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Fun with Isolated Incident Oricon Raid


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Well I finally left and that had to have lasted like 5 hours. And I think it's still going. Shots Fired just showed up and are ripping through them.


They left... after people left, they rushed us, with about 6-7. We had 5 with us, killed them, they left. They got us a couple times by lava punts...(lol) but we didn't go into our base. That was a lot of fun though, MOAR PVP! Hopefully next time people come OUT of the base and actually come partake. XD

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They left... after people left, they rushed us, with about 6-7. We had 5 with us, killed them, they left. They got us a couple times by lava punts...(lol) but we didn't go into our base. That was a lot of fun though, MOAR PVP! Hopefully next time people come OUT of the base and actually come partake. XD


It was a good time, we're thinking of hosting it maybe once a week or so. LOTS OF PVP. :)

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That was boats of fun, just trying to kite the mobs to you guys only to get ripped apart is probably the most fun I've had in OW PVP in a long while, would've stayed but wanted to do some dailies on my shadow, nice to see some OW PVP again!


Hopefully next time you bring enough people to actually kill the guards along with us :p

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When this was organized on Saturday we used the Bridge area by the Operations. Neither group has to run very far for respawning, which I believe kept it going for a while.


Gotta love organized world PvP! :D


It wasn't exactly organized we just decided to attack the pubs with a full 24 man group and see how they responded. :p

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