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Strongholds Legacy Wide storage? Great? can we include Datacron's?


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So argument that adding daracrons would make game too easy just makes me lough... Game is too easy now... you met people who hit 55 and have no clue how they class works... By the logic shared legacy bank should kill this game before gsf launch all my chars got 4 sets of legacy armors so now I have 30+ legacy sets my 55 are usaly capped at planetary coms all the time so I can buy mods put them in legacy gear lets say for every 4 lvls and keep them in legacy storage that means all my alts and companions they mostly use will have good gear every 4 lvls I lvl up put old gear back to legacy storage take new one out... And lets face it it will give me much biger boost then legacy datacrons... Theres plenty of biger bonuses already ingame then legacy datacrons... And pvp is so badly balanced that minor boost that datacrons give wont change anything


Then you will not be losing anything significant if you choose not to put forth the effort required to earn those "minimal" bonuses on your alts by finding the datacrons with those alts.

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Sorry if I made it sound like I was treating you like the enemy. That was not my intent.


I do know, however, how that many people will see your post and declare that the devs have said that they WILL implement legacy datacrons. I was trying to head those assumptive leaps off at the pass.

Fair enough.


If anything, Cash's comment in the other datacron thread about it not being technically feasible seems to make it pretty unlikely:

I heard Musco mention this in a recent podcast interview, he said it would probably never happen b/c it would require the devs to redesign the entire holocron system.



Here is the link to it, IIRC it is some time after the 1:00:00 mark.

Edited by Khevar
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Then you will not be losing anything significant if you choose not to put forth the effort required to earn those "minimal" bonuses on your alts by finding the datacrons with those alts.

Yea i wont only reason I would bother to do datacrons on imp side would be legacy wide datacrons. I dont even care if Bw add it or no I just found ridicilous reasoning you use why they shouldnt do it

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Yea i wont only reason I would bother to do datacrons on imp side would be legacy wide datacrons. I dont even care if Bw add it or no I just found ridicilous reasoning you use why they shouldnt do it


Is it ridiculous to expect people not to be lazy and to actually put forth some effort for things that they want?


It's ridiculous not to cater to people's laziness? That is, after all, the primary motivation behind these requests or demands.

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Is it ridiculous to expect people not to be lazy and to actually put forth some effort for things that they want?


It's ridiculous not to cater to people's laziness? That is, after all, the primary motivation behind these requests or demands.

Incidentally, much of the legacy unlocks do exactly that: cater to laziness.


Things you can unlock at level 1 include:

1. HK-51

2. Grade 3 speeders

3. 30% xp / conversation boosts

4. Shortened wait time on quick travel.

5. Rocket Boost.



The only reason I've used these unlocks at level 1 was out of laziness. :)

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Incidentally, much of the legacy unlocks do exactly that: cater to laziness.


Things you can unlock at level 1 include:

1. HK-51

2. Grade 3 speeders

3. 30% xp / conversation boosts

4. Shortened wait time on quick travel.

5. Rocket Boost.



The only reason I've used these unlocks at level 1 was out of laziness. :)


Neither of those provide a boost to one's stats I believe. They have no bearing whatsoever during combat while questing, doing flashpoints, operations and so forth.

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Neither of those provide a boost to one's stats I believe. They have no bearing whatsoever during combat while questing, doing flashpoints, operations and so forth.


As I stated earlier on the OP. there would be a level lock at lvl 50. for it going from starter to Illum. Requiring level 50 to get it.

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As I stated earlier on the OP. there would be a level lock at lvl 50. for it going from starter to Illum. Requiring level 50 to get it.


IF they ever implement it, I would hope that the "level lock" is max level, whatever that may be at the time.

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Neither of those provide a boost to one's stats I believe. They have no bearing whatsoever during combat while questing, doing flashpoints, operations and so forth.

That's true.


But the unlocks I mentioned certainly cater to laziness, no?

Edited by Khevar
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Incidentally, much of the legacy unlocks do exactly that: cater to laziness.


Things you can unlock at level 1 include:

1. HK-51

2. Grade 3 speeders

3. 30% xp / conversation boosts

4. Shortened wait time on quick travel.

5. Rocket Boost.



The only reason I've used these unlocks at level 1 was out of laziness. :)


They also do not allow a player to completely skip a part of the game and yet still reap the rewards as if they had completed that part of the game.


