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Commando Rep Questions

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PvE: Overall, Commando is in a pretty good place in PvE right now, and is at least viable at most levels of content. However, Gunnery is under performing in comparison to the other turret-based ranged DPS classes by a significant, but not enormous, margin. Testing on PTS has shown that this performance gap will still exist even after the changes to Gunnery in 2.7.


Most often, I see the developers hold up Commando's ability to off-heal as some kind of reasoning as to why it might possible have lower output. The idea of this is absurd, as using global cooldowns on healing abilities rather than DPS in PvE is only going to further reduce DPS output, at the cost of a marginal-at-best benefit to the group. If a class is lacking in its primary role, it will be ruled out in most cases, regardless of what its secondary strengths might be.


It is the community's belief that this lack of DPS in Gunnery spec is likely tied to the ammo cost of High Impact Bolt. Several ideas were brainstormed, but it is widely believed that returning HIB to the 0 ammo cost it possessed pre-2.0 would allow Gunnery to compete against the other ranged turret DPS classes. Are the devs aware that Gunnery is lagging behind other ranged turret DPS specs, and have they considered the possible methods of bringing Gunnery up to a place where it is competitive with the other ranged turret DPS specs?


PvP: There are many people that believe that Commando is in a terrible place for PvP, especially at a higher level. While I believe that the situation is not nearly as bad as that, it is far from ideal. One of the reasons for this belief is Commando's lack of any real "OH S**T"/"get out of dodge" defensive ability. The recent changes to Sniper/Slinger defensive cooldowns prompted this response from one of the devs:




One of the changes that has generated the most vocal feedback is the change to the Sniper and 'Slingers defensive cooldown, Evasion/Dodge. We firmly believe that these Classes are lacking in a distinct emergency survive button, something that each other Advanced Class has (either via escapes like a Vanish, or more brute force mans like an Undying Rage)


It is clear that the design intent is to provide particularly vulnerable classes with means to either quickly extricate themselves from dangerous situations, or to straight up mitigate a crap-ton of damage for a few precious seconds. With this statement in mind, Commando has no such ability. Heavy Armor does not provide anywhere near as significant as an advantage as past devs have claimed, and Commando has a very limited set of tools to escape from sustained pressure. Hold the Line appears to make an attempt to fill that role, but it fails to provide the ability to quickly out-distance opponents who are in hot pursuit.


Based on this, it is my belief that Commando would benefit from a 'disengage' type ability. Similar to Gunslinger's 'High Tail It', the idea would be to quickly create distance between the Commando and his/her opponents. A tool such as a disengage would round out Commando's set of survival-based utility nicely, and would provide the class with the "OH S**T" button that it is in clear need of. If you take a look at the PvP leaderboards, it is easy to see that Commando is one of the more difficult Advanced Classes to find success with in a competitive environment.


Are the devs aware that Commando is in need of some kind of emergency defensive/disengage ability, and are they planning on addressing that need in the near future?


Wildcard: Assault spec is one of my favorite DPS specs to play, but it has been faced with several issues on the Commando side of things since 2.0 was released. First, it lacks any real semblance of group based utility outside of a weak slow. Assault Commando would benefit significantly from the addition of a ranged root. This would go a long way to improving the spec's ability to kite (which it cannot do quite effectively with such a poor slow, and the spec is lacking in non-Resolve-building forms of CC). Just to offer some ideas, I think that Sticky Grenade would be a prime candidate for the addition of this effect. 3s root, breaks on damage after 2s.


There is also some pretty weak synergy with several of the class's baseline abilities, particularly Hail of Bolts and Plasma Grenade:

- Plasma Grenade, the only baseline non-proc fire DoT that Commando possesses, gains absolutely no benefit at all from any talents within the Assault tree (a fire based DoT tree).

- Hail of Bolts has a 9% damage increase from hitting a burning target, but outside of Plasma Grenade and tab-dotting (incredibly inefficient way of dealing damage) there is no way to maintain DoTs on multiple targets.


