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I Would Fix PvP In SWTOR by _____ (Fill in blank)


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I Would Fix PvP In SWTOR by _____


1. I don't think anything will fix it because the dev team said no.




P.S. I was actually going to make an honest list that would help maintain a stable population WITHOUT "super hard to make" cross server technology, but then I remembered my point above.

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I think they used almost that exact phrase once upon a time when talking about guild ships.
The quote is from Eric Musco



Why can't we focus on serious issues here and bring to light problems pvp players get aggravated with swtor. I've left and come back to swtor many different times and you may say "well your not supporting the game so how can you expect it to get better?" I'd answer I've paid for an entire year subscription because i wanna believe it will get better. The real issues in swtor's pvp are three major topics.


1. Not enough people.

- low server populations

- no cross/server queues (Most MMO have this to prevent long wait times)


2. No choice in the game types we play.

- Hutt ball is a cool game type however sometimes when i pvp that's the last thing i want to do.

- Something i'd like to bring up that I see no one talking about is where is the low/mid level pvp development?

There literally has been no change to the low/mid level pvp since the beginning of the game.

- This is easy to do swtor already has a queue system in place they could use for pvp (flashpoint). So then why don't they do that if it would attract new players who play MMOs for just that? Because of topic 1 (population)


3. The lack of care to certain issues.


Will you be implementing Cross-server queuing?


We have no plans at this time to implement cross-server queues.

The quote is from Eric Musco


I'd like to make a point on how important pvp can be in MMO genre. On December 10, 2007 Jagex took pvp and many other things away from players in Runescape a well known free to play MMO. This flared a huge amount of players in anger and they lost 60,000 subscribers with in the following 3 months. The funny thing is runescape had a high peak of 225,000 players online earlier that summer. My point to this is pvp is a huge genre group of players and making them happy gets more players into the game which helps the game grow.


I'm sure there are many other issues and balancing out 4v4 DeathMatches is great and all but that is a little problem lets look at the things that discourages people from playing swtor. I love this game and just want to see it get better, I was part of this games beta and also part of the League Of Legends beta. Watching two different games grow from the beginning to where they are now saddens me that more people don't play swtor. pvp is very important and when people don't see it growing or getting better then move onto the next game.



sincerely, trooperevan

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- remove group queue from non-ranked

- allow queuing for both ranked and non-ranked at the same time for solo players

- single bracket

- allow for gear-set switching (quick swap between various PVP and PVE sets, these slots would also "carry" the items, kind of serve as inventory)


Something else: would be awesome to have an indicator on the OP group list that would show whether a player is in line of sight or not (currently it's only visible whether the player is within distance).

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1. Learn to play with Casual players(Bads)

2. Give an way so someone new to learn what every type of class can do at lvl 55(so every one knew that Assassins have 25% boost to damage to shock, Powertechs get healing when hit with AoE attacks and so on...)Not knowing about other classes strengths,weaknesses and rotation discourage me to play PvP because i don't know what to do when 1 vs 1 and ultimately fail in that. And real WZ action isn't the best place to learn it

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:eek: Isn't a regular Warzone the PERFECT place to learn that? Not only that, but also how to tell what player knows what he/she is doing and going to do and what player isn't? Because that's a HUGE part of the play, I think.


There is a huge part called experience in the PvP play. Way more than any scripted encounter could provide. It's called 'expecting and working with the human factor'. That's the part that makes target-switching useful: Beating the healer - beating his mate - switch back and kill the healer... as a classic move. Or using a mezz to "pull their breaker" or any of that... Where else if not in nrwz and nrarena WOULD you practise that?


I'd agree on most of the nerf-demands being based on a) not knowing WHY that other player did what he did or b) the basic understanding that oneself OUGHT to be invincible or have a close-to-equal-chance-solo. I guess many a whine originates by the strong feeling one-on-one fights can trigger.

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Remove it entirely.


Yes, really:


There's just no bloody point to it anymore, except on PvP servers where you want full-Expertis'ed gear to cruise the world with, and that can be had --top-tier ear/implant/relics + optimised mid-tier-- in 1-3 weeks of very casual play.


So yeah: What's the point?




Either that, or, tell the "combat-team" that they have 30 minutes to clean out their desks before Security escorts them from the building, and hire people who actually have a shred of vision and competence.

Edited by midianlord
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Remove it entirely.


Yes, really:


There's just no bloody point to it anymore, except on PvP servers where you want full-Expertis'ed gear to cruise the world with, and that can be had --top-tier ear/implant/relics + optimised mid-tier-- in 1-3 weeks of very casual play.


So yeah: What's the point?


Whats the point of PvE?

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Whats the point of PvE?


I do both, and am kinda wondering that myself.


But at least the PvE end of things doesn't just have gear-grind for the sake of gear-grind --updated with new gear-grinds!-- without at least the illusion of varied content that someone clearly gives a **** about.

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Merge ranked and regular into one thing that rewards the regular WZ Commendation and based on some KPI -say wins and Medals- Ranked Commendation awarded.


Ranked gear is better in looks and stats...This way it rewards staying in the game even if losing and focusing on Medals and other KPI's.

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I actually have a few great ideas.


1. Remove Resolve, BUT all Stuns have 1/2'd duration and 2x CD and in PvP your Stun Breaker has 1/2 CD. This would eliminate Whitebarring and you getting owned. and you have to use your stuns more efficiently if you want to succeed because of the double cooldown on all Stun/CC abilities.


2. Remove Expertise, make PvP and PvE use same gear: PvP stats never really work out in the end, Expertise isn't that useful anyway, just trash it. It would make fights more interesting because some people may have 69 gear while others have 78 or even in 2.7 the new 81 gear.


