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Biggest problem with the 2xp debacle


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Unless it has been changed, rested XP caps at +1 level, so you'd burn through it in very little time anyway, basically within 2 to 2.5 levels.


Yes, but normally I only run KDY once per day per character (at most).

This is why it is so dissapointing that it isn't working properly now since I was counting on getting that double xp all the time instead of just once per day.

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The better analogy is that the team star got the flu and couldn't play that day, and the team ended up losing and not making the playoffs. You still got to watch the game. You might not have gotten everything out of it that you expected, but it isn't like the servers are all offline. If you really wanted to level your toons, rather than "watching TV and being bored", you could still do that.


No, not for me, not in my situation.

Go back and look at my posts and you'll see that I can only level my alts using KDY or GSF/PvP (both of which are out of the question).

So for me it would be like the entire team didn't show up.

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Bioware hasn't said that.


As I mentioned earlier, the conversations among the people empowered to make apologies and decisions about future 2xp weekends won't even begin until Monday at the earliest. Complaining that they aren't doing anything to make up for the problem less than 24 hours after they confirmed it was a bug, and on a Saturday, is just throwing a senseless tantrum.


Should they fix the bug? Yes. Should there be another 2xp weekend once those bugs are fixed? Yes. Probably starting either 3/28 or 4/18. But why can't we give Bioware a chance to actually reach these conclusions and respond before flipping out?


I agree with this.

But most of the shouting on the forums is between the ones that are upset because this happend and the ones that brush it off and say "so what? get over it." as if we are just supposed to accept it and not complain.

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Lack of them caring.


Personally when I heard of the 2x weekend coming in March I re-activated my sub last month...So I could create the alts I wanted to play during the 2x weekend...buy some unlocks with credits...grind out dailies and whatnot to make the money in game to do so.


All in preperation for 2x weekend.


Then it get's here...great! But wait....KDY isn't working. regular FPs aren't giving XP at all on kills..bonus missions aren't...and who knows what else.


Fine..Bugs happen. I can forgive that.


What I can't forgive is what's-his-face coming in and saying "We're looking into it" then coming back and saying "Yah we found it but we're not fixing it...thanks for understanding"


understanding what exactly? That you're not going to bother fixing pretty darn big ways of gaining XP that MANY planned on doing for the weekend?


Ok...fine..again bugs happen...


The gall, and problem though..is...NO APOLOGY...NO "we'll discuss making it right"....NO "sorry for the inconvenience"...........NOTHING...just.."thanks for understanding"


Frankly I wouldn't have spent $30 (2mo sub) and the time to prep my toons for this weekend had I known. ANd I wouldn't mind this weekend being Borked if they actually showed some sign of CARING..something besides "not gonna fix...thanks for understanding"


They screw up and can't even give some kind of "sorry for the inconvenience"...they just thank us for understanding they don't want to fix it this weekend....


That's a bunch of BS.


I'll wait till Monday/Tuesday to see what they say about it and if they're going to actually apologize or offer another weekend, bug free, to make up for it.


If not, I may only be one person, but this will be the LAST time EAWare get any of my money for this abortion of a game and it's getting uninstalled......and I still have WoW on my machine, "just in case", and I haven't played it in 2-3 years...But SWTOR will have earned a complete removal if BioWare can't even apologize for screwing this up.


(and Icebergy you're free to post what you wish..as I'm sure you will being your a bigger troll than any of us who are complaining...but I for one will not be reading your posts....so have at it my friend)


I might get in trouble for this but frankly I do not care. All I see im this post is "QQ BioWare isnt fixing things that I want them to fix so Im going to complain about it on the forums." This type of post tells me one important thing about the OP and that is he believes that the game should revolve around him and now one else matters. To the OP I say this: BioWare SWTOR Developers doesnt come to your place of work and tell you how to do your job so please give them the same respect and not tell them how to do theirs. Our Jobs as players is to report the cheaters, gold farmers, illegal gold website spammers, and the game breaking bugs. That is the only things we as players need to do outside of that we have nothing else to tell the developers.

Edited by krisagi
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I might get in trouble for this but frankly I do not care. All I see im this post is "QQ BioWare isnt fixing things that I want them to fix so Im going to complain about it on the forums." This type of post tells me one important thing about the OP and that is he believes that the game should revolve around him and now one else matters. To the OP I say this: BioWare SWTOR Developers doesnt come to your place of work and tell you how to do your job so please give them the same respect and not tell them how to do theirs. Our Jobs as players is to report the cheaters, gold farmers, illegal gold website spammers, and the game breaking bugs. That is the only things we as players need to do outside of that we have nothing else to tell the developers.


Well you're absolutely wrong about that. Good try though.

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Regular flashpoints do give double xp properly. Unless you're grouped with someone 5+ levels above the minimum for the flashpoint, then no one gets xp for mob kills. You need to watch the level spread on the group finder when it pops and not accept if there's anyone 5+ above the minimum of the FP you want to run. This xp bug has been around for months and has nothing to do with the double xp weekend. You can find complaints about it in the Bug Reports sub forum.