In addition, there is also a kind of phantom-internal-cooldown on the ability to proc the Plasma Cell DoT using ranged-based attacks. If you have already proc'd said DoT, you cannot proc it with a ranged-based damage ability for 6s (duration of the DoT). This did not exist pre 2.0, and it currently makes it very difficult to effectively switch targets (you are forced to spend ammo on either Incendiary Round or Explosive Rounds in order to apply a new DoT within that 6s window).


The alacrity talents within the class also do not make much sense. Taking any alacrity will disrupt the flow of the internal cooldown on Ionic Accelerator (procs HIB reset). It was mentioned in the Powertech responses that the alacrity in Rapid Recharge will be exchanged for a crit chance increase.



Are the devs aware of these issues? Since 2.0 Assault has been lacking in terms of baseline synergy and group-oriented utility. What are the dev's plans to address each of these issues?

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PvE: Overall, Commando is in a pretty good place in PvE right now, and is at least viable at most levels of content. However, Gunnery is under performing in comparison to the other turret-based ranged DPS classes by a significant, but not enormous, margin. Testing on PTS has shown that this performance gap will still exist even after the changes to Gunnery in 2.7.


Most often, I see the developers hold up Commando's ability to off-heal as some kind of reasoning as to why it might possible have lower output. The idea of this is absurd, as using global cooldowns on healing abilities rather than DPS in PvE is only going to further reduce DPS output, at the cost of a marginal-at-best benefit to the group. If a class is lacking in its primary role, it will be ruled out in most cases, regardless of what its secondary strengths might be.


It is the community's belief that this lack of DPS in Gunnery spec is likely tied to the ammo cost of High Impact Bolt. Several ideas were brainstormed, but it is widely believed that returning HIB to the 0 ammo cost it possessed pre-2.0 would allow Gunnery to compete against the other ranged turret DPS classes. Are the devs aware that Gunnery is lagging behind other ranged turret DPS specs, and have they considered the possible methods of bringing Gunnery up to a place where it is competitive with the other ranged turret DPS specs?


PvP: There are many people that believe that Commando is in a terrible place for PvP, especially at a higher level. While I believe that the situation is not nearly as bad as that, it is far from ideal. One of the reasons for this belief is Commando's lack of any real "OH S**T"/"get out of dodge" defensive ability. The recent changes to Sniper/Slinger defensive cooldowns prompted this response from one of the devs:




It is clear that the design intent is to provide particularly vulnerable classes with means to either quickly extricate themselves from dangerous situations, or to straight up mitigate a crap-ton of damage for a few precious seconds. With this statement in mind, Commando has no such ability. Heavy Armor does not provide anywhere near as significant as an advantage as past devs have claimed, and Commando has a very limited set of tools to escape from sustained pressure. Hold the Line appears to make an attempt to fill that role, but it fails to provide the ability to quickly out-distance opponents who are in hot pursuit.


Based on this, it is my belief that Commando would benefit from a 'disengage' type ability. Similar to Gunslinger's 'High Tail It', the idea would be to quickly create distance between the Commando and his/her opponents. A tool such as a disengage would round out Commando's set of survival-based utility nicely, and would provide the class with the "OH S**T" button that it is in clear need of. If you take a look at the PvP leaderboards, it is easy to see that Commando is one of the more difficult Advanced Classes to find success with in a competitive environment.


Are the devs aware that Commando is in need of some kind of emergency defensive/disengage ability, and are they planning on addressing that need in the near future?


Wildcard: Assault spec is one of my favorite DPS specs to play, but it has been faced with several issues on the Commando side of things since 2.0 was released. First, it lacks any real semblance of group based utility outside of a weak slow. Assault Commando would benefit significantly from the addition of a ranged root. This would go a long way to improving the spec's ability to kite (which it cannot do quite effectively with such a poor slow, and the spec is lacking in non-Resolve-building forms of CC). Just to offer some ideas, I think that Sticky Grenade would be a prime candidate for the addition of this effect. 3s root, breaks on damage after 2s.


