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Only two people i know of that stream on a regular basis:



although sibek don't stream to stream, but he will turn it on from time to time





I would love to stream myself but my internet cannot contain me streaming and playing, so i just record matches from time to time and upload them to my Youtube channel, (bottom right of my sig), i mostly upload group ranked matches, or solo ranked, i've been kinda relaxed on the recording thing though, i should pick it back up around season two, or if seem to get more interest in uploading.

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SImley's stream is good from FRE, also Silkk has started streaming our 16-Man raids on weds/Thursdays as well as Heroic Wow Raiding

Silkk - http://www.twitch.tv/darklordice


I record some of our kill videos@



Will be streaming ranked next season, NiM operations and WildStar betas currently@

Saereth - http://www.twitch.tv/Saereth


Other streamers of note in our guild

Humio - http://www.twitch.tv/jmshook

Wystan -http://www.twitch.tv/sir_wiggles_the_third

Edited by Guiken
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