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Need advice on making credits.


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I have a level 21 Sith Warrior Juggernaught with level 16 abilities and I'm having money issues. At this point I really don't care for the lvl 25 40k speeder training because of this situation. I literally don't have enough money for training abilities.


Here is some more information. Please note this is all by my personal experience. I am not stating that if I can't make profits off of it then no one else can. I'm just having a difficult time making money.

  • I have only bought 1 item from the Global Trade Network. A stack of 10 Rubat Crystals for 400 credits. Literally nothing else.
  • I have the crew skill synthweaving. It's at a level to craft level 16 items and lower. Just got into using ancient artifacts in crafting.
  • Haven't been able to sell anything on the Empire side on the Global Trade Network. I even obtained three fully moddable orange armor pieces and the highest bid I got for them (on the chat log) was 600 credits altogether. Couldn't even sell those armor for 1000 credits on the GTN separately.
  • I don't have enough money to send companions on gathering missions and the like anymore. I also don't have enough money to put items on the GTN for more than 1 day.
  • I can make blues but I can't make a profit off of them. Again nobody buys the stuff even at the price of the gathering missions.
  • I die a lot so like 90% of my credits went to fixing armor. Around level 18 I finally started to not die and figured out how to play juggernaught.
  • At lvl 21 I currently have 233 credits on my Sith Warrior. On my lvl 13 Trooper I have 9k credits from armormech. In my opinion it seems that people on the Empire side do not buy nearly as much as people on the Republic side.


Is slicing the only real way to go in terms of making money? If I got to be lvl 50 with sprint and no speeder but all my skills are up to date that's fine. If I have to drop synthweaving I'm just going to restart on a different server. Might as well get away from the que to log in if I am going to reroll. I'm okay with rerolling.


If slicing the only good way to make money and without selling stuff on the GTN then slicing needs to be redesigned. I know it craps cash but I want a decent economy in the game. If everybody goes slicing then I won't have the option later on to get better gear and mods from the GTN.


Any suggestions? Advice?

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- PVP daily


- Space combat daily


- Do sell things on the GTN, even if it is awful to browse, you can easily put things IN there, automatically get a price, and post it. If you have a lot of stuff there is plenty of credits to be had. Things I put up are usually sold quite quickly, even when I raise the price.






- Slicing.



" If everybody goes slicing then I won't have the option later on to get better gear and mods from the GTN."


No, not really. Slicing is alright until the market starts stabilizing, then reagents and items from missions will yield a lot more credits because there will be a great demand, and a lot of credits around. Soon the profits from Slicing will be a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the economy.

Edited by Caragath
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Dude making credits is really easy. PVP can net me 2500-3000cr per game and I'm lvl 35. At your level, I was getting maybe 2000cr per game. And when you sell something, just throw it on the GTN. I sold a pair of orange lvl 19 pants for 17k. I just use the price the GTN suggests and hope for the best. And above all else... loot every gray item that drops... after a running a flash point or a couple hours of questing I can get 1000cr from just those items.
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- PVP daily


- Space combat daily


- Do sell things on the GTN, even if it is awful to browse, you can easily put things IN there, automatically get a price, and post it. If you have a lot of stuff there is plenty of credits to be had. Things I put up are usually sold quite quickly, even when I raise the price.


I haven't sold a thing on the GTN for any worthwhile credits. Not even the low level greens for 400 credit price that comes up automatically.

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Currently I'm a level 33 Bounty Hunter. Skills are Slicing, Salvaging, and CyberTech. While I'm not making hands over fist selling my items on the GTN I am doing well. It's a matter of finding what people need that the game does not provide. Armor drops in this game are fairly common and with everyone and their brother rolling a GlowStick class I don't imagine that much of a need for Light to Heavy Force Using Armor until the upper level brackets. I mean on Space Slug every single mob seems to be dropping armor for those guys. Alll my BH armor is from purchasing Modable items otherwise I would still be running around in my Black Talon suit. :D


Also we have a Trade Channel. I've found that it helps to actually post in Trade What you have just placed on the GTN and at what price. Since the GTN really doesn't have a quality search function this helps customers see what is available w/o having to deal with the current GTN search system. Also if people see that there is something posted on the GTN they want they are more likely to actually deal with it and buy.


Lastly you might actually make more coin selling the Mats versus the actual item. The main reason why I am able to sell my gear is because I only produce items that I've farmed the mats for. If I had to list my gear for the base price of buying mats off the GTN then it would not be worth it for a player to buy my gear. Remember while leveling it's rare for a player to keep a unmodable piece of gear for more than 10 levels. Heck even with the modable gear many new players just don't get how it works and don't understand the value: basically they don't realize that it's a piece that can keep for over 20 levels just by moding it. Anyways hope this helps you!


Message provided by Daga Corp. For all your Technological Needs: Earpieces, Mods, Enhancements, and GRENADES. :D

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Dude making credits is really easy. PVP can net me 2500-3000cr per game and I'm lvl 35. At your level, I was getting maybe 2000cr per game. And when you sell something, just throw it on the GTN. I sold a pair of orange lvl 19 pants for 17k. I just use the price the GTN suggests and hope for the best. And above all else... loot every gray item that drops... after a running a flash point or a couple hours of questing I can get 1000cr from just those items.


The pvp part I did not know about. Still you didn't read what I typed. No one buys anything I put up. Even at market suggested value. 2 Days and it just comes back to me.

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- PVP daily

No, not really. Slicing is alright until the market starts stabilizing, then reagents and items from missions will yield a lot more credits because there will be a great demand, and a lot of credits around. Soon the profits from Slicing will be a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the economy.


You sir, are to be commended for actually understanding the role of slicing in the game.

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So I have a question (I'm at work so I can't find out for myself). Does each warzone match give credits or did you mean a daily pvp quest that's only available once every 24 hours?


Every Warzone can net you 1.5k-3k credits. I believe you get more if you win though.

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