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Time to brainstorm some questions

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You're totally right about the Power shot damage, I was looking at the wrong numbers when I posted. My fault there, shoulda been paying more attention.


If people are leaving you alone then no the change wouldn't help a whole lot. However I think for Mercs that constantly get pressured by melee, which is more often than not the case, being able to move at the same time as casting power shot would help. One of the best things about the PT version in my opinion is the kiting capability, and Merc lacks it because of having to stop to get their necessary procs. Having power shot as being able to be cast while moving was one of the first ideas to help in that area that came to mind.

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If the Curtain of Fire ICD was returned to 6s, how much of an increase in DPS do you think that would result in? I am thinking if we can think of something that ups the longterm DPS by ~200 to put Gunny in the 3.7-3.8k DPS range would make it a competitive choice.


Making CoF proc 30% alacrity for Full Auto would definitely be a DPS increase, and would also be another good QoL change for PvP. Say that this alacrity proc is added to CoF, would the ICD need to stay 8s or could it go back to 6s?


Couple ideas:

- add Grav Round to Deadly Cannon (already mentioned by someone I think)

- change Charged Launcher to 3/6/9% damage increase.

- add Hammershots to Deadly Cannon and/or Charged Launcher


Would making HIB free again result in a slight DPS increase as well??

Grav Round got hit by multiple nerfs long ago. I dont think they will risk bringing back the Grav Spamming again, so a buff to GR should be really unlikely.


6 seconds ICD on CoF wont be happening either. Rotations would be primitive without any challenge whatsoever. They wont do that and 2.7 shows it.


CoF proccing 30% alacrity for Full Auto would screw our ammo managemet since Cell Charger isnt affected by alacrity. Not attractive.


A straight buff of Charged Launcher might be look bland, but its a far better way to go. Buffing Hammershots by linking it to Deadly Canon is a stupid way to go IMO. I dont want to use auto attack fillers in my rotations in the first place.


As said, i'm for the simple HiB free again solution. Its a nice qol improvement for ammo management and itll add no more than a hundred dps in an acutal encounter.

That would be a good spot IMO. The sad truth is, Gunnery will never be equal to the top damage specs outthere. Devs are incapable to understand that heavy armor, offheals and medicore uitilities is irrelevant when you're hitting enrage.

Edited by AMightyKnight
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ER is already used as a mass slow in the Assault tree via two talents.


No its not.


ER applies the Plasma Cell dot to the primary target only

ER can only apply Plasma Cell once every 6s

The slow applied is 30% for 2s


The slows from Assault Commando are utter trash and so is ER in general even if talented. It always had a niche as interrupt but it's never been anything more than that.

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You're totally right about the Power shot damage, I was looking at the wrong numbers when I posted. My fault there, shoulda been paying more attention.


If people are leaving you alone then no the change wouldn't help a whole lot. However I think for Mercs that constantly get pressured by melee, which is more often than not the case, being able to move at the same time as casting power shot would help. One of the best things about the PT version in my opinion is the kiting capability, and Merc lacks it because of having to stop to get their necessary procs. Having power shot as being able to be cast while moving was one of the first ideas to help in that area that came to mind.


You are totally right regarding the comparisons between PT and merc. PT is better in kitting melee, and can not be pressured. In fact, it is one of the few spec that output is only impacted by CC or death. Merc/commando, at 30 meter range, will never have that capability. I do not play pyro merc much (I created mine to play arsenal exclusively considering I do not PvE and have a PT already), but I see very little reason to play merc pyro over PT pyro in PvP. I do not think the changes in 2.7 help pyro mercs/assault commandos much. Arsenal/gunnery on the other hand benefit significantly from these changes. The burst and the armor penetration give them a strong niche.


The question will these be enough to bring them in ranked PvP. It is hard to tell. The 30% push back removal had much stronger impact than I though. Removing it completely from all rotational skills, plus 12 sec interrupt immunity and 2 instants every 45 sec are huge improvements. I am optimistic about arsenal/gunnery having presence in competitive PvP. Can't say the same about pyro.

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Grav Round got hit by multiple nerfs long ago. I dont think they will risk bringing back the Grav Spamming again, so a buff to GR should be really unlikely.


6 seconds ICD on CoF wont be happening either. Rotations would be primitive without any challenge whatsoever. They wont do that and 2.7 shows it.


CoF proccing 30% alacrity for Full Auto would screw our ammo managemet since Cell Charger isnt affected by alacrity. Not attractive.


A straight buff of Charged Launcher might be look bland, but its a far better way to go. Buffing Hammershots by linking it to Deadly Canon is a stupid way to go IMO. I dont want to use auto attack fillers in my rotations in the first place.


As said, i'm for the simple HiB free again solution. Its a nice qol improvement for ammo management and itll add no more than a hundred dps in an acutal encounter.

