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Commando Rep Questions

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What an amazingly shallow examination.


HTL for commandos is called trading DPS for survivability. You don't move AND keep your damage as a commando. That would be Vanguards. You also don't move very fast. It's almost but not quite out of combat speed.


On the other hand I know of a ranged class with a real dot spec, not like assault which is only 20% DoT which has amazing kiting and self healing potential (due to a massive resource bar an no regen penalties) and just got their kiting upgraded in 2.7 for dps and gets their disengage upgraded to give an absorb bubble of about 75% of their health after the disengage ends.


And you can't think of any way to counter HtL and even the theory of a disengage, how odd.


Like speed for sage...


Tell me, what would be the equivalent for a sage to your disengage? You wont get it, you dont need it, you dont deserve it.

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Like speed for sage...


Tell me, what would be the equivalent for a sage to your disengage? You wont get it, you dont need it, you dont deserve it.

Adam really, you are a far to experienced player to be saying such extremly noobish things as commando/merc not needing a disengage, sage/sorc gets it with fadeout and immortal bubble , thats 2 super good oh **** buttons. Hold the Line is just "I will walk away at a jog while you hit me in the back". Trust me i have played merc and commando and ALL other classes in the game for far too long to not realise the truth behind this.


I suggest you keep your peace now cause you are making a fool out of yourself here.

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Like speed for sage...


Tell me, what would be the equivalent for a sage to your disengage? You wont get it, you dont need it, you dont deserve it.


Sages get a bubble that makes them immune to damage. That disengages you from combat. The Commando has a "lol fail" DCD. On my Pyro Powertech, I am able to tear up commandos easily. Snipers and sages, not so much.


I love the commando class, but I am reluctant to use it 55 PvP because it is not as competitive as the other ranged classes.


And Hold the Line is a different type of speed boost. Unlike a short burst of speed(A sprint such as Force Speed), HtL is a jog. You keep at a constant speed. Its not effective at all because we cannot do any damage. We're not asking for a sprint here, we're asking for a roll like the Slinger's "hightail it".


And where were you in the Brainstorming Rep questions thread.


Cashogy has done a great job with taking feedback from the community and putting it into these questions.

Edited by TheSupaCoopa
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Sages get a bubble that makes them immune to damage. That disengages you from combat. The Commando has a "lol fail" DCD. On my Pyro Powertech, I am able to tear up commandos easily. Snipers and sages, not so much.


I love the commando class, but I am reluctant to use it 55 PvP because it is not as competitive as the other ranged classes.


And Hold the Line is a different type of speed boost. Unlike a short burst of speed(A sprint such as Force Speed), HtL is a jog. You keep at a constant speed. Its not effective at all because we cannot do any damage. We're not asking for a sprint here, we're asking for a roll like the Slinger's "hightail it".


And where were you in the Brainstorming Rep questions thread.


Cashogy has done a great job with taking feedback from the community and putting it into these questions.


Lol yeah for a whole 10 seconds of SELF STUN. Your plan is a jetboost off some sort that would give you a GAP OPENER

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Adam really, you are a far to experienced player to be saying such extremly noobish things as commando/merc not needing a disengage, sage/sorc gets it with fadeout and immortal bubble , thats 2 super good oh **** buttons. Hold the Line is just "I will walk away at a jog while you hit me in the back". Trust me i have played merc and commando and ALL other classes in the game for far too long to not realise the truth behind this.


I suggest you keep your peace now cause you are making a fool out of yourself here.


The thing is what you and everyone else in here is saying is that we're supposed to balance this game around 1v1 encounters and that should, in an mmo, never happen. What you're asking for would make you the most dangerous player on the server... And no, it would not be because of skill.


A, let me underline, second gap opener is not needed and the only reason you'd ask for one is 1) You want to be overpowered or 2) You have become bias 3) You never played any other classes.


Sure you'll die fast but thats because you're a prio target and are being targeted by more than one...


Asking for interrupt relief or a way to deal your damage is one thing... Asking for a way to not take any damage is silly considering where the class is now. How truly wrong this consensus is

Edited by AdamLKvist
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The thing is what you and everyone else in here is saying is that we're supposed to balance this game around 1v1 encounters and that should, in an mmo, never happen. What you're asking for would make you the most dangerous player on the server... And no, it would not be because of skill.