There is also some pretty weak synergy with several of the class's baseline abilities, particularly Hail of Bolts and Plasma Grenade:

- Plasma Grenade, the only baseline non-proc fire DoT that Commando possesses, gains absolutely no benefit at all from any talents within the Assault tree (a fire based DoT tree).

- Hail of Bolts has a 9% damage increase from hitting a burning target, but outside of Plasma Grenade and tab-dotting (incredibly inefficient way of dealing damage) there is no way to maintain DoTs on multiple targets.


In addition, there is also a kind of phantom-internal-cooldown on the ability to proc the Plasma Cell DoT using ranged-based attacks. If you have already proc'd said DoT, you cannot proc it with a ranged-based damage ability for 6s (duration of the DoT). This did not exist pre 2.0, and it currently makes it very difficult to effectively switch targets (you are forced to spend ammo on either Incendiary Round or Explosive Rounds in order to apply a new DoT within that 6s window).


The alacrity talents within the class also do not make much sense. Taking any alacrity will disrupt the flow of the internal cooldown on Ionic Accelerator (procs HIB reset). It was mentioned in the Powertech responses that the alacrity in Rapid Recharge will be exchanged for a crit chance increase.



Are the devs aware of these issues? Since 2.0 Assault has been lacking in terms of baseline synergy and group-oriented utility. What are the dev's plans to address each of these issues?






I am not sure how many question marks are in there and while I'm aware that people have been taking the whole hand instead of the offered little finger this is... Amusing.


Wall of text crits for 999K

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I am not sure how many question marks are in there and while I'm aware that people have been taking the whole hand instead of the offered little finger this is... Amusing.


Wall of text crits for 999K


I agree that these questions are lacking in quality.


I can already see the answers the Combat Team is going to respond with.


PvE: 2.7 will bring upgrades to Gunnery & bring the dps up to the required level. HiB we not need to be "free" as the proc is now every 8 second.


PvP: Mando's have several controlling abilities including slows, cc's, stuns & knockbacks. Plus several strong defensive abilities including Heavy armor. At the current time no new abilities are needed for the class.


Wildcard: Overall the class is in a good place, with the changes coming in 2.7. The only other change that is being considered is the removal of alacrity from the Vent Heat talent in the Pyrotree.


And then we see the QQ'ing about the answers.

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honestly, all i can say is i'm very disappointed in these questions.

dont be surprised if you dont get the answers you are after.

its a sad day for commandos when these are the chosen questions.

you could have addressed some actual issues but you asking for stuff which will never happen.



for your PVE question


gunnery performs better or on par with sage dps....dont exaggerate by saying they are under performing by a "significant amount" to other RDPS class, its a clear perception problem.

gunnery/arsenal is already getting in 2.7:


Tech Override now has a base cooldown of 60 seconds

Overclock now reduces the cooldown of Tech Override by 7.5/15.

Steadied Aim now prevents 50%/100% of pushbacks towards Full Auto, Charged Bolts and Grav Rounds.

Curtain of Fire now has a 33%/67%/100% chance to occur when using Grav Round or Charged Bolts.

This proc can only occur once every 8 seconds.

Special Munitions will now reduce the cost of High Impact Bolt by 3/6/9 Ammo while in Armor Piercing Cell.


as for your pvp question....


electro net is one of the most OP offensive abilities, can stop sages from using their "OH ****" ability and stop leapers from leaping, slows the target AND does decent dmg over the duration and cannot be cleansed.

you have a AOE knock back which can be used on the move

hold the line

a melee hard stun

a ranged cc which combined with Tech Override can instantly cc someone

you can cleanse yourself

Tech Override can throw a couple INSTANT heals on yourself

instant AOE heal

spec into gunnery/arsenal and you have and immobilize on stockstrike


and the wildcard i think speaks for itself.

Edited by eatmydeece
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As if I could give two flying fks about what people think whom had absolutely nothing to say during any other thread on these matters........................................


Also your replies demonstrate that you either do not play this class at a high level, or at all.

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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I, for one, like these questions and commend you on your good work.


I just wish there was time and space to ask them about Combat Medic ammo management as well. I know they said they didn't want the class to be able to heal indefinitely, but isn't that what healer classes do anyway, heal indefinitely?