That would be a good spot IMO. The sad truth is, Gunnery will never be equal to the top damage specs outthere. Devs are incapable to understand that heavy armor, offheals and medicore uitilities is irrelevant when you're hitting enrage.


-It would only be the crit multiplier of Grav that would go up. This wouldn't impact burst as much as buffing say HiB and given crit rates in PVP it wouldn't even be that much of a damage increase, but combined with the PVE set bonus it WOULD be powerful. Then just have bolster crack down on non PVP set bonuses and we're fine.


-6 seconds vs 8 seconds for an ICD doesn't change the challenge at all. Like whatsoever. Personally though I would split the difference and make it a 7 second ICD. 8 seconds, given the lack of synch with GCDs isn't really long enough.


-Since alacrity increases ammo regen, so FA would remain ammo neutral if that's how it was calculated. Alternatively have CoF also lower the cost of FA while it lowers the channel. 2.1 seconds would also make it line up much better with the ICD. This also just has the base effect of making FA a higher DPS ability, which I quite like. Ammo concerns are irrelevant since ammo management needs to be addressed regardless.


-There is nothing which says a buff to Cell Charger is mutually exclusive with any of the other proposed buffs. It could also be straight up changed to a regen boost. Turn it to +1.4 ammo per second regen and be done with it (that would actually constitute a slight buff to the talent since currently it's 1.33... ammo per second extra except we annoyingly get it all in one chunk.)


-Deciding that Gunnery will never be among the top parsers is defeatist talk. Might as well ask for everything reasonable we can think of in the hopes that they'll do even one of those things. Besides right now Gunnery Commando is the only ranged burst spec in the game that even has to think about ammo. SS Slingers are constantly trying to find extra things to spend their excess energy on. TK sages gave up on that awhile ago, they simply have infinite force.

Edited by ArchangelLBC
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You are totally right regarding the comparisons between PT and merc. PT is better in kitting melee, and can not be pressured. In fact, it is one of the few spec that output is only impacted by CC or death. Merc/commando, at 30 meter range, will never have that capability. I do not play pyro merc much (I created mine to play arsenal exclusively considering I do not PvE and have a PT already), but I see very little reason to play merc pyro over PT pyro in PvP. I do not think the changes in 2.7 help pyro mercs/assault commandos much. Arsenal/gunnery on the other hand benefit significantly from these changes. The burst and the armor penetration give them a strong niche.


The question will these be enough to bring them in ranked PvP. It is hard to tell. The 30% push back removal had much stronger impact than I though. Removing it completely from all rotational skills, plus 12 sec interrupt immunity and 2 instants every 45 sec are huge improvements. I am optimistic about arsenal/gunnery having presence in competitive PvP. Can't say the same about pyro.


I like both specs and am curious as to how arsenal will play out in 2.7 myself. I haven't played it myself on PTS yet as I can never get a que pop when I get on.

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How about... Why the hell can't grav round/tracer missile be instant cast? It seems unnecessarily punishing to force us to have to stand still to cast an ability whose cast time is the same as the gcd. If we are going to be the lowest performing ranged dps class, it should be because we don't suffer the same penalty as a turret class... Which is lack of mobility.
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So If I understand right all Merc/Commando discussion is happening here. I play Merc Bodyguard(heals). I'm not all the way though reading out the whole thread yet but so far I've noticed something.


That there are 2 significant issues that apply only to Commando.


The offhand > cell proc issue




The ammo counter issue.


I'll address the second first. If Commandos truly believe they need a counter then I agree they should get it. However as the mechanics of Merc heat does not scale visually the same I must Down Vote this for the official questions list, as it's somewhat a "Waste" of a question. I assume better questions can be asked, Sorry.


As for the OH again this is a Commando only subject, however it's a big problem if what people are saying is true. I feel it defiantly needs to be addressed however again must the limited supply of questions Bias only one side of the AC mirror. I would say I abstain from any voting on this question for my own self.


Please dear Commandos, know I mean all the respect to you in my words.

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How about... Why the hell can't grav round/tracer missile be instant cast? It seems unnecessarily punishing to force us to have to stand still to cast an ability whose cast time is the same as the gcd. If we are going to be the lowest performing ranged dps class, it should be because we don't suffer the same penalty as a turret class... Which is lack of mobility.


Having to cast is one of the trade-offs to having 30m range.

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Well both of what you said are bugs so not really question material. I've already had the offhand yellow text'd in the bug forum and I really do not feel inclined to make a post to ask for text on my ammo bar.


Ideally someone who cares about that should do it, I'm good with it as is.


Having to cast is one of the trade-offs to having 30m range.


Penalties and advantages of ranged vary between ranged. I'd say commando gets a fairly short straw when it comes to being able to keep its ranged advantage.


But back on track.


A bundle question on assault for pvp, (interrupts, cleansing, utility, trash secondary talents since game release) seems solid enough.


I'm wanting to know where our anti-burst button is. I quoted a yellow text reference to all classes having one and yet I'm really not seeing it in AR if that's meant to be it. In arenas commandos are pretty high on the list of who to target because the pvp world is well aware there is no [**** you I can't die] cooldown for a commando so it's always a safe bet to damage them.

Edited by Gyronamics
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PVE - Gunnery does significantly less sustained damage in PvE, and its utility over assault (armor debuff) is provided by favourites like Guardian Tanks (and now DPS as well), as well as Gunslingers.



[sniper}Putting on my Sniper alterego for a second. Your armor debuff is a huge QOL for me, It sames me a GCD and some energy, It makes Mercs in my mind an asset in group formation. [/sniper]



PvP - Combat Medic is still heavily prone to Interrupts, and while the unlimited trauma probe targets and 1 minute Tech Override help, People still are preferring scoundrel healers despite the nerfs to emergency medpack. Are there any more plans to help the Combat Medic spec in PvE, through reducing time standing still to cast things and/or improving interrupt resistance available to the spec?


This leads me to my idea/question, I'm a little hesitant asking it as it constitutes a buff but here goes.


In light of the current proposed changes Operative/Scoundrel are being transformed to Weak Burst healers, Leaving Commando/Merc an opportunity to take their rightful place as Burst healers. However we already are stronger burst heals yet still fail to receive desirability. Would you consider granting us a buff in our healing trees that grant 100% crit chance to Rapid Scan when Power Surge is used, a-la Sniper Laze Target.


This is really the only idea I have to offer to the class(es) I only run Heals and despite Quoting "PvP" I mainly heal PvE and would see my buff have value there too. In light of all the resentment being seen between PvPers and PvEers with recent changes already in game on many classes. Any change supported by both parties is important and deserves attention.

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Having to cast is one of the trade-offs to having 30m range.


Which would be totally fine if we weren't the squishiest ranged class that also does the least amount of damage. If that is going to remain the case, we should get increased mobility... With the incoming sorc/sage survivability buff, we will be even squishier (comparatively speaking). And we would still need to remain stationary for things like unload channels, death from above and fusion missile. The fact is that grav round/tracer missile is the foundation of the spec, but using it forces us to be sitting ducks. Making it instant cast would have no effect at all in damage output in PvE, but would drastically improve our survivability in pvp without having to tinker with any talents.

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No its not.


ER applies the Plasma Cell dot to the primary target only

ER can only apply Plasma Cell once every 6s

The slow applied is 30% for 2s


The slows from Assault Commando are utter trash and so is ER in general even if talented. It always had a niche as interrupt but it's never been anything more than that.

My apologies, then this should be integrated immediately as it would be a brilliant use of the ability in WZs. I just assumed this mirrored the VG/PT talent (it would also help their AoE rotation a lot).

Edited by DaftVaduhhh
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Commando is not the squishiest Ranged class. Sorc/Sage is.


A huge mistake I see often with PvP balance is to use Solo Ranked as an example of something. Yeah, in the yolo queue Merc/Mando is usually the first target and they usually die very fast and w/out putting up much of a fight under focus. But Merc/Mando is also focused first b/c people know if you let them free-cast even a bad one is going to put the hurt on your team.


But yolo is completely random in its group class and skill composition.


In a real team environment, where you are with a tank and a healer, Commando is fine. Harder to play, yes. But you can definitely do it. I do not want to see Solo Ranked become some kind of measuring stick for class balance; it is the worst possible environment to base balance off of.

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Well both of what you said are bugs so not really question material. I've already had the offhand yellow text'd in the bug forum and I really do not feel inclined to make a post to ask for text on my ammo bar.


Ideally someone who cares about that should do it, I'm good with it as is.




Penalties and advantages of ranged vary between ranged. I'd say commando gets a fairly short straw when it comes to being able to keep its ranged advantage.


But back on track.


A bundle question on assault for pvp, (interrupts, cleansing, utility, trash secondary talents since game release) seems solid enough.


I'm wanting to know where our anti-burst button is. I quoted a yellow text reference to all classes having one and yet I'm really not seeing it in AR if that's meant to be it. In arenas commandos are pretty high on the list of who to target because the pvp world is well aware there is no [**** you I can't die] cooldown for a commando so it's always a safe bet to damage them.


i completely agree with everything you said ^^BUMP^^^

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Commando is not the squishiest Ranged class. Sorc/Sage is.


A huge mistake I see often with PvP balance is to use Solo Ranked as an example of something. Yeah, in the yolo queue Merc/Mando is usually the first target and they usually die very fast and w/out putting up much of a fight under focus. But Merc/Mando is also focused first b/c people know if you let them free-cast even a bad one is going to put the hurt on your team.


But yolo is completely random in its group class and skill composition.


In a real team environment, where you are with a tank and a healer, Commando is fine. Harder to play, yes. But you can definitely do it. I do not want to see Solo Ranked become some kind of measuring stick for class balance; it is the worst possible environment to base balance off of.


Sorc/sage is not squishier than merc/mando.


And if I read this correctly, you are essentially saying you don't give a rats *** about merc/mando that solo queue. What an awesome class rep you are. Thanks for all you have done, but you have no business representing a player base you just admitted to not giving a **** about.

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Well both of what you said are bugs so not really question material. I've already had the offhand yellow text'd in the bug forum and I really do not feel inclined to make a post to ask for text on my ammo bar.


Ideally someone who cares about that should do it, I'm good with it as is.




Penalties and advantages of ranged vary between ranged. I'd say commando gets a fairly short straw when it comes to being able to keep its ranged advantage.


But back on track.


A bundle question on assault for pvp, (interrupts, cleansing, utility, trash secondary talents since game release) seems solid enough.


I'm wanting to know where our anti-burst button is. I quoted a yellow text reference to all classes having one and yet I'm really not seeing it in AR if that's meant to be it. In arenas commandos are pretty high on the list of who to target because the pvp world is well aware there is no [**** you I can't die] cooldown for a commando so it's always a safe bet to damage them.


Here's what irks me about the ammo bar. It was put into the Merc questions at the end because it's not hard to just tack it to the end of a question despite what you and others seem to think about "wasting" a question on it as if anyone is suggesting actually dedicating a full question just to the lack of ammo text. They said that it should be easy to implement and 6 months HALF A BLOODY YEAR they can't manage to implement this simple change. What do you guys think is the point of asking for anything if BW can't implement such a ridiculously easy change as this? It's not a bug because it's simply not in game. I filed a bug report, and I expect it to do all the good of every other bug report I've ever filed.


And I'm still not seeing a good suggestion for the wildcard question. Cash what are the questions looking like atm?


On ranged vs melee, lets face it that we're never gonna not be able to cast. Cast times are the price you pay for a 30m range. That being said, a true disengage would be very nice because I do agree we drew the short straw. No baseline root, no baseline slow (that's reasonably spammable), no serious disengage.

Edited by ArchangelLBC
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Sorc/sage is not squishier than merc/mando.


And if I read this correctly, you are essentially saying you don't give a rats *** about merc/mando that solo queue. What an awesome class rep you are. Thanks for all you have done, but you have no business representing a player base you just admitted to not giving a **** about.


The door is that way ->


I dont waste my time with bad players.

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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The door is that way ->


I dont waste my time with bad players.


whatever chump... you don't waste your time with solo queuers either, apparently. even though they are a part of the player base that you represent and have legitimate issues that you flat out stated you were going to ignore.


let me know when you decide to act like a grown up and actually do the job you applied and were selected for.

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whatever chump... you don't waste your time with solo queuers either, apparently. even though they are a part of the player base that you represent and have legitimate issues that you flat out stated you were going to ignore.


let me know when you decide to act like a grown up and actually do the job you applied and were selected for.


Come back when you understand the mechanics of the game at its highest level. Yolo queue is *not* the highest level, and quite frankly it is a joke that it even exists as a Ranked game type.



What is your Commando/Mercenary's name?

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you were the 6,748,261st person to register on this website. I was the 18,327th. when this game was released, I had been playing it for 8 months already. I forgot more about this game than you will ever know.


you are not representing your community of merc/mando if you ignore solo because you think it is beneath you. I agree with you that it isn't the upper tier of pvp, but you, yourself have flat out stated that merc/mando basically has to be carried, and then you further state that you don't even give a ****. you are a terrible class rep AND IT ISN'T ANY OF YOUR *********** BUSINESS WHAT ANY ONE OF MY CHARACTER'S NAMES ARE.

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Guess what, nobody cares about reg numbers. geez


Balancing for Solo Ranked is like balancing for the level phase or solo pve. Its irrelevant, almost impossible, wastes ressources and creates huge issues concerning the top tier game mode. Cashogy is right on this.

Edited by AMightyKnight
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Guess what, nobody cares about reg numbers. geez


Balancing for Solo Ranked is like balancing for the level phase or solo pve. Its irrelevant, almost impossible, wastes ressources and creates huge issues concerning the top tier game mode. Cashogy is right on this.


you don't pvp. your opinion is irrelevant.


as long as solo ranked is where the majority of ranked happens, it has to be accounted for. 4 random players entering a ranked arena should have an equal chance of success vs. 4 other random players. until we are no longer considered the easiest and fastest kill, we have a problem. the merc/mando class rep refuses to even acknowledge that, and that means he is failing his community... if we are going to remain the lowest performing ranged dps spec, we should get something in exchange for it. the ability to kite and hit while mobile would go a long way towards solving that.

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