The KDY double xp bug is just flat out annoying and that's about all I'm going to said on that.

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Regular flashpoints do give double xp properly. Unless you're grouped with someone 5+ levels above the minimum for the flashpoint, then no one gets xp for mob kills. You need to watch the level spread on the group finder when it pops and not accept if there's anyone 5+ above the minimum of the FP you want to run. This xp bug has been around for months and has nothing to do with the double xp weekend. You can find complaints about it in the Bug Reports sub forum.


The KDY double xp bug is just flat out annoying and that's about all I'm going to said on that.


Quests goes from green to gray at 6+ levels... if mobs stop giving XP earlier we have another bug.

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Ive gained 25 lvls on a sniper and 12 on a mara(40 now) in 2 days. Its a complete "debacle". lol And Im about to log on for more now. Mostly doing KDY and gaining nearly a lvl and a half per run. What has the world come to.



Edited by Smuglebunny
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This is why whey these events come out X2 exp should be an item mailed to your in-game mail box on every character so " IF " they are busy or in another counrty and cant take advantage of the full 72hrs we can log in pop it on our alts and for the duration of 72 hrs we use up X2 exp.


^this is the argument that needs to be made here. If it was a redeemable item id just log off until the bug was fixed and then use my 72hr X2 exp. Problem solved.

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I might get in trouble for this but frankly I do not care. All I see im this post is "QQ BioWare isnt fixing things that I want them to fix so Im going to complain about it on the forums." This type of post tells me one important thing about the OP and that is he believes that the game should revolve around him and now one else matters. To the OP I say this: BioWare SWTOR Developers doesnt come to your place of work and tell you how to do your job so please give them the same respect and not tell them how to do theirs. Our Jobs as players is to report the cheaters, gold farmers, illegal gold website spammers, and the game breaking bugs. That is the only things we as players need to do outside of that we have nothing else to tell the developers.


Wow seriously? Yes I am sure if I messed up on the service I am providing a Bioware employee if they paid for said service from me that they would indeed complain. Doesn't matter if the service was an extra or not. I've done work in water treatment which included a lot of tasks but the most common was installing reverse-osmosis systems or filtration systems. We offered a service when we installed a system that we would provide the initial filters/carbon, etc free of charge. If there was an issue with that free service even if a minor one that really meant nothing that we got hassled about it.


And our duty as players is to keep them in line. This is their game and we PAY for them to keep it going and to improve it. This is a service quite a few people pay for, for others can enjoy for free. Do not assume they provide this free game at all expense from themselves for everyone to play. There are people like me who drop an easy 100$ each month into SWTOR. We support this game and as said before, those who play for free.


If the service I pay for acts up. I have all right to complain. I may be understanding but I can still say "You messed up. Fix it." Also our job is only to do those simple tasks? Incorrect once more, our feedback is required to maintain this game. The devs have an idea, or a painting, we are the critiques that flesh it out or touch it up. They would not know what to nerf, buff or fix in any manner of bugs if players did not complain about it. Even in the case they knew about something then launched it (without offering an immediate/within an hour hotfix like nearly every other mmo provider even in the f2p market?) they would not get it done without the push from the players as it would just be acceptable to push it back or put it off.


Do you know the excuse as to why car companies charge Canadians a fortune more on cars than Americans? There have actually been dealers that admitted it is simply because Canadians will not complain about it.

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Do you know the excuse as to why car companies charge Canadians a fortune more on cars than Americans? There have actually been dealers that admitted it is simply because Canadians will not complain about it.

Don't equate bad negotiation skills with insufficient complaining.

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Lack of them caring.


Personally when I heard of the 2x weekend coming in March I re-activated my sub last month...So I could create the alts I wanted to play during the 2x weekend...buy some unlocks with credits...grind out dailies and whatnot to make the money in game to do so.


All in preperation for 2x weekend.


Then it get's here...great! But wait....KDY isn't working. regular FPs aren't giving XP at all on kills..bonus missions aren't...and who knows what else.


Fine..Bugs happen. I can forgive that.


What I can't forgive is what's-his-face coming in and saying "We're looking into it" then coming back and saying "Yah we found it but we're not fixing it...thanks for understanding"


understanding what exactly? That you're not going to bother fixing pretty darn big ways of gaining XP that MANY planned on doing for the weekend?


Ok...fine..again bugs happen...


The gall, and problem though..is...NO APOLOGY...NO "we'll discuss making it right"....NO "sorry for the inconvenience"...........NOTHING...just.."thanks for understanding"


Frankly I wouldn't have spent $30 (2mo sub) and the time to prep my toons for this weekend had I known. ANd I wouldn't mind this weekend being Borked if they actually showed some sign of CARING..something besides "not gonna fix...thanks for understanding"


They screw up and can't even give some kind of "sorry for the inconvenience"...they just thank us for understanding they don't want to fix it this weekend....


yep pretty hard to level

That's a bunch of BS.


I'll wait till Monday/Tuesday to see what they say about it and if they're going to actually apologize or offer another weekend, bug free, to make up for it.