A, let me underline, second gap opener is not needed and the only reason you'd ask for one is 1) You want to be overpowered or 2) You have become bias 3) You never played any other classes.


Sure you'll die fast but thats because you're a prio target and are being targeted by more than one...


Asking for interrupt relief or a way to deal your damage is one thing... Asking for a way to not take any damage is silly considering where the class is now. How truly wrong this consensus is


1: I want to be equal

2: I play 16 characters currently, silly i know but one class bores me in the end. This has granted me a very rare skill, the unbiased view on what each class has to offer based on personal experience.

3: See answer 2


This request is not based on a 1vs1 basis but from a ranked arena point of view. Every succesful arena class has a idiot proof way of surviving atleast one hard switch. I doubt i have to list them for such an experienced player as yourself but i will if you persist with this folly.


You dont have to view a disengage as a immortal card to be played every 10 seconds, make it a 15m straight back retreat with a elevation of maybe 2-3 meters to avoid getting stuck in every little geographical hickup. No immunity to damage while in motion (as with scoundrel/slinger roll)


All we ask for here is a way to break a hardswitch because as it stands this class is ALWAYS a negative part of any arena team. If you can come up with a better idea to achieve this goal then let us know, but this is what thousands of commando/merc players have agreed upon for well over a year. Your opinion as a experienced pvper is valuable but so far it´s only you who have been biased and full of spite.


Take a moment and look at the season 1 situation, i know you have done your fair share of games. Commandos is always a weakness in any team unless they for some reason are left alone, wich given the lack of defensive cooldowns they have is a mistake for any beginner team of the opposite side to make.


Care to counter this?

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1: I want to be equal

2: I play 16 characters currently, silly i know but one class bores me in the end. This has granted me a very rare skill, the unbiased view on what each class has to offer based on personal experience.

3: See answer 2


This request is not based on a 1vs1 basis but from a ranked arena point of view. Every succesful arena class has a idiot proof way of surviving atleast one hard switch. I doubt i have to list them for such an experienced player as yourself but i will if you persist with this folly.


You dont have to view a disengage as a immortal card to be played every 10 seconds, make it a 15m straight back retreat with a elevation of maybe 2-3 meters to avoid getting stuck in every little geographical hickup. No immunity to damage while in motion (as with scoundrel/slinger roll)


All we ask for here is a way to break a hardswitch because as it stands this class is ALWAYS a negative part of any arena team. If you can come up with a better idea to achieve this goal then let us know, but this is what thousands of commando/merc players have agreed upon for well over a year. Your opinion as a experienced pvper is valuable but so far it´s only you who have been biased and full of spite.


Take a moment and look at the season 1 situation, i know you have done your fair share of games. Commandos is always a weakness in any team unless they for some reason are left alone, wich given the lack of defensive cooldowns they have is a mistake for any beginner team of the opposite side to make.


Care to counter this?


I'd love to counter this. I'm still convinced that you are not seeing the big picture.


This request is not based on a 1vs1 basis but from a ranked arena point of view. Every succesful arena class has a idiot proof way of surviving atleast one hard switch. I doubt i have to list them for such an experienced player as yourself but i will if you persist with this folly.


The commando/mercenary can survive hardswitches by using its exceptional knockback. The only class that can survive a proper hardswitch under CC (when stars align) is a sage because of bubble.


You dont have to view a disengage as a immortal card to be played every 10 seconds, make it a 15m straight back retreat with a elevation of maybe 2-3 meters to avoid getting stuck in every little geographical hickup. No immunity to damage while in motion (as with scoundrel/slinger roll)


It doesnt have to come with an inherent immunity to damage, it is in itself a counter to taking damage by relocating you somewhere safe. You don't get to counter mobility (net) while getting the best mobility (For a rDPS) in game at the same time. Furthermore the only thing stopping a commando/mercenary from being a complete monster (see left alone) is the ability to shut it down (alleviated problem come 2.7)


Take a moment and look at the season 1 situation, i know you have done your fair share of games. Commandos is always a weakness in any team unless they for some reason are left alone, wich given the lack of defensive cooldowns they have is a mistake for any beginner team of the opposite side to make.


