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Swtor has nothing to fear from Wildstar!


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Just a thought:


Seems to me that the most active threads on the forums for the last week or so have centered around discussions of other games. All this talk here about ESO, W*, SWG...if SWTOR really has "nothing to fear", shouldn't these forums still be focused on complaints/suggestions/questions etc about SWTOR?

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For the uninitiated concerning what exactly Wildstar is, here is the most honest, on point review I've seen for the game:


*Warning, some NSFW language at the end so have headphones plugged in*



So when I heard that you need to stick around till level 30 since that is when the game gets really interesting since it's stale till then is when I lose interest in your game.

Edited by Greyhamea
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Just a thought:


Seems to me that the most active threads on the forums for the last week or so have centered around discussions of other games. All this talk here about ESO, W*, SWG...if SWTOR really has "nothing to fear", shouldn't these forums still be focused on complaints/suggestions/questions etc about SWTOR?




You've never been to a game's forums, have you?

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The only two that I'm aware of are EVE and SWG, and only one of those still exists. If it were a sustainable business model, you'd think more would be out there.


Maybe SOE is on to something. Maybe they'll do it right and have a smashing success. Given SOE's history, I think the former is is possible but the latter highly improbable.


I'm pretty sure Ultima Online is still around. Let me check. Yep. Here it is.

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You've never been to a game's forums, have you?


Yes I have. And while I admit to bringing it up a few times myself, I've never seen so much discussion of other games here. And take a guess what game the W* forums are focused on right now?

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I found Wildstar so boring. The combat was fun at first, but once you pumped enough hours into the game, it was just the same crap over and over.



It's as generic an MMO as you can get, now-a-days. If you've played any MMO in the last few years, that game would not have anything to offer you.


what other games has player housing that you can decorate any way you want?? and also gives all sorts of buffs depending on what you have in or around your house?? last game ive played that had housing that you could completely decorate how you wanted was SWG.


and something else that game has over TOR is open world exploring!! and from what i have read its pvp is way better than TOR as well. i wouldn't know kuz i don't really pvp any more and i haven't tried it at all in either game.


the one thing Wildstar does not have that TOR has is an auto run when i click my thumb button on my mouse, or at least i haven't figured out how to turn it on B^P


yes it has some of the same generic things that most MMOs have but its a bit different from any other MMO i have played so far.

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Just for the record I'm a Star Wars fan I was there at midnight release for SWG and I was here at the beginning for ToR through two betas, early release, collector's edition and with the exception of one month I have been subbed since then.

With that said I have plenty of constructive criticism for both Star Wars MMO's criticisms that WildStar seems to have capitalized on more so with ToR but, if you were ever wondering why the sandbox philosophy doesn't garner the same popularity as themepark look no further than SWG as the culprit.


When my friends and I finally logged on to Flurry (the servers crashed and stayed crashed until sun up during midnight release), but when we did we were in awe! We were actually playing in the galaxy far far away, the community was awesome, the crafting was awesome! For months my fan boy enthusiasm easily overshadowed that the game mostly sucked and after a year of game breaking bugs and almost no content it was confirmed in my mind that it indeed sucked that's' when I bitterly cancelled my sub and uninstalled the game never to return. This all BEFORE the NGE.


A couple months later I read an article in either Gamepro or PC gamer magazine that interviewed a senior developer from Blizzard about a little upstart MMO called World of Warcraft based on the lore from they're then better known rts games. In the interview the dev was saying how every developer working on the project had a copy of SWG as an example of what NOT to do in an MMO, Despite my feelings about SWG at the time I thought that was a pretty arrogant and presumptuous statement for a new game that no one had ever played but, fast forward to now and we see that his arrogance was more like a prophesy since sandbox is a niche and themepark reigns supreme. My take has always been that the failure of SWG as a prominent ip (or at least the failure to never realize it's potential), is tied to the niche status of sandbox MMO's.


Now the reasons I feel WildStar is more a threat to this current Star Wars MMO as far as I'm concerned is that for the first time in over two years as a die hard Star Wars fan I'm likely to cancel my sub at least until I can play the entire game and make a decision. Other reasons..


- I think the Diablo-esq limited action set will combat flavor of the month rotations and builds.