Hammer shot crits restore energy or more charges on Bacta Infusion would be nice if they ever get around to asking us again.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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I, for one, like these questions and commend you on your good work.


I just wish there was time and space to ask them about Combat Medic ammo management as well. I know they said they didn't want the class to be able to heal indefinitely, but isn't that what healer classes do anyway, heal indefinitely?


Hammer shot crits restore energy or more charges on Bacta Infusion would be nice if they ever get around to asking us again.


I honestly can't separate the sections to isolate three different questions... Its a cluster**** of questions and opinions - surely he's not the only one to blame, it seems that this failure was a group effort :)

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As if I could give two flying fks about what people think whom had absolutely nothing to say during any other thread on these matters........................................


Also your replies demonstrate that you either do not play this class at a high level, or at all.


Critics: Where were you when questions were being discussed?


You sound like people who complain about their government but never show up at the polls on Election Day.


you can all say that but...


asking for buffs to gunnery after some are being introduced in 2.7

bioware will take a wait and see approach to how gunnery is performing after the changes are applied and balance form there. so you asking for buffs and a free HiB which is getting its ammo reduced by over half is kinda pointless

wasted question


asking for a god mod escape ability when Bioware have already mentioned they are looking into such things for certain classes and balancing defensive abilities.

wasted question


the wildcard .......

Wildcard: Assault spec is one of my favorite DPS specs to play, but it has been faced with several issues on the Commando side of things since 2.0 was released. First, it lacks any real semblance of group based utility outside of a weak slow. Assault Commando would benefit significantly from the addition of a ranged root. This would go a long way to improving the spec's ability to kite (which it cannot do quite effectively with such a poor slow, and the spec is lacking in non-Resolve-building forms of CC). Just to offer some ideas, I think that Sticky Grenade would be a prime candidate for the addition of this effect. 3s root, breaks on damage after 2s.


There is also some pretty weak synergy with several of the class's baseline abilities, particularly Hail of Bolts and Plasma Grenade:

- Plasma Grenade, the only baseline non-proc fire DoT that Commando possesses, gains absolutely no benefit at all from any talents within the Assault tree (a fire based DoT tree).

- Hail of Bolts has a 9% damage increase from hitting a burning target, but outside of Plasma Grenade and tab-dotting (incredibly inefficient way of dealing damage) there is no way to maintain DoTs on multiple targets.


In addition, there is also a kind of phantom-internal-cooldown on the ability to proc the Plasma Cell DoT using ranged-based attacks. If you have already proc'd said DoT, you cannot proc it with a ranged-based damage ability for 6s (duration of the DoT). This did not exist pre 2.0, and it currently makes it very difficult to effectively switch targets (you are forced to spend ammo on either Incendiary Round or Explosive Rounds in order to apply a new DoT within that 6s window).


The alacrity talents within the class also do not make much sense. Taking any alacrity will disrupt the flow of the internal cooldown on Ionic Accelerator (procs HIB reset). It was mentioned in the Powertech responses that the alacrity in Rapid Recharge will be exchanged for a crit chance increase.



Are the devs aware of these issues? Since 2.0 Assault has been lacking in terms of baseline synergy and group-oriented utility. What are the dev's plans to address each of these issues?



you may be forgetting that hail of bolts applies the plasma cell dot to targets also

not all classes have baseline abilities that have buffs in any trees (imo plasma grenade hits hard enough as is)

this game has enough CCs and slows and you are asking for more?

koozie mentioned in the PT questions about the alacrity affecting the IA/PPC


complaining about baseline synergy and group-oriented utility?

can i quote something from bioware here?

The road of comparison only leads to disappointment

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The level of troll is high in the last few posters.


# of posts they made in discussion thread = nil


But you know they have all the time in the world now to talk about what should be asked.


you may be forgetting that hail of bolts applies the plasma cell dot to targets also


Sure, how much do you like your RNG which then links into... RNG on Plasma Cell, also mentioned.

Edited by Gyronamics
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The level of troll is high in the last few posters.


