribute or don't criticize the questions at all.

Edited by SithEBM-Reborn
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As bad? The devs removed his posts in which he flamed the entire european PvP playerbase, they removed his signature and they banned him from the forums. AS BAD? :D

Tell me this, what the purpose of your first post in this thread?


It wasn't constructive. It wasn't helpful. It practically begged for a conflict.


Also, where were you when the questions were being discussed? Or the other time when questions were discussed. Or when the 2.7 changes were announced. Or when the Commando Class Rep was decided.


All these opportunities to participate, and you grand entrance is a snarky comment?

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Every single class rep has had lengthy explanations accompanying their questions, these are no different. And you STILL have no say in the quality of the questions when you did not contribute to generating them.


Of course I do, everyone does. It is the most ridicolous thing I've ever heard to say that you should not comment on a discussion unless you were there... Politics? Inactive and come came back? Reasons are many and in this case they dont apply, me not being as active on the forums to check all my classes class forum seems to be the main issue for people in here. I have not been insultive but I'm met with spite and childish behaviour, I'm appauled by the response of this thread. Then again, I'm now older than the children of 10-16 that plays this game, might have been my bad of forgetting that.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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That pretty much suggests you don't know what the terms "wall of text" nor "coherence" means. They were perfectly coherent, it's quite easy to separate what the questions actually are, and calling a post with clearly differentiated paragraphs and sections a "wall of text" is quite laughable.


Which only really suggests that you're either an idiot or you were deliberately trolling from the beginning.


Here you go again insulting, trying to reach for the moral high-ground as you do you would do well in approaching the discussion with a sense of respect instead of one of spite. This comment has improved this thread (nor the "discussion with me") by nothing - all you've managed to do is insult another poster. In my book, thats not at all impressive.

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Of course I do, everyone does. It is the most ridicolous thing I've ever heard to say that you should not comment on a discussion unless you were there... Politics? Inactive and come came back? Reasons are many and in this case they dont apply, me not being as active on the forums to check all my classes class forum seems to be the main issue for people in here. I have not been insultive but I'm met with spite and childish behaviour, I'm appauled by the response of this thread. Then again, I'm now older than the children of 10-16 that plays this game, might have been my bad of forgetting that.

Your experience in this thread would have been much better had you not started off hostile.


And trying to make yourself right by claiming your detractors are children? Don't be silly.

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Your experience in this thread would have been much better had you not started off hostile.


And trying to make yourself right by claiming your detractors are children? Don't be silly.


It was posted in a humorous manner, people with issues took it further and here we are.


Oh you caught up on that did you? How lovely that works (for both sides)

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It was posted in a humorous manner, people with issues took it further and here we are.


Oh you caught up on that did you? How lovely that works (for both sides)

You're saying that your very first post was intended to be humorous, was not mean spirited, and was supposed to be a playful comment?


I don't buy it. I think you're back-pedaling, trying to make yourself look better. You were practically gloating when Cashy got reprimanded for flying off the handle. You've continued to make hostile remarks, there was no attempt to "explain" the humor until now.

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You're saying that your very first post was intended to be humorous, was not mean spirited, and was supposed to be a playful comment?


I don't buy it. I think you're back-pedaling, trying to make yourself look better. You were practically gloating when Cashy got reprimanded for flying off the handle. You've continued to make hostile remarks, there was no attempt to "explain" the humor until now.


I have no obligation to defend myself when people jump on the same wagon to attack one comment. And again the tone was not from me but from the countless of insults from everyone else.


Your behaviour right now is ridicolous. You're trying to call someone out on his/her behaviour post-posts, you're assuming a moral high ground where there is none. You will win nothing by taking your argument further and it was a void one at that. Applying blame where blame is not due is an effective tactic and its appearent what side you're siding with (how incredibly sad that this thread has come to that, the devs need to close it because people could not discuss opinions instead of insulting them) .

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Man, my tummy hurts from all the popcorn I just ate while reading this thread.


13 pages, half a page content, 12 and a half trolling.


Looking forward to see the answers to the questions. Not so important for me cos I play a medic, but I'm interested nonetheless.

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I have no obligation to defend myself when people jump on the same wagon to attack one comment. And again the tone was not from me but from the countless of insults from everyone else.


Your behaviour right now is ridicolous. You're trying to call someone out on his/her behaviour post-posts, you're assuming a moral high ground where there is none. You will win nothing by taking your argument further and it was a void one at that. Applying blame where blame is not due is an effective tactic and its appearent what side you're siding with (how incredibly sad that this thread has come to that, the devs need to close it because people could not discuss opinions instead of insulting them) .


so what are the questions you believe should have been posted? lets move on instead of trolling..

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Well, what I was trying to say is, that you shouldn't just dismiss Adam instantenously. Cash isn't much better himself right now.


Instantly no, spam trolling and counting yes.


He's just rejoined the thread and first thing is to stir it again.

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