- It's mixes two genres. Star Wars = science/fantasy WildStar = science/wild wild west

- 40 man raids

- 40 man warplots

- x-server matching

- more lively seamless world

- active on the move combat

- path system

- adventures

- deeper crafting

- more challenging content

- a custom engine that suits what the developer wants to accomplish long term

- robust housing customization

- xp rewards for appropriate level open world pvp kills

- You can break cc without an ability that has a cooldown

- chat bubbles

Edited by Hardwear
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Yes I have. And while I admit to bringing it up a few times myself, I've never seen so much discussion of other games here. And take a guess what game the W* forums are focused on right now?


Right now the W* forums are focused on their own game. I frequent the forums and the topics about other games. Don't make it very far.

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strike one: ex-blizzard devs.


strike two: childish art style.


strike three: top PVP gear can only be acquired through war plots.


three strikes == not interested in even giving wowstar a try.


So ex-blizz devs who arguably helped create the most successful MMO out there turns you off of a game.


A childish art style will help keep the game modern and is easier to update than a realistic model.


Terribly sorry you have to know 39 other players to get top end pvp gear and can't just Yolo arena your way to top gear. Atleast having rating requirements on gear means people who are bad will not have good gear. I can think of a lot of people in this game that just afk their way to free epics.

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If it's WildStar Central I totally concur.


I am talking about the actual Wildstar forums. The only threads I can find about other games are in their off topic where they belong. Not sitting right in their general discussion on the very front page.

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After looking at reviews and gameplay for me I may as well go back to wow

And that's not happening no one in my guild is showing much interest

So I don't think well lose that many people

Sure it will collect all they players that bounce from game to game but overall

I'm confident my pvp will keep popping

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After looking at reviews and gameplay for me I may as well go back to wow

And that's not happening no one in my guild is showing much interest

So I don't think well lose that many people

Sure it will collect all they players that bounce from game to game but overall

I'm confident my pvp will keep popping


i bounce game to game alot there two games i'm sticking wiith tor and sto. STO i'm a lifer. I use too run to every new one mmo. but i gotten where im choosy bout which games i'll try. I'll try windstar but no garantee i'll stay

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So ex-blizz devs who arguably helped create the most successful MMO out there turns you off of a game.


A childish art style will help keep the game modern and is easier to update than a realistic model.


Terribly sorry you have to know 39 other players to get top end pvp gear and can't just Yolo arena your way to top gear. Atleast having rating requirements on gear means people who are bad will not have good gear. I can think of a lot of people in this game that just afk their way to free epics.


I have no problem with nonrealistic art styles in games but Im not interested in a childish art style that looks like the TV programs my 5 year old nephew watches.


when I think of PVP, the first thing that I want to do is fight raid bosses and a whole hoard of PVE mobs on top of the 40 aoe spammers that 40 vs 40 PVP is. and of course, that should be the way to get top tier PVP gear.... :rolleyes:


bottom line is, if I liked wow I wouldn't be playing SWTOR and if I don't like wow then im not really going to like wowstar.

Edited by MiaRB
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what other games has player housing that you can decorate any way you want?? and also gives all sorts of buffs depending on what you have in or around your house?? last game ive played that had housing that you could completely decorate how you wanted was SWG.



Edited by Manweth
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I preordered WS and gonna play till level cap to decide if its a game for me. I'm trying to be objective. I liked the game and there are lots of things i like about that game like: personal elo ratings , cross server , harder content , customisable housing , deeper crafting etc etc. There are two new things i realised while i was reading WS forums that bothered me .


First is elder gems ; As far as i understand it's a mechanic of ingame currency only gathered by 10 months of playtime , giving an extra tier of skill points (like talents or skill tier) . This gives a big advantage who is playing longer. You can think about outcomes of this mechanic for new players joining after launch. Most of the current beta population offering to remove this mechanic or lowering the playtime to get that extra tier. We'll see if it changes.


Second one is warplot videos. As all you know WS is a extremely colorful game. All abilities have effect areas. In this areas there are color indicators (telegraphs) plus animations of that skill. Now multiply it by 80 people fighting in a warplot. Its almost impossible to see your character or your own telegraphs for targeting. Since NDA is lifted there are videos on youtube that shows that situations. That visuals may give epileptic attacks to someone sensitive.

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Only the frogs say X game is going to kill X game...


Players with attention spans shorter than dogs, jumping from game to game looking for that special feeling, who feel the need to post their bull*hit in the forums...


Next year they will be saying Future MMO is going to kill Wildstar or ESO, or even TOR again...

Edited by RickShan
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