# of posts they made in discussion thread = nil




Sure, how much do you like your RNG which then links into... RNG on Plasma Cell, also mentioned.


who consistently uses HoB as an AOE ?

and if it was 100% chance for it the plasma cell dot to apply with HoB would be OP as ****

as for the RNG on plasma cell in general "that" would have been a half decent question


forgive me if im "trolling" but im just disappointed in these questions, they are a far cry from what they should have been.

also, reason i didnt contribute in the thread, i was hoping those that "main" the class would be able to cover their bases well enough. apparently this was not the case.

can you honestly say to yourself that you, are happy with these questions?

Edited by eatmydeece
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who consistently uses HoB as an AOE ?

and if it was 100% chance for it the plasma cell dot to apply with HoB would be OP as ****

as for the RNG on plasma cell in general "that" would have been a half decent question


forgive me if im "trolling" but im just disappointed in these questions, they are a far cry from what they should have been.

also, reason i didnt contribute in the thread, i was hoping those that "main" the class would be able to cover their bases well enough. apparently this was not the case.

can you honestly say to yourself that you, are happy with these questions?


You ask who uses HoB... then say people might actually use it if it was changed.


I'll remind you it does half the damage of Mortar Volley at 130% of the cost plus it's ranged not tech damage which although a good thing to be able to do both, ranged is inferior overall.


RNG was asked.


I'd have liked to have final edit on the questions but that's not how it works. You get the votes you do the questions. The community didn't want me as rep so I contributed to the discussion.


Really this is far too late to have an opinion on what questions should be.

Edited by Gyronamics
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forgive me if im "trolling" but im just disappointed in these questions, they are a far cry from what they should have been.

also, reason i didnt contribute in the thread, i was hoping those that "main" the class would be able to cover their bases well enough. apparently this was not the case.

can you honestly say to yourself that you, are happy with these questions?


Gunnery will be behind 2.6 TK and SS even after 2.7 buffs. FACT

Commandos have difficulty in PVP, majority of PVPer Mandos agreed that a disengage would the best course of action. FACT

Assault has nothing going for it in PVP other than it's easily mitigatable damage. FACT


Don't complain when it's too late, you had weeks...no forget that, you had F*CKING MONTHS to come up with questions/suggestion, you did nothing. So now you can go back to being silent that you practiced so well during the brainstorming/class rep questions threads.

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Gunnery will be behind 2.6 TK and SS even after 2.7 buffs. FACT

Commandos have difficulty in PVP, majority of PVPer Mandos agreed that a disengage would the best course of action. FACT


No its not a fact. REAL PvPers know that giving commandos a disengage would make it a ranged class without any counters. Hold the line and a disengage? Too funny


Edit: It will only be behind in PvE, dont you mention as if it would be the case for PvP, thats obviously not true.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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No its not a fact. REAL PvPers know that giving commandos a disengage would make it a ranged class without any counters. Hold the line and a disengage? Too funny

You mean like gunslingers?

Edit: It will only be behind in PvE, dont you mention as if it would be the case for PvP, thats obviously not true.

It's a PVE question isn't it? l2read

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No its not a fact. REAL PvPers know that giving commandos a disengage would make it a ranged class without any counters. Hold the line and a disengage? Too funny.


What an amazingly shallow examination.


HTL for commandos is called trading DPS for survivability. You don't move AND keep your damage as a commando. That would be Vanguards. You also don't move very fast. It's almost but not quite out of combat speed.


On the other hand I know of a ranged class with a real dot spec, not like assault which is only 20% DoT which has amazing kiting and self healing potential (due to a massive resource bar an no regen penalties) and just got their kiting upgraded in 2.7 for dps and gets their disengage upgraded to give an absorb bubble of about 75% of their health after the disengage ends.


And you can't think of any way to counter HtL and even the theory of a disengage, how odd.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Your comment wasnt, hahaha. You'r being ridicolous kid


You are complaining about something that's already done instead when you could've actually changed something and I'm the ridiculous? Mkay...

Don't like the questions? Tough luck, next time be here on time. Nobody cares about your QQ so you can stop it now.

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