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Parsec Timers!

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Can i use timers as notification when my relics have double proc?

If yes,can u help me with settings?


You can use them to detect a proc but an alarm that sounds based on two procs is not possible in the current Parsec.


Unfortunately, Parsec does not support multiple conditions for an alarm. This is something that may be in a future update but for now timers can only be triggered by one condition.

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been using your app for a long time now.

Love it, and timers makes it even better. no longer I have a need for TorAssistant thanks to this addition.


After last update proc notification started to play up, before last one it was working like a charm, since update (mid raid) I had long delays but reading your post above i will check my system clock.


Once again, love your app and I hope you will keep up great work.

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Docmal, I haven't gotten a chance to use your new timers yet, but I've read that there can be some lag (up to 3 seconds) which kind of defeats the purpose for getting maximum uptime on dots. What if parsec could be set up to register keystrokes instead of waiting for the combat log to be updated with ability names? You already have the utility split up to load character profiles for pop outs and such. Using tor assist has been preferential to me so far because I've found it more reliable to the actual timing I need for keeping track of internal cooldowns and dots. The downside of it is that you have to go in and change the timers each time you swap characters, not to mention it hasn't been updated in forever.


I think you could go a long way towards improving dot uptime if you captured the hotkey the ability you want to track is using and saving those hotkey settings for each character (though changing specs might pose a problem, perhaps profiles within each character could be stored and chosen from a drop down menu). It might make some ICD's harder to track, for example Pyro spec relies on when you get your PPA proc, not when you use railshot, but 4 GCDs isn't that hard to keep up with during a fight. The changes to Arsenal might make their barrage proc a little more hairy to keep up with, though. Just spitballing my thoughts here, do with them what you will. If bioware would just give us customizable buff/debuff bars like they said they would before Peckinpaugh left, we wouldn't even need this feature.

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Docmal, I haven't gotten a chance to use your new timers yet, but I've read that there can be some lag (up to 3 seconds) which kind of defeats the purpose for getting maximum uptime on dots. What if parsec could be set up to register keystrokes instead of waiting for the combat log to be updated with ability names? You already have the utility split up to load character profiles for pop outs and such. Using tor assist has been preferential to me so far because I've found it more reliable to the actual timing I need for keeping track of internal cooldowns and dots. The downside of it is that you have to go in and change the timers each time you swap characters, not to mention it hasn't been updated in forever.


I think you could go a long way towards improving dot uptime if you captured the hotkey the ability you want to track is using and saving those hotkey settings for each character (though changing specs might pose a problem, perhaps profiles within each character could be stored and chosen from a drop down menu). It might make some ICD's harder to track, for example Pyro spec relies on when you get your PPA proc, not when you use railshot, but 4 GCDs isn't that hard to keep up with during a fight. The changes to Arsenal might make their barrage proc a little more hairy to keep up with, though. Just spitballing my thoughts here, do with them what you will. If bioware would just give us customizable buff/debuff bars like they said they would before Peckinpaugh left, we wouldn't even need this feature.


First I will address the so called "lag" issue...


Assuming your computer clock is synced with an internet time server, a Parsec Timer with a duration greater than 3 seconds should not experience any "lag". For example, Vital Shot has a 15 second duration if not specd into the longer version. You would set your timer to have a duration of 15 seconds and since the duration is longer than 3 seconds you will not have lag.


Where you will see lag is when you are using durations less than 3 seconds. Such as when something procs or you lose an effect. In both of these examples you would use a duration of 0 on your timer so you would be notified as soon as possible. However, since the log is written by SWTOR every 3 seconds you run the risk of being notified UP TO 3 seconds late.


Ok now that we have that understood I will address the suggestion to use a key logger...


No. Not even a remote chance. This is against the TOS and you can all rest assured that I will never be implementing any such thing.

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Hey Docmal, this will be request numero 3.


Is there any way in the world you can make the threat tab a little bit more comprehensive? (like the damage/heals)


It would be really really nice to see the average threat production from each attack sorted already instead of manually running through them.


Also I really like the timer idea and implementation, would be kinda cool to have a small pop-out (with toggle ofc) that shows the countdown on each timer so we don't have to listen for the stimuli (or using it in tandem).

Edited by DuEldrvarya
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Hey Docmal, this will be request numero 3.


Is there any way in the world you can make the threat tab a little bit more comprehensive? (like the damage/heals)


It would be really really nice to see the average threat production from each attack sorted already instead of manually running through them.


Also I really like the timer idea and implementation, would be kinda cool to have a small pop-out (with toggle ofc) that shows the countdown on each timer so we don't have to listen for the stimuli (or using it in tandem).


