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Resubscribed after a year and now I'm the Guildmaster?


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I subscribed back during launch and dropped my subscription after a few months. In that time I joined a nice sized guild and had alot of fun.


Well, I just resubscribed and according to the guild tab I'm the new Guildmaster. I heard that if a GM was inactive for a while it would reset to the oldest playing character but that can't be me. Either way I'm not sure if there's any way to audit the actual membership to see if anyone else has logged in in the last year.


Is there any tool that shows activity logs of members? I know in my old WoW guild the Guildmaster had a way of seeing how long it had been since a member had signed in (she used it to promote or demote members so the officers were the most frequent players). Cause otherwise I'm sitting on a light/dark decision to rebuild the guild or raid the larder.



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That is interesting, I had that happen too. I logged in and saw in the chat log something like Name has promoted you to Guild Leader, but no one was on but me. I suppose all the remaining members were inactive so long it just defaulted to the next one to log in which happened to be me.


As far as guild controls, there's nothing like that as far as I could tell.

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There may be a problem with the guild ranking system...I had a toon that was randomly promoted to "Guildmaster" by another one of my alts who ISN'T EVEN THE GUILDMASTER to begin with...my alts are all in the same guild but I don't know why the guildmaster is being passed around like that.


I promoted another guy to guildmaster and then it bounced back to me and then to another of my toons. Depending on who I logged in as it would always say [previous guildmaster name] has promoted you to guildmaster.

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Well, I do know that per the guild's bank logs, the last deposit/withdrawl was back in May 2012.

My question is: Is there any system that eliminates inactive guilds? Say if I started a guild with me and 4 people and we all quit. Would it be erased from the server after a year or more, or would the phantom guild just hang around on the server forever?

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You can easily check when the other members logged in the last time:


1. Click on the guild tab.

2. On the trop right, click on "Details"

3. In the next window, click on the small arrow next to "Rank".

4. Choose "Last time played" (or similar)

5. Sort by that column.


It's quite likely you are the only remaining member. So many guilds died during the last 2 years.


P. S. It takes 29 days of inactivity until the leadership moves to another member.

Edited by JattaGin
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Well, I do know that per the guild's bank logs, the last deposit/withdrawl was back in May 2012.

My question is: Is there any system that eliminates inactive guilds? Say if I started a guild with me and 4 people and we all quit. Would it be erased from the server after a year or more, or would the phantom guild just hang around on the server forever?


Since you never really leave (you just go Preferred), I think the guild name would hang around. IF leadership is on a Preferred or F2P player then some guild guild functions are limited. I think the only way to make a guild go away is for the leader to actually disband the guild.

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You can check to see when someone last logged in,


Open guild window

Click on Details in the upper right

On the top bar with Name, Level, Class, Location, etc... next to Guild Rank and Member Note is a triangle, click on either of those and it brings down a drop menu of other choices to put in that column. Select "Last Played"


From there you can click on the bar itself to sort ascending or descending.



edit: It seems I'm tying really slow today lol. I now see it was answered right after submitting my post.

Edited by Tige
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You can easily check when the other members logged in the last time:


1. Click on the guild tab.

2. On the trop right, click on "Details"

3. In the next window, click on the small arrow next to "Rank".

4. Choose "Last time played" (or similar)

5. Sort by that column.


It's quite likely you are the only remaining member. So many guilds died during the last 2 years.


P. S. It takes 29 days of inactivity until the leadership moves to another member.



Yep. It looks like only 1 person logged in 40 days ago, and everyone else at least 1 year ago. Wow. Thanks for the info.

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I inherited two Guilds like this. So I ran with the Guilds a good few months even asking any player that might log in to email me and let me know that they are still playing but nobody did. So I did the humane thing and removed all their sorry asses from the Guild... It's all mine :cool:
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I inherited two Guilds like this. So I ran with the Guilds a good few months even asking any player that might log in to email me and let me know that they are still playing but nobody did. So I did the humane thing and removed all their sorry asses from the Guild... It's all mine :cool:


Tempting. I'm giving them a fortnight to a month. To be nice.

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You can have "offline guild members" displayed as well.


In my case, being a guild master in an almost defunct guild, when my play time card (which is like a time-limited subscription) ran out, another player (the only one active as far as I could see it) became the guild master, and when I had activated a new play time card, I received the guild master status from him, according to an (seemingly auto-generated) message.

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Well, I do know that per the guild's bank logs, the last deposit/withdrawl was back in May 2012.

My question is: Is there any system that eliminates inactive guilds? Say if I started a guild with me and 4 people and we all quit. Would it be erased from the server after a year or more, or would the phantom guild just hang around on the server forever?


If every last member of guild quits guild disappers

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Good to know, that explains why one of my imperial twinks has become guildmaster...


But I have a question now: If a guild is not entirely dead, but the guildmaster is just missing, how is it determined who becomes next guildmaster? Or ist is just the next guy who lock into the game even if he or she is just a recruit while there are also higher ranking guildmembers still active within the guild?

Edited by Drudenfusz
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Good to know, that explains why one of my imperial twinks has become guildmaster...


But I have a question now: If a guild is not entirely dead, but the guildmaster is just missing, how is it determined who becomes next guildmaster? Or ist is just the next guy who lock into the game even if he or she is just a recruit while there are also higher ranking guildmembers still active within the guild?

If the current Guild Master is inactive for 8 weeks, then leadership automatically passes to the Highest Ranking Subscriber who has logged in recently (either 30 days or 8 weeks, not sure offhand which).


So a Subscriber "Captain" who logged in 28 days ago will trump a Subscriber "Recruit" who logged in yesterday, but a Subscriber Recruit will trump a F2P Captain even if both have been logged in recently (which is probably how OP got leadership by re-subbing).


If there are no Subscribers left, it will pass to the highest ranking player who has logged in recently, but the Guild will no longer be considered a Subscriber Guild.

Edited by DarthDymond
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