Again, solo ranked does not apply. As for team ranked they have absolutely had their issues but lets not forget


- Smash will be nerfed.

- You will get to use Tech Override/<Imp name> at one minute instead of 2 (45 seconds for gunnery/arsenal)

- Your pushback has been completely eliminated.

- Your curtain of fire/<imp name> will proc 100%


You are already receiving attention and to be quite honest its lookig good, very good. The situation for the class in itself will change as it cant be countered (as much) by random fluff damage. Furthermore the class holds the single best way to hardswap in the game. One grav round/tracer missilie and you're set to once every 15s hardswap for 45s. With the chance of critting for 8-11K on an unguarded target. Imagine two of these synching said hardswap.


but this is what thousands of commando/merc players


So if thousands of children say that clowns are evil, does that necessarily make it so?


Edit: 90% of the statistics on the internet are made up and <insert funny joke here>...


biased and full of spite.
Because I disagree? Lol Edited by AdamLKvist
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The commando/mercenary can survive hardswitches by using its exceptional knockback. The only class that can survive a proper hardswitch under CC (when stars align) is a sage because of bubble.




You don't get to counter mobility (net) while getting the best mobility (For a rDPS) in game at the same time.

Best mobility...


- Smash will be nerfed.

- You will get to use Tech Override/<Imp name> at one minute instead of 2 (45 seconds for gunnery/arsenal)

- Your pushback has been completely eliminated.

- Your curtain of fire/<imp name> will proc 100%

With those changes we are going to be soooo OP, call the devs for a nerf asap!


One grav round/tracer missilie and you're set to once every 15s hardswap for 45s. With the chance of critting for 8-11K on an unguarded target. Imagine two of these synching said hardswap.

Way too strong, bro, we get MAYBE 8-11K crit every 15 seconds? ****, what are the devs doing? STOP this madness!!!



Why do I have the feeling that someone here is thinking way over his head and should, maybe, stop posting comments that shows his ignorance of the class?

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Exceptional... = Best in game




Best mobility... = WITH YOUR CHANGE



With those changes we are going to be soooo OP, call the devs for a nerf asap! = No? Stop trolling



Way too strong, bro, we get MAYBE 8-11K crit every 15 seconds? ****, what are the devs doing? STOP this madness!!! No ? Stop trolling



Why do I have the feeling that someone here is thinking way over his head and should, maybe, stop posting comments that shows his ignorance of the class?Ridicolous...



Edited by AdamLKvist
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I repeat again, to all the people popping into this thread who a) did not offer feedback in the MONTHS leading up to this, b) have a clear and demonstrated LACK OF UNDERSTANDING of this class at a high level of play, and c) dont like the length/format/idgaf about the OP:



Edited by cashogy_reborn
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Best mobility...



With those changes we are going to be soooo OP, call the devs for a nerf asap!



Way too strong, bro, we get MAYBE 8-11K crit every 15 seconds? ****, what are the devs doing? STOP this madness!!!



Why do I have the feeling that someone here is thinking way over his head and should, maybe, stop posting comments that shows his ignorance of the class?




Dude, have you ever played anything other than merc/commando? I was going to post something constructive, but dear lord people. Wake up, try playing something other than commando and comeback on the status of rdps in the game.


So, what we have is a class with the best knockback in game, speed boost and root immunity on a short cd, heavy armour and reactive shield. You are cast dependent, but wake up people. So are the other rdps classes as well. And yes, I have one tier 1 merc, I have one tier 1 Commando (either it's the class or the player, right), and I've done enough 4v4 on the class to know that the class got some issues, like all other rdps in the game. And this is the only class in game that can deny the use of "oh ***** abilities". And you want a "jetpack kind of ability"? Sigh.


I just got so tired of people not asking for or wanting balance; it's always me, me me, my class, my class my class without any regards of how the rest of the classes perform. Sadly, this is why devs can't put any value on player input.

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Bring it punk.



@EricMusco: If you see this, I would really, really, really appreciate if you or some moderator can wipe every single post in this thread sans the OP and your response. Get these trolls out of here.

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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Bring it punk.