3. Make more Open World PvP options: I will make an entire thread on my ideas for Open World PvP, ill link it here when i make it.


4. PvP comms used to buy special PvP only Adrenals, Relics, Medpacs, crystals, Mounts, Gear Shells, Etc. This would make PvP comms still have a use, but you wouldn't use them for gear, except the Relics and Crystals. So we will still have the Conq and Oboron Relics, but at highly reduced costs from their current incarnations, and they will have all flavors of Relics, even clicky relics.


5. In PvP, all skills will have tweaked damage modifiers that only activate in PvP, along with some special Cooldown modifiers for certain skills.


6. Each Death in normal Warzones resets some skills cooldowns: Skills like Explosive Fuel, Oil Slick, Smoke Grenade, Emp Discharge, Shield Probe, Undying Rage, Force Camouflage, Enrage, Saber Throw, etc. will reset their Cooldowns when you die, most of these abilities are defensive or offensive cooldowns, and have high CD's for PvP, so they will reset after death.


I think that most of these will help fix most of PvP's issues. along with Cross-Server Queueing.

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Some of your comments made smile and laugh, esp. that hostage one. But some changes can made that would provide for a better game experience for all level of players.


1. Have no quarrel with Bolster. Sure it needs to be tweeked and fixed some, but Bioware admits they are working on it.


2. I agree with cross-servers in WZ's. Like to see that happen.


3. PvP gear is a far cry from being a grind, sorry, but compared to other games, easy to get in SWTOR.


4. I would like to see ranked WZs extended to 8v8 style, and allow for 8 man OP groups to que. This would allow for the better players to have the competition they crave against other good PvPer's. Also would decrease the bad experiences new players have in Reg WZs from being stomped on.


5. Would love to see a couple more new 8v8 WZs. Huttball Quesh coming up, well, nice but not too many pugs can compete well in that style without being in a talk program.


6. I would love to see an actual PvP Simulation room, that would actually simulate fighting against another player, also providing tips after each fight, providing at least some basic information that would teach you about your different spells and trees. The WZ dummy on your ship, is just a dps meter. Need something that moves around like a player and hits back. I would love Bioware with all my heart if they made something like that.


All in all, I would have to say that I am very pleased with with the game as a whole. No game is without their problems, but this one I really enjoy. I am on an RP PVP server, and the RP is very rich, and I also enjoy that as well. Keep up the good work Bioware



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I actually have a few great ideas.


2. Remove Expertise, make PvP and PvE use same gear: PvP stats never really work out in the end, Expertise isn't that useful anyway, just trash it. It would make fights more interesting because some people may have 69 gear while others have 78 or even in 2.7 the new 81 gear.


I'll second this idea, in a big way. I'm caught in the worst possible situation with my toon: A level 55 that, while maxed out against NPCs, can't land a single hit in PvP. Got a full suite of gear, all epic, but based on what I saw in PvP yesterday, it's all completely worthless against players 15-20 levels below me.


As far as I'm concerned, I'm getting penalized by the game because I stayed out of PvP early on, and just focused on leveling. So the game puts players into a sort-of Catch-22 situation: You have to PvP from the start to get the gear, but you get mangled by higher levels if you do and don't get the success necessary to gain better gear, OR---you grind up your level, but still don't have the gear to PvP, and then get subjected to public humiliation by levels that are way lower than you but have---apparently---have better gear.


This could be solved if the gear was simply the gear. In other words, higher levels get better stuff, lower levels don't. Then it would just come down to a contest of who's higher, OR---in the case of dueling 55's---it would come down to who can rack up the DPS faster.


I give up. No way to win on this scenario. I guess I just won't PvP anymore.

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1: Fix bolster this way: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=730617


2: Allow for queuing in both Reg WZs and Ranked WZs simultaneously.


3: More 4v4 game types besides Arena. This is partly because it feels like with 4v4s, you get less degenerate teams compositions (ie stacking too many copies of one class or role), but mostly to make items #4 and #6 below work better. So at least 2 more 4v4 game types that aren't deathmatch.


4: Get rid of the distinction between Ranked and Unranked PvP. Make it all Ranked. The more people playing, the better an ELO system works. Hide the Ranks if epeen problems arise.


5: As far as what queues we can go into, change it to Solo and Grouped. Solo is just you (weird, huh?). Grouped is a team of 2-4 players. If it's an 8v8 game, then it'll take at least 2 teams to make up a side.

EDIT: The more I think about this, the less I like it. Really, to get ELO working at its peak, one queue. If the PUG v Premade is really an issue, well, the ELO should "fix" it.


6: Allow a game voting system, like Halo 3 had. Once teams are made, give the option of 3 different games that players can vote on. Assign the games a "priority order" that is used in the case of ties (so the game in slot 1 would be played if game 1 and game 2 or 3 tied for votes), but otherwise whichever of the 3 games gets the most votes is the one that gets played. The way it works with 4v4 and 8v8 is it first decides the size of the game, then gives you game types for that size (I asked for at least 2 more 4v4 game types in item #3 so that a 4v4 game type isn't guaranteed to be an Arena).

Edited by waterboytkd
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Remove Expertise, make PvP and PvE use same gear: PvP stats never really work out in the end, Expertise isn't that useful anyway, just trash it. It would make fights more interesting because some people may have 69 gear while others have 78 or even in 2.7 the new 81 gear.


Horrible idea: then you could PvP to get the best raid gear and vice versa. You might reply with "well what would be so bad about that?" If you do, you're clueless.

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