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Swtor has nothing to fear from Wildstar!


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Like many I'm doing the BETA this weekend. While the game is awesome... it offers a much different experience than SWTOR. Since Carbine was started by X Blizzard Developers the game (to me at-least) seems like it's a Starcraft MMO as far the feel and aesthetics. The new combat system is interesting, very fast and hectic sometimes it's difficult to follow especially when you're being attacked by a Stalker. To be fair most MMO's are like that when you first PVP. My only criticism really is the limited action bars. I've gotten use to SWTOR and it's myriad of spells that you get at low levels. One thing I can say for sure, it's WAY better than ESO. Initially I planned on canceling my SWTOR sub, but I will keep it and play both even though I will eventually cancel one (very hard to play two MMO's). While I'm really enjoying Wildstar, while I'm playing I'm constantly reminding myself despite it's flaws how awesome SWTOR actually is, despite the DEV's not being proactive enough on the PVP front.
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This really belongs in OT.


I've been playing the Beta this weekend too, and it certainly has a lot going for it, the visuals are good, the combat is smooth and relatively engaging but I cant help but say it feels a little....generic.


The lack of real voiceover is also quite jarring after playing ToR since release.


I'll wait until I've had a chance to try some more of the systems, but at the moment I'm still on the fence about a pre-order.

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Like many I'm doing the BETA this weekend. While the game is awesome... it offers a much different experience than SWTOR. Since Carbine was started by X Blizzard Developers the game (to me at-least) seems like it's a Starcraft MMO as far the feel and aesthetics. The new combat system is interesting, very fast and hectic sometimes it's difficult to follow especially when you're being attacked by a Stalker. To be fair most MMO's are like that when you first PVP. My only criticism really is the limited action bars. I've gotten use to SWTOR and it's myriad of spells that you get at low levels. One thing I can say for sure, it's WAY better than ESO. Initially I planned on canceling my SWTOR sub, but I will keep it and play both even though I will eventually cancel one (very hard to play two MMO's). While I'm really enjoying Wildstar, while I'm playing I'm constantly reminding myself despite it's flaws how awesome SWTOR actually is, despite the DEV's not being proactive enough on the PVP front.


I am also playing Wildstar this weekend and have pre-ordered it. As for your comment on the action bars I do believe in April a new UI is going to be put in so you will see more. You will see a drop on swtor come June, you will have 2 new MMO's out. I wont play ESO it just sucks, Wildstar kicks *** on so many lvls with what they have to offer. I like many will un-sub once these other games come out, there is no point paying for swtor until they drop the EXP and if taht is just housing then It wont be worth subbing for.

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This really belongs in OT.


I've been playing the Beta this weekend too, and it certainly has a lot going for it, the visuals are good, the combat is smooth and relatively engaging but I cant help but say it feels a little....generic.


The lack of real voiceover is also quite jarring after playing ToR since release.


I'll wait until I've had a chance to try some more of the systems, but at the moment I'm still on the fence about a pre-order.

Nobody plays MMOs for singleplayer/voice over driven content.


Wildstar might really hurt SWTOR. Really bad. Just look at all the F-ups EAware has made up to this point for both PvP and PvE.

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Like many I'm doing the BETA this weekend. While the game is awesome... it offers a much different experience than SWTOR. Since Carbine was started by X Blizzard Developers the game (to me at-least) seems like it's a Starcraft MMO as far the feel and aesthetics. The new combat system is interesting, very fast and hectic sometimes it's difficult to follow especially when you're being attacked by a Stalker. To be fair most MMO's are like that when you first PVP. My only criticism really is the limited action bars. I've gotten use to SWTOR and it's myriad of spells that you get at low levels. One thing I can say for sure, it's WAY better than ESO. Initially I planned on canceling my SWTOR sub, but I will keep it and play both even though I will eventually cancel one (very hard to play two MMO's). While I'm really enjoying Wildstar, while I'm playing I'm constantly reminding myself despite it's flaws how awesome SWTOR actually is, despite the DEV's not being proactive enough on the PVP front.


SWTOR was never meant to be a PvP game, so I always wonder why people keeps bringing it up.


Anyway, I'm looking forward to Wildstar and have it circled on my calender for quite some time. Had no interest in ESO but have always had my eyes on WS. Having said that there is zero reason why you can't play more than one MMO. This is not Highlander where there can be only one.


I am a gamer. I play multiple MMOs and that's with a busy schedule.

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Nobody plays MMOs for singleplayer/voice over driven content.


Clearly they do, or nobody would have picked up this game in the first place.


The fact that new personal/companion story content is one of the most frequently requested items when polls go up, seems to run contrary to your argument too, but thats an discussion for another thread.


Wildstar might really hurt SWTOR. Really bad. Just look at all the F-ups EAware has made up to this point for both PvP and PvE.


People said the same thing about this game and WoW. Then they said that TSW and GW2 would kill ToR. Now they say WS/ESO will kill ToR.


Wildstar wont be everybody's cup of tea, just like this game is not for everybody, but I suspect both will do alright in their respective ways.

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Because, when the game came out, it was pretty universally hailed as outstanding and the best aspect of the game.


Then 1.2 came along.


Besides bringing Sorces down to earth from god mode status, what exactly did 1.2 do that was so bad for PvP?


EDIT: Oh yea, wasn't that when they brought Mercs down from OP level too?

Edited by Icebergy
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After raiding/pvping in the closed beta I think Wildstar is a solid MMO but not worth $60 + $15/month. I'll might pick it up when when they offer a free trial or F2P. The game gave me the feeling I was playing a rehash of vanilla WoW with action combat, cluttered UI, weak story/lore, and a good housing implementation.


I think TOR was in better shape when it was in late beta than WS currently is. NCSoft is pushing the June 3 launch even though there are outstanding issues with endgame, new UI.

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Besides bringing Sorces down to earth from god mode status, what exactly did 1.2 do that was so bad for PvP?


EDIT: Oh yea, wasn't that when they brought Mercs down from OP level too?


ah the old days..


when 400k dps was an exceptional score...

10 medals pretty difficult to get.

Vanguards didn't have a green (uterus?) hovering above them.

Commando heals were immortal

and Operative/Scoundrels Were lords of the WZs.


good times...

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After raiding/pvping in the closed beta I think Wildstar is a solid MMO but not worth $60 + $15/month. I'll might pick it up when when they offer a free trial or F2P. The game gave me the feeling I was playing a rehash of vanilla WoW with action combat, cluttered UI, weak story/lore, and a good housing implementation.


I think TOR was in better shape when it was in late beta than WS currently is. NCSoft is pushing the June 3 launch even though there are outstanding issues with endgame, new UI.


Does it have a group finder or will it have one at launch?

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This really belongs in OT.


I've been playing the Beta this weekend too, and it certainly has a lot going for it, the visuals are good, the combat is smooth and relatively engaging but I cant help but say it feels a little....generic.


The lack of real voiceover is also quite jarring after playing ToR since release.


I'll wait until I've had a chance to try some more of the systems, but at the moment I'm still on the fence about a pre-order.


I think I'd have a hard time committing to an MMO that didn't have voice-overs, good cut-scenes, and maybe even companions after SWTOR. BioWare ruined me.

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I've been in the Wildstar beta for a few months now and really enjoy it, I've pre-ordered and plan on playing with some friends.


That said, I'll also still be subbed to SWTOR and playing it also. It will even be my primary MMO, Wildstar being the second. Wildstar is actually replacing WoW for me and my friends :)

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I think I'd have a hard time committing to an MMO that didn't have voice-overs, good cut-scenes, and maybe even companions after SWTOR. BioWare ruined me.


Same here. Most MMOs don't have what I guess could be called a soul, except TOR and maybe WoW from vanilla -> Lich King.

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If game developers stopped competing against competitors and just focused on creating the best game they can it wouldn't matter


Wild star shouldn't be competion for swtor because swtor is an MMO for people that want play a starwars MMO.

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ESO is a bigger threat to SWTOR than Wildstar. It's based on a popular license, it's got the VO, very immersive storytelling, and it looks far better graphically. That said SW is of course the much bigger and more popular license so that will mean something. Not getting all the ESO hate, it's really quite good actually, reminiscent of both TES games in gameplay and Dark Age of Camelot in PVP mechanics and tone. But perhaps the fantasy setting will prevent it from competing too directly with the sci-fi SWTOR.
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Wild star shouldn't be competion for swtor because swtor is an MMO for people that want play a starwars MMO.

Exactly. I have no interest in WoW or ESO or Wildstar or any of these other games because they aren't Starwars MMOs. There are a certain amount of people who just like to play MMOs in general and they will play every new game that comes out for a short while and then move onto the next one. There is absolutely no way any MMO can hold their attention and keep those people as long-term customers. So the next new game will always have a certain amount of buzz among the player base.

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Exactly. I have no interest in WoW or ESO or Wildstar or any of these other games because they aren't Starwars MMOs. There are a certain amount of people who just like to play MMOs in general and they will play every new game that comes out for a short while and then move onto the next one. There is absolutely no way any MMO can hold their attention and keep those people as long-term customers. So the next new game will always have a certain amount of buzz among the player base.


Same here aswell. I have tons of stuff to do still. 5 class stories, some raids I havent done etc. And im a huge fan of star wars. So this game will entertain me for a long time, especially because I like to keep few month breaks in between my subscription. (There are other games than mmos)


However there are a lot of people who have played this game a long time. They may be star wars fans, but if you have played this game since launch. Done almost everything there is to be done. Seen all class stories, and pretty much all missions on every planets. Grinded flashpoints and raids to the death. Just being a star wars fan may not be enough for you to keep on playing, if you are not happy with the amount of new content in this game.


That been said. It isnt like this game is in some serious threat, so I dont get why this topic is been discussed so much, but there might be a drop of subs like always when new mmos come out... Im thinking about a 5% at most (this is the worst case scenario imo.), and some of them may be even coming back later.

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ESO is a bigger threat to SWTOR than Wildstar. It's based on a popular license, it's got the VO, very immersive storytelling, and it looks far better graphically. That said SW is of course the much bigger and more popular license so that will mean something. Not getting all the ESO hate, it's really quite good actually, reminiscent of both TES games in gameplay and Dark Age of Camelot in PVP mechanics and tone. But perhaps the fantasy setting will prevent it from competing too directly with the sci-fi SWTOR.


Funny you should mention that about ESO. There have been other threads that mention the 20 years of Elder Scrolls games and the lore they have built up as a selling point.


The thing is, I have played D&D, Pathfinder, World of Darkness, Shadowrun, Edge of the Empire and many other RP games with many different people. We talk about computer versions and Elder Scrolls usually comes up. Everyone is blown away by the huge world they build and the stunning visuals and tremendous amount of quests. I have never talked to anyone that finds the lore interesting. Very bland and forgetful is the consensus.


I really appreciate that Wildstar wants to bring back difficulty fights and 40 man raids. I just have doubts about the numbers being there to support that when MMO's have been progressively weakening the content and lowering the number of raid members due to player demands. The subscription and Ratchet & Clank/My Little Pony art style were the nail in the coffin for me personally.

Edited by RandomXChance
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