@EricMusco: If you see this, I would really, really, really appreciate if you or some moderator can wipe every single post in this thread sans the OP and your response. Get these trolls out of here.


So a forum is no longer used for discussion and feedback?

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I think I may be able to clarify where the questions, in terms of content, came from.


PvE: The players who had the most influence on this questions were a few who have been parsing Gunnery and playing it in the new Nightmare content on the PTS. There is a clear increase in sustained DPS and controlled burst so we felt that a damage increase was unwarranted. However, energy management feels really tight for the spec so we asked for an improvement on that front. The reduced cost on HiB/RS isn't enough to keep the rotationa viable for longer than a few minutes. The free HiB/RS solution was mentioned in the question because it seemed to be the most popular solution among other options.


PvP: Cash and others explicitly looked for suggestions based with the notion of balance concerning group ranked PvP. Suggestions for questions that appeared to be or were clearly based in the interest of Warzones or solo ranked were identified and explained why they wouldn't be seriously considered in their current state. An emergency cooldown appeared to be at the top of the list for the experienced PvP players commenting in the brainstorming thread, so that's why it made the list.


For those saying it's not worth a question because the devs already mentioned it, we have to keep the devs accountable and to their word. Asking this question can give us more detail on their train of thought specifically for Commandos/Mercs. Remember an ammo counter that Commandos asked for and should take no time at all to get? Still don't have that, so we need to keep on them for updates on an emergency cooldown.


Wildcard: While Assault/Pyro produce great single-target numbers, their target swapping is very punishing on-the-fly and the tree is full of bad talents. If you come in here and say all their talents are fine, allow me to point you towards Reflexive Battery as a easy example.


To the Commando healers, sorry your ammo management concerns didn't make the list. I think only two people posted mentioning Medic ammo management which was a small portion of those who commented and held discussion on the brainstorm thread. If there was more advocacy for Medics (i.e. more people participating in the discussion and mentioning this issue) I'm sure it could have been easily thrown in with question one.

Edited by AngelFluttershy
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The following are facts:


- Post 2.7, Gunnery/Arsenal is still performing below other ranged-turret DPS. Odawgg did a lot of testing on PTS so that we could know this.

- Commando lacks a method to mitigate a hard switch in high-level PvP.

- Assault has terrible synergy with baseline abilities and has only one non-resolve building form of CC.



Now if you cannot grasp these bits of information, leave the thread now.



The reason I did not include any healing question is b/c Op/Scoun healing is getting nerfed a bit in 2.7. B/c there is almost no real testing done on PTS in real-world situations (namely PvP), we dont really know yet where Commando healing stands in comparison now.

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Dude, have you ever played anything other than merc/commando? I was going to post something constructive, but dear lord people. Wake up, try playing something other than commando and comeback on the status of rdps in the game.


So, what we have is a class with the best knockback in game, speed boost and root immunity on a short cd, heavy armour and reactive shield. You are cast dependent, but wake up people. So are the other rdps classes as well. And yes, I have one tier 1 merc, I have one tier 1 Commando (either it's the class or the player, right), and I've done enough 4v4 on the class to know that the class got some issues, like all other rdps in the game. And this is the only class in game that can deny the use of "oh ***** abilities". And you want a "jetpack kind of ability"? Sigh.


I just got so tired of people not asking for or wanting balance; it's always me, me me, my class, my class my class without any regards of how the rest of the classes perform. Sadly, this is why devs can't put any value on player input.


Do you know what I've found interesting? That after checking your posts history you are very often present in the same topics where our dearest friend AdamLKvist posts.


What the hell is this, talk about puggies posting crap, I see your Adam boyfriend reported somebody, I guess somebody else needs to report both of you for ignorance and actually not bringing nothing constructive to the class.

Edited by yoomazir
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Do you know what I've found interesting? That after checking your posts history you are very often present in the same topics where our dearest friend AdamLKvist posts.


What the hell is this, talk about puggies posting crap, I see your Adam boyfriend reported somebody, I guess somebody else needs to report both of you for ignorance and actually not bringing nothing constructive to the class.


Where is your 1500+ merc/commando soloranked/teamranked? Give link. Pugs? Prove your above that

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