If not, I may only be one person, but this will be the LAST time EAWare get any of my money for this abortion of a game and it's getting uninstalled......and I still have WoW on my machine, "just in case", and I haven't played it in 2-3 years...But SWTOR will have earned a complete removal if BioWare can't even apologize for screwing this up.


(and Icebergy you're free to post what you wish..as I'm sure you will being your a bigger troll than any of us who are complaining...but I for one will not be reading your posts....so have at it my friend)


yep pretty hard to level doing KDY oh wait level 14 to 40 in a week end that was rough just from running KDY. so i for one would like to thank the devs

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double exp did not work as everyone had hoped.


Bioware was fully aware that many players planned and purchased boosts to use in KDY to level fast.


A company with good customer service would deal with the issue with more than "thanks for understanding".


It is the players choice if they do something about it or if the issue really is not that important and keep playing.


yep pretty hard to level doing KDY oh wait level 14 to 40 in a week end that was rough just from running KDY. so i for one would like to thank the devs


I've done that with a normal weekend in KDY. You should have easily hit 55 if you received double exp on mob kills.

Edited by illgot
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Lol! WTH? This thread is a joke.


Double xp just ended. It got me 23 levels easy and I didn't play 24/7. And I didn't prepare or plan and I didn't run KDY only. Just ran quests, flashpoints, and some KDY...


I don't need an apology. Lol!

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Don't equate bad negotiation skills with insufficient complaining.


Trust me you will not get a car off the lot for anywhere near the price of the American variation, doesn't matter if you equate the mandatory block heater and the exchange rate along with a few grand for shipping. Negotiate all you want, you will not get it that low and it was covered along with many other things we get gouged with for simply being Canadian and Canadians "Don't complain about it." There words, not mine. It was covered on Marketplace and some other News program I don't bother to recall.

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Lol! WTH? This thread is a joke.


Double xp just ended. It got me 23 levels easy and I didn't play 24/7. And I didn't prepare or plan and I didn't run KDY only. Just ran quests, flashpoints, and some KDY...


I don't need an apology. Lol!


Some people are not happy getting half of what they were looking forward to.

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It was championship weekend for college basketball, so there was plenty of stuff to do. The main toon I was leveling got 10 levels in 9 runs of KDY, so I'm ok with it. Especially with the stacks of major FP XP boosts I got very cheaply on GTN. Those'll help going forward.
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I agree with this.

But most of the shouting on the forums is between the ones that are upset because this happend and the ones that brush it off and say "so what? get over it." as if we are just supposed to accept it and not complain.


Complaining about the mess-up is all well and good and expected and yes, you should do that.


But that's not what the OP did. Treating it like it's the end of the world is a wild overreaction.

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Complaining about the mess-up is all well and good and expected and yes, you should do that.


But that's not what the OP did. Treating it like it's the end of the world is a wild overreaction.


That's what happens when someone plans their life around a game. Sad, really.

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double exp did not work as everyone had hoped.


Bioware was fully aware that many players planned and purchased boosts to use in KDY to level fast.


A company with good customer service would deal with the issue with more than "thanks for understanding".


It is the players choice if they do something about it or if the issue really is not that important and keep playing.




I've done that with a normal weekend in KDY. You should have easily hit 55 if you received double exp on mob kills.


Not really 2 levels each time you run it is not normal by any means

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That's what happens when someone plans their life around a game. Sad, really.


double-standard is hilarious.


Like you or some of the other critics never planned a weekend around going to see a movie you've been looking forward to, or a concert, or some other form of entertainment.


Really, people need to stop being elitist jerks. If something doesn't work as intended/advertised, then those involved in it have a RIGHT to be angry. And just because you weren't angry doesn't make you better than anyone else - just makes you look arrogant and out of touch.

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Not really 2 levels each time you run it is not normal by any means


with double xp, when you factor in bonuses also doubled, it should have been about a level a run. Normal KDY comes out to just shy of half a level a run under normal circumstances.

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Guys, I just want to point out that all of Darth THC's posts are all one note, and you've seen them all.


He/She thinks he/she is better than everyone else, and isn't shy about letting everyone know it, unless it's denying that for the sake of being called out on it.


So folks, now is a good time to remind everyone - don't feed the pompous elitist trolls.


You'll only drive yourself crazy.


I don't just think it, I know it. Come on now, try to get it right.


double-standard is hilarious.


Like you or some of the other critics never planned a weekend around going to see a movie you've been looking forward to, or a concert, or some other form of entertainment.


Really, people need to stop being elitist jerks. If something doesn't work as intended/advertised, then those involved in it have a RIGHT to be angry. And just because you weren't angry doesn't make you better than anyone else - just makes you look arrogant and out of touch.


Of course we plan stuff on weekends. I planned to level alts through KDY all weekend. When I learned that KDY wasn't doubling mob kill experience, I changed my plans and still had a great weekend. Nothing was ruined.


The issue I take with so many posts about this issue is not that they point out the issue, but the extent of the overreaction in the tone of the posts.

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