You still have to travel from point A to point B, but you can do it more quickly with those perks. You still have to earn X amount of experience in order to level up, but you can do it more quickly with those perks.


You do not get to instantly skip from level 15 to level 20 as if you had earned all the experience necessary to do so if you unlock the XP boosts.

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They also do not allow a player to completely skip a part of the game and yet still reap the rewards as if they had completed that part of the game.


You still have to travel from point A to point B, but you can do it more quickly with those perks. You still have to earn X amount of experience in order to level up, but you can do it more quickly with those perks.


You do not get to instantly skip from level 15 to level 20 as if you had earned all the experience necessary to do so if you unlock the XP boosts.

This is true, I agree.


Do you disagree with the point I made that much of the legacy unlocks specifically catering to laziness?

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This would be THE way to do it. Starting with requiring you have the achievement for having them all on both republic and empire side. unlock a big datacron that you click and it gives you all of them at once.



Edit: whoa this got popular big. and to be more elaborate.



To unlock legacy wide datacron credit. (aka a megacron on your stronghold) You'd have to have the achivement and title Datacron Master showing you have collected them on both empire and republic side first. and be level 50. (going up to but not including the fleet datacrons) And can only be used by the owner of the stronghold.


You have already done the legwork, and having it at level 50. doesn't make it an unfair stat advantage.




Been wanting a legacy-wide datacron unlock for what feels like ages.

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This is true, I agree.


Do you disagree with the point I made that much of the legacy unlocks specifically catering to laziness?


I agree that those legacy unlocks can save time.


I disagree with your interpretation that they cater specifically to laziness, however, because they do NOT allow you to skip a part of the game. You must still earn the XP to level up, even if it is at a faster rate. You must still get from point A to point B, even if you can get there more quickly.

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Been wanting a legacy-wide datacron unlock for what feels like ages.


I suggest going to get Datacrons while you wait. You can kill a whole 10 minutes getting all 5 Ilum Datacrons.

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I agree that those legacy unlocks can save time.


I disagree with your interpretation that they cater specifically to laziness, however, because they do NOT allow you to skip a part of the game. You must still earn the XP to level up, even if it is at a faster rate. You must still get from point A to point B, even if you can get there more quickly.

I think you need a different word then. Because laziness, as a word, does not have as narrow a meaning as that.

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I think you need a different word then. Because laziness, as a word, does not have as narrow a meaning as that.


Laziness is defined as an aversion to work or effort.


Even with those legacy perks you mentioned, you still HAVE to put forth the effort. You might not want to put forth the effort, but you still HAVE to do so. You cannot just skip a part of the game even with those legacy perks you mentioned.

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Laziness is defined as an aversion to work or effort.


Even with those legacy perks you mentioned, you still HAVE to put forth the effort. You might not want to put forth the effort, but you still HAVE to do so. You cannot just skip a part of the game even with those legacy perks you mentioned.

How much work or effort does it take to buy speeder piloting 3 as a level 1?


You don't even need to meet the legacy level requirements if you use Cartel Coins.

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The bonuses given by the datacron's are so inconsequential that it isn't even worth the effort to do them all on one character, let alone on all of them.


I have only the endurance datacron on Makeb to complete them all on my main and if it weren't for the fact that I always seem to get caught in the terrain only to end up back at the beginning I'd have that one as well, but an extra 100 hp is not enough incentive to make me sweat the issue. I'll give it another go whenever I feel bored but I'm in no hurry.


On my other 15 toons, unless I stumble across it while leveling I don't even bother as the stat increases won't gimp me in end game or PvP.


Don't really care either way if Legacy datacrons are implemented, but saying they should be done on every character is just insane.

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As crappy as this games jumping mechanics are along with the horrible terrain (getting stuck in mid air jumping over a log, rock, pipe, etc always makes me laugh), they should have removed the stats from datacrons a long time ago.


Then they could make the whole idiotic time wasting datacron jump-a-thon a special legacy wide side game to collect codex entries and earn titles and mounts.


But a non stat mini game isn't what the people in this thread want.


No they want more free stats for all their characters without having to do anything on that character, just like they want free gear for all their character simply by playing one character by using legacy gear to move mods around (and full disclosure, I use legacy gear as well, yet I still find it one of the most idiotic things that I can play one character in an Operaiton, roll need on bound armor, and be able to move the mods containing the stats from the bound armor to a character that may never set foot in the content).

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