I have been toying with ideas to make the threat tab more useful so I will take a look. As for your second request, the timers pop out with count downs already exists :)

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First I will address the so called "lag" issue...


Assuming your computer clock is synced with an internet time server, a Parsec Timer with a duration greater than 3 seconds should not experience any "lag". For example, Vital Shot has a 15 second duration if not specd into the longer version. You would set your timer to have a duration of 15 seconds and since the duration is longer than 3 seconds you will not have lag.


Where you will see lag is when you are using durations less than 3 seconds. Such as when something procs or you lose an effect. In both of these examples you would use a duration of 0 on your timer so you would be notified as soon as possible. However, since the log is written by SWTOR every 3 seconds you run the risk of being notified UP TO 3 seconds late.


Ok now that we have that understood I will address the suggestion to use a key logger...


No. Not even a remote chance. This is against the TOS and you can all rest assured that I will never be implementing any such thing.


Thanks for the explanation, I didn't realize it was against the ToS, but your post makes much more sense now! Carry on :)

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I have been toying with ideas to make the threat tab more useful so I will take a look. As for your second request, the timers pop out with count downs already exists :)


As a tank and raid leader the ability to see each raid members' threat on a per target basis (preferably removed from pop-out/given some mark on tab when killed) would be invaluable.

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Is there a way to import timers? I have 8 55s and 8 other alts with different specs and setting all that up would take forever!


Something along these lines is on my list. However in the mean time I have tried to make it easy on those of us with lots of alts. One cool feature is the clone button. This button copies the current timer , then all you need to do is change the name and ability.

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Great update really loving these timers! Small problem though, I have Kinetic Ward set to ring off a sound at 20 seconds. Everyday I have logged in I have had to adjust the timer by +1/-1. With a max adjustment of +3, up to 23 seconds. I have my internet time set and have even been updating that daily.


Not really sure what would cause parsec to be off by +1/-1 second everyday? My latency is around 50-70ms on average.

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The time stamps reported in the log are swtor server time. Two things can cause timers appearing to be off like this:


1) SWTOR server clock and your computer clock are not in sync. It is not possible to sync directly with swtor server clock so the best we can do is sync with an internet time server and hope that swtors clocks are synced regularly also.


2) SWTOR game lag. It is possible that the game may be delaying the visual notifications of buffs because of server server lag or game video lag.


Unfortunately both of these cases are outside the control of parsec and all we can try to do is mitigate them.

Edited by Docmal
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Hello, and thanks for the new features.


I love the timers.


I read the documentation on CodePlex, and I couldn't find any mention of where the timers definitions are saved.


If I want to reinstall my PC, or copy my timers to another computer, what file(s) should I backup ?

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Hello, and thanks for the new features.


I love the timers.


I read the documentation on CodePlex, and I couldn't find any mention of where the timers definitions are saved.


If I want to reinstall my PC, or copy my timers to another computer, what file(s) should I backup ?


Yeah, I need to get a tutorial on backing up data put on the site. Anyway, here is a quick run down:

1) Open Parsec

2) Click File > About Parsec

3) Click the Data Folder


This folder contains your Parsec data.

CharacterSettings.xml contains each characters settings

raid_combat .txt files are archived raid data

TimerDefinitions.xml contains all of your timer definitions


You can copy this data and store it as a backup. Then after you reinstall Parsec you can simply open the folder via the same 3 steps above, copy the data in and then restart Parsec.

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  • 3 months later...

Love the timers for my vital shots in raids but i'm having a little problem with the timers.

I went and set it to 21 seconds (df slinger) but every time i re open Parsec and use vital shot the timer will be a lower and lower time. The other day i had to set it to 3 seconds on parsec to get the 21 seconds i needed on the timer in game

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Love the timers for my vital shots in raids but i'm having a little problem with the timers.

I went and set it to 21 seconds (df slinger) but every time i re open Parsec and use vital shot the timer will be a lower and lower time. The other day i had to set it to 3 seconds on parsec to get the 21 seconds i needed on the timer in game


Make sure you have the latest version of Parsec ( It has logic in it to automatically sync Parsec time to an international Time Sync Server. If you do not see any errors about Time Servers when you start parsec you should be synced. You can double check by going to File > Settings > Time Sync. Then check Time Status. The last number in the status is the number of milliseconds your clock is off from International time.


If all this checks out and you still have problems contact me via support @ parsecparser.com and maybe I can help.

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I had the same problem as above, but now the program won't even start, it just closes with the message: "Error Starting Parsec: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."


Do you have the latest version of Parsec?


If so send your error log to support@parsecparser.com and I will see what I can do. Find your error log by clicking here


Also provide as much information about your system as you can, such as OS version, what time zone you